Sarcastic Sentry Volume 2.4 Issue 8

Purvis Buttree, the Boulder local chapter president of TWAHNOP (Trannies Who Absolutely Have No Other Purpose) filed suit today on behalf of other leftists who feel outraged at what they call a religious overreach and persecution. The church in town has a large cross atop its spire. While they can’t sue to have the church razed, or the cross removed, Purvis is suing because when he eats lunch in the park across the street, the shadow of the cross projects where he eats. It forces him to eat his kale and avocado salad bathed in the darkness cast by the cross. Purvis states that he is ready to take his case all the way to the Ninth Circuit court where he feels he’ll get a fair hearing.

Sound crazy? Only a little far fetched, actually. While this story is fiction, others like it are real.

In Maryland, a deep blue state, some idiots are suing to have a cross removed from a city square. They feel the cross represents a breach of, wait for it, the “wall” separating Church and State. Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association, states that it is “unfair to suggest that a cross could represent all veterans when clearly not all veterans are Christians.”

Inscribed at the base of the monument are four words: Valor, Endurance, Courage and Devotion. There are no written references to God, Christianity or religion. Speckhardt points out the original contributors to the memorial signed a pledge, stating, “With our motto, ‘One God, one Country and one Flag,’ we contribute to this memorial cross commemorating the memory of those who have not died in vain.” Speckhardt and other groups like his want the cross removed or redesigned, such as removing the horizontal arms.

Why not redesign it into the shape of an erect penis? That would probably fit in with their design criteria and not offend them.

If this case is ruled in their favor, it is only a matter of time before they come for the markers at Arlington. After all, they are in the shape of a cross. Except for the Jews. They have a star of David atop their markers. The horror!

Imagine Purvis actually visiting Arlington. Not likely but that doesn’t reduce the legal injury he would say he felt. He would have to go and see all these crosses and stars. If he actually had a relative laid to rest there, he wouldn’t want to see a cross there, even if his relative WAS Christian. He isn’t alive now. The memorial is for us, not the dead Christian. Imagine his shocked face if the shadow of one of these crosses cast across his relative’s plot. Or worse, one of those damn Jew markers casting the shadow of superiority over his uncle!

I’ve said it before but it bears repeating. What happens when one of these insane leftists realizes that the land itself once belonged to Robert E. Lee, a former slave owner? We’d better start looking for a new spot to bury all our honored dead.

I guess we could remove all the markers and just put up blocks of white granite. But then they would complain that some of the buried have preferred locations over others. I’d suggest segregating the Christians from the Jews from the atheists but they ruled against segregation of plots in 1984. Then again, who would get to decide where each sect of people would get reburied?

This is yet again, just another idiot attempting to take a chisel to a sacred fabric of tradition and society. But they are never going to stop. Their own sense of superiority won’t let them.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 2.4, Issue 7

Jussie Smollett, an actor probably already past his money making shelf life decided last month to try to leverage his salary and stardom by elevating his victim status.  Already seeing himself as less than worthy compared to his costars, he decided that a good beat down at the hands of some white Trump-loving supremacists might be the ticket.

So as the story has thus far evolved, Jussie was on his way home from a Subway in Chicago.  It was after 2 in the morning.  He was on foot.  Two men, at least one of them masked  attacked him calling him an “Empire faggot nigger” and commenced a beat down.  (By the way, I use the “n-word” in its context here.  The same as many blacks use it in regular conversation.)  The men tied a rope around his neck and poured a chemical compound on him (now believed to be bleach).  One of them was wearing a MAGA hat, and they proclaimed this (the part of Chicago this happened, one presumes) to be MAGA country.

And there you have it.  A black man, openly gay is set upon by two Trump-loving, presumably white guys, who did a make-shift lynching and chemical burning while also using racist and homophobic language.  It is the perfect fodder for the media cycle.

I waited a long time before speaking out on this.  I had my suspicions, but I let the story unwind and as it turns out, unravel before I pour my own acid on it.

Where to start?  First, someone decides to go to Subway at 2am.  You had nothing in the frig or pantry to eat?  Don’t you have a car?  Why are you on foot, in Chicago, at 2am.  If you don’t have a car, do you not have an assistant at your beck and call to drive you about, tossing rose pedals on your intended path?  No?  How about Uber or Lyft?  Or a cab?  What about Grubhub?  They deliver.  Uber has a food delivery as well.  But no, we’re on foot.

It was bitter cold that night.  I read somewhere it was 12 degrees.  Add in the wind chill factor and we’re zooming in on zero degrees.  This is Chicago County in Illinois.  This was and still is Hillary-land.  She won the vote over Trump 7 to 1.  Yes, Trump got roughly 12% of the vote.  Now, let’s examine some math here.  What are the odds that this happened the way ole’ Jussie swears by?  Mathematically?  1 in 2.  It either happened, or it didn’t.  Statistically?  We’re into winning the lottery land.  What are the odds that:

1:  They knew who he was in that they used the name of his TV show.

2:  They knew he was gay.

3:  Two Trump followers found him at exactly the right time.

4:  They were carrying rope.

5:  They were carrying bleach.

6:  At least one was wearing a MAGA hat.

7:  No camera caught them coming, beating him up, or going.

Similar statistics show that a specific plane on a given flight will go once in 5,371,369 flights.  So, fly the same plane on the same flight, every single day, and it will crash once in 14,716 years.  I don’t even know Biblical figures that ever lived that long.  Maybe these were some of the things that may the Chicago Police go “Hmmmm.”  But Jussie, his lawyers, and the leftist media want you to look only at the mathematical possibilities, and then discount the negative.  Because, Trump.

As the case started to implode, his lawyers came to his immediate defense.  They called doubters liars.

The statement from Smollett’s lawyers, issued late Saturday evening, said, “As a victim of a hate crime who has cooperated with the police investigation, Jussie Smollett is angered and devastated by recent reports that the perpetrators are individuals he is familiar with. He has now been further victimized by claims attributed to these alleged perpetrators that Jussie played a role in his own attack. Nothing is further from the truth and anyone claiming otherwise is lying.”

How shitty of a lawyer do you have to be to wittingly or not go along with this, and then attack those who do not?

Today, he was charged with a felony count of disorderly conduct for falsifying a police report.  His lawyers plan an aggressive defense.  Most of the media have gone silent, deleted their previous tweets about this being a modern day lynching, and some, surprisingly the Tawana Brawley co-conspiraotr Al Sharpton, even stated that if true he needs to punished to the fullest extent of the law.  Welcome to the historical right side of this case, Al.

Not to be outdone, MSNBC had on Zach Stafford, the editor-in-chief of LGBTQ magazine (I’m sure the subscription rate is astronomical) who opined the conspiracy that the attack really happened and that it is the Trump-loving Chicago Police who are framing Jussie for this crime.  Yes, the police can erase critical video footage (probably also stored on the cloud), coerce false testimony from two people seen on video, as well as create false banking records showing payment and receipt of monies for the gig.  The host, Kasie Hunt, allowed this insane theory to go unchallenged.

This is yet another reason why the masses absolutely distrust the mainstream media.  Laura Logan was right partially.  The media doesn’t lean left.  It doesn’t even tilt left.  They are in the bag for the left.  Bias is the main ingredient baked into the cake.  The left, the media, and leftist politicians will say ANYTHING, cover up ANYTHING, do ANYTHING to resist, obstruct, or impeach the President.  And sadly, most of those voting D, both know it and are complicit by allowing it.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 2.4, Issue 6

You aren’t a Conservative either, Meghan.

Meghan McCain, the daughter of the Senate “maverick” John McCain recently exclaimed that she no longer considered herself a Republican.  Because, well, Trump.

“I call myself conservative. I mean, I’m still a member of the Republican Party, and I still vote on the Republican ticket,” McCain said. “I’m not a ‘Never Trumper.’ Trump didn’t melt my brain. I can still see the forest for the trees, and it didn’t expunge all my conservative principles out of me…. Honestly, I’m just trying to survive in a lot of different ways and politically, as well right now.”

Really Meghan?  A conservative?  Sorry.  I’m throwing the bullshit flag, here.

I never hear you espousing for smaller government.  That’s what a Conservative would do; especially one with a mouthpiece as big and loud as yours.  You’re given a platform and a microphone purely on whose daughter you were.  Not from any bona fides you’ve demonstrated.  How about you start pitching a tent for less government in the oversight of our very lives?

I don’t hear any pining from you about people taking responsibility for their own actions.  The easy mantra of the day is about how it is always someone else’s fault.  Someone else is to blame.  Sorry, Buckwheat.  But I didn’t put a gun to your head and make you smoke that joint before you put your infant daughter in the microwave.  Stop pushing off the “my bads” onto society.  But you don’t beat the drum for that either, do you, Megs?

Legal immigration.  I still remember seeing a commercial with dear old Pops.  He was putting on a Border Patrol cap and looking all serious like into the camera.  Like he was against every coyote coming across the river and was going to meet hi personally as he tried to dry off in the Arizona sun.  Yes, he did that a lot around election time.  But he didn’t mean it.  Or your Governor wouldn’t have felt the need to cede miles of the border area to the drug cartel in the name of public safety.  I don’t see you drumming up support to take back our land.

Pot is an illegal gateway drug.  I know certain states have legalized it in some fashion, my own included.  But it is a well-studied, post-doctorate written upon, peer-reviewed fact that pot use leads to psychosis, mental illness and violence.  I never hear you speak out against the legalization and widespread (and growing) use of marijuana.

The Second Amendment is more than just a right.  It is a cornerstone of our foundation.  The presence of the Second Amendment guarantees the continued existence of the First.  If the leftist succeed in taking away our guns (or making ammunition prohibitively expensive, or making magazines illegal), how long before you think the leftists will begin to crack down on some of the speech that already shame people for using?  We don’t need more gun laws.  We need to enforce those already in use.  I never hear you speak out for my right to own whatever type, caliber, design of weapon I could both afford and legally own.

Abortion is killing.  It is murder.  It is ending a life.  Now I will grant you, in some cases one could add the word “mercy” in front of the previously used verbs.  What New York famously recently celebrated and what Virginia nearly passed is pure infanticide.  I always hear the volleyballed phrases used by both groups—pro choice, and pro life.  Only one of these is correct.  My side is pro life.  We advocate for the life of the silent, those that can’t yet speak for themselves.  The other side is not pro choice.  It is pro death.  What they advocate for results in the death of a fetus, or worse, an infant.  How fervent are you, Meghan?  I don’t hear you using your media platform in favor of the unborn.

Freedom of religion.  This issue is multifaceted.  I was raised in a nondenominational Christian church.  My wife is Catholic.  She actively practices her faith while I do not.  (I’m still carrying a 27 year grudge against God.)  But among those who are not the party who say you don’t count yourself a member of, they are against both of these faiths while they ignore those of a particular “Middle Eastern” faith who encourage violence against us.  I don’t know what faith under which you were raised, Meghan, but I’m sure John believed in some higher being while he was enduring torture even as he talked to the enemy.  I bet he took you to worship in the same place.  I don’t hear you defending any religion or slamming that “religion of peace” that calls for the destruction of Israel and all of our slaughter or subjugation.

So, you may not think of yourself as a Republican anymore.  That is your choice.  But you aren’t a Conservative, either.  You’re nothing more than a Never-Trumper.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 2.4, Issue 5

Don’t go off script Tom, the truth will come out.

On Sunday, during an appearance on “Meet the Press,” NBC News’ Tom Brokaw reiterated what he called his long-held belief that “Hispanics should work harder at assimilation.”

He was immediately assailed as a racist.  That’s because the media printed just that one sound bite from the entire paragraph.  Here’s the rest of it:

“That’s one of the things I’ve been saying for a long time. You know, they ought not to be just codified in their communities but make sure that all their kids are learning to speak English, and that they feel comfortable in the communities. And that’s going to take outreach on both sides, frankly.”

…going to take outreach on both sides.  That means everyone has to work a little harder to make it work.

I’ve often wondered why the Hispanic community wasn’t a little angry at the big box retailers like Lowe’s or Home Depot for all of the bilingual signs in their stores.  Why are these only in English and Spanish?  Do they think that Hispanics won’t learn English?  Do they think they can’t?  Do they think they are too lazy to learn it?  Are they just coddling them, as Brokaw suggests?  Are there no Russian or Korean customers in these stores?  Where are the signs in their languages?

In 2015 most Spanish speaking parents spoke Spanish at home to their children.

They study reveals that this ratio is lessening but by the time it diminishes to zero, there will be over 138 million Spanish speakers in the United States.  Do you think they will all just abandon their native tongue?

Brokaw was simply saying what most of the complainers were already thinking.  But because he said it, he gave them all a shot in the arm of their favorite drug—outrage.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 2.4, Issue 4

Connecticut floats a bill to increase the tax on ammunition by fifty percent.  Yes, by half the cost of the box of bullets.  I recently box .45 ammo at Walmart for $15.97 per box of fifty.  That’s basically 32 cents per bullet.  In Connecticut, this same box will cost $23.96 or 48 cents per bullet.

Why would they do this?  Because it is a state run by liberals and leftists.  Guns are bad.  Period.  And like the L&L crowd always tries they tax something they want to stop while subsidizing something they want to continue.  The thing is, Connecticut doesn’t even have glaringly bad gun violence statistics.  They just don’t want an armed citizenry.

How will this work out?  Just look at how the tax on cigarettes has changed smoking habits.  Since 2001 these five states have raised taxes on a pack of cigarettes this much:

Massachusetts:  $3.51

Rhode Island:  $4.25

New York:  $4.35

Connecticut:  $4.35

Washington D.C.:  $4.50

Guess what?  People still smoke in these states.  They either go to another nearby state with lower government seizure efforts taxes, or they simply suck it up.  What will happen with the ammunition tax?  The same thing.  They will just go to the next state over to buy their bullets.  The only thing this will do will lower profits to Connecticut sporting and gun stores.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 2.4, Issue 3

This is the third of a mini series on the Woman of the Socialist Left.

Representative Fresh “person” Ilhan Omar has apologized excused all Muslim acts of terrorism as a reaction to the West, particularly the West because we meddle in the affairs of others.

“When are we gonna decide or realize that terrorism is a reaction?  No one wants to face how the actions of other people that are involved in the world have contributed to the rise of radicalism and the rise of terrorist acts?  They are the byproduct of our involvement in other people’s affairs.”

This is the same woman who recently asked a judge in Minnesota, the Western Mecca, to be lenient on several Muslim boys who tried to join ISIS.

This is the same woman who compared Israel to Iran, and chuckles when she hears Israel described as a democracy.  Ahem.  Arabs living in Israel vote.  They own property.  Not so of any Jew in Arab lands.

Oh, and women aren’t allowed in politics in Arab lands.

This the same woman who recently had to walk back several tweets whereby she suggested that politicians who support Israel are corrupt and being paid by an Israeli political action committee.

This is the same woman whom it appears increasingly likely actually married her own brother in order to assistance his immigration into this country.

This is the same woman who wants the TSA agents furloughed last month to receive all back pay, the an hour later calls for the abolishing of the Department of Homeland Security, which runs TSA.

Ladies and Gentleman. You get the government you deserve.  The leftists in Minnesota voted for her.  Somehow.  They must like what she is saying and what she said she would propose.  You can’t make this shit up.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 2.4, Issue 2

Sorry, Charlie Brown, you can’t say “Nuts” anymore.  Bobby or Suzy will choke.

Yes, the Great American Past Time, baseball, is now under assault from the Social Justice Warriors (SJW).  The Hartford Connecticut Yard Goats, a Class AA team for the Colorado Rockies has announced the permanent banning of peanuts from their concession stands for sale as well as the spectators arriving to watch games.  It seems those with a peanut allergy have executed a squeeze play to make the vast majority of people without this human immunization flaw yield to their frailty.

Team president Tim Restall says that peanut eaters can still eat peanuts at home.  So that makes it all okay.  Little Bobby make go into anaphylactic shock if he even steps on a peanut shell then touches it.

According to the peanut institute ( about 4% of all people have a food allergy of some kind.  OF SOME KIND.  Only about .6 to 1% have an allergy to peanuts.  But the rest of us?  We have to bend to their will.  Some of these parents told Restall that they bring their own cupcakes to birthday parties.  They sit by themselves in school cafeterias.  But his solution is to make all of the other fans of the game do without the “peanuts and cracker jack” that is part of what makes baseball “the game”.

Why not create a small peanut free zone in the park?  I’m sure the whole park is already gun free.  It couldn’t take much to cordon off a section with its own entry and exit, even its own concessionaire to cater to these (based on ratios and percentages) three people.

Do they intend on banning ice cream for the lactose intolerant?  How will they prevent honey bees from entering?  You’ve probably been somewhere that you’ve seen them buzzing around a spilled sugary drink or a trashcan.  That’s the same anaphylactic shock.  What about Muslim sensibilities?  They have an aversion to pork.  What if they smelled one in the grubby infidel hands of the spectator next to them?  Ban hotdogs!  What about those that observe the Shabbat? Are they going to stop playing games on Friday night?  Oh, wait.  Those people are Jews.  They get no special considerations.

I tell you this.  The first time I go to a ball park and can’t buy or eat peanuts, it’ll be my last baseball game ever.

Sarcastic Sentry V2.4, Issue 1

Eventually it becomes my turn.

I said in a recent blog, (Muslim Hypersensitivity), that if you wake up in the morning and set out to find something that you deem offensive, chances are you will find it.  I ran into the Millennial Generation version of that just last night.

My wife and I stopped in at Two22, a local brewery/bar.  We hadn’t been there in quite some time, but they’d recently sent me an email coupon good for a free beer. We stopped in, did the expected “where have you been” stares with the server behind the bar and saddled up by two empty seats.  There was a couple on the right side of the seats, and a female on the left.  Without any surprise I saw that she was flipping threw her phone like some gay French King (exaggerated swiping motions).  I walked up, slid the chair out a little to gain entry, and said my customary ice-breaker line that I’ve used countless times when you invade the empty space they may have been accustomed to seconds before.

“You’re not gonna be a problem, are you?”

It’s a joke.  We’re in a bar.  Sometimes people drink too much in bars.  Then they become overly (anything).  But their response usually gives an indication to their mood and level of intoxication.  I used it just last week and another bar.  They guy, without missing a beat, replied, “Now, or later?”  Very witty.  He got it.  And he wasn’t a problem then or later.

The woman was young, probably in the lower half of her mid-twenties.  She had long, straight brown hair pulled back into a horse tail looking mass.  She was wearing modest clothes, and had on brown framed glasses that dominated what you saw looking at her face.  To pare it down to a single word, I would call her “frumpy”.  Her response was a curt “No”.

We sat down, started sampling small tasters of the beers they’d recently released.  I never gave the girl another thought nor said anything more to her. After a few sips, I noticed she wasn’t there anymore and thought she had left.

Probably 20-30 minutes later, it wasn’t long as I had just finished my first beer; she came up behind us and began asking just what exactly I’d meant by that question (if she was going to be a problem).  I told her it was a joke, that I say it all the time when taking a seat.  She stated that she was offended by it, didn’t see the humor at all in it, and wanted an apology.

I knew I had just run into a Millennial high on the latest popular drug “outrage”.  I looked at her and said, “I’m sorry that you feel that way.”  Clearly not the apology that she was looking for, but also as clear that she wasn’t going to get anything more like one.  I turned my back on her.

Beth kept talking, trying to get the girl to see that she was over reacting to nothing.  Beth mentioned that we are from different generations, to which the girl contradicted saying that we were not.  We’re old enough to be her unfortunate parents, so clearly, we are.  Eventually she stated that “This was an issue.”  I turned back to her and said,

“Yes, and it’s your issue.  Now, move along.”

I looked down the bar and saw the server was talking to another couple at the far end of the bar, by the entry door.  The female of that couple was looking right at me, wide-eyed, and making circular motions by her head with her index finger.  The classic, coo coo for cocoa puffs, bat-shit crazy hand signal.

Frumpy returned to what I learned was her new seat by the other couple and was frantically gesturing in our direction.  The server tried to offer her a free drink coupon but she just patted the bar with her palm and stormed out, no doubt feeling justified in finding something to be outraged about.

Caiti, the server, came down to us.  I asked what was said.  Caiti said that Frumpy had complained about what I said, and also that I had “touched her leg”.  There it is, the #metoo sexual assault ingredient.  Caiti said that she explained to Frumpy that we’d been coming there for 5 years, were both retired military, and meant no offense whatsoever.  That Caiti wasn’t going to do anything like throw us out or anything more severe was why she left.

It was for us, a comical end to an otherwise good evening.  But, just in case.  If you ever happen to read this, Miss Frumpy, you could be so lucky for me to touch your leg either me by myself, or in the company of my wife.  For that matter, the fact that I didn’t touch your leg might be the catalyst for your childish outburst.  It likely isn’t the primary ingredient in your immature psychosis.  That is likely to be “an issue” with your Daddy.  I suggest you seek a counselor in a safe space where you can be reassured in soft cooing voices while you pet a puppy.  Or you could just grow up.  I’m doubting you’ll grow up.

That’s the future of our country, folks.  The offended.  Makes me glad to be almost 60.  I won’t have to watch the utter destruction of our culture and country.

Sarcastic Sentry V1.4, Issue 4

This is the second of a mini series on the Woman of the Socialist Left.

It used to be that you see photos in Playboy.  Girls of the Big Ten or some other college football conference.  But Playboy isn’t the same fine magazine for “articles” anymore.  So, part two:  Kamala Harris.

Recently, The Senator from Mexifornia entered the fray to become the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee.  She joins what will likely be 30 candidates all trying to “out-left” the others.  Harris started this by famously calling for the end of all private insurance.

And yes, I deliberately used a liberal “news” website, CNN, The Current Narrative Network (to borrow from Pat Sajak).

“I actually feel very strongly about this: is that we need to have Medicare for all,” Harris said. “That’s just the bottom line.”

“What we know is that, to live in a civil society, to be true to the ideals and the spirit of who we say we are as a country, we have to appreciate and understand that access to health care is a, should not be thought of as a privilege,” said Harris. “It should be understood to be a right.

CNN’s Jake Tapper followed up with Harris to clarify that her plan would indeed end private health insurance.

“So just to follow up on that, and correct me if I’m wrong, to reiterate, you support the Medicare for all bill, I think,” said Tapper.

“Correct,” said Harris.

“Initially co-sponsored by Senator Bernie Sanders,” said Tapper. “You’re also a co-sponsor onto it. I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance. So for people out there who like their insurance, they don’t get to keep it?”   (Emphasis added.)

“Well, listen,” said Harris, “the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care, and you don’t have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give your approval, going through the paperwork, all of the delay that may require. Who of us has not had that situation, where you’ve got to wait for approval, and the doctor says, well, I don’t know if your insurance company is going to cover this? Let’s eliminate all of that. Let’s move on.” (Emphasis added.)

So, in a few short sentences and in under a minute, she advocated for the elimination of all private health insurance and the government total takeover of 1/6th of the country’s economy.  Bye, Prudential.  Bye Kaiser.

Her office quickly walked that back blabbering something about it being an ultimate goal and that she is willing to her ideas of a blended insurance industry.  The country is quite ready for that takeover.  This week, anyway.

She also had this to say about guns:

Again a less than conservation website.  I’m not cherry picking sources.

“You can be in favor of the Second Amendment and also understand that there is no reason in a civil society that we have assault weapons around communities that can kill babies and police officers.”

But wait a minute.

A 100% voting record by NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) on being pro-choice (really meaning pro-death) and support for funding of abortion clinics (murder houses).

Harris is pro-killing babies.  So why is she worried about assault weapons killing them?  You’d think, given her record for keeping babies from growing into kids, then prospective Democrat voters, she’d be all in for more guns killing more kids and babies.

Oh, and she isn’t black.  She’s of Indian and Jamaican descent.  And she spread her legs to get ahead in the world.

I give you:  Kamala Harris.

Sarcastic Sentry V1.4, Issue 3

This is the first of a mini series on the Woman of the Socialist Left.

It used to be that you see photos in Playboy.  Girls of the Big Ten or some other college football conference.  But Playboy isn’t the same fine magazine for “articles” anymore.  So, part one:  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Recently at a public speaking event she was asked about billionaires, and said this:

Cutting right to the point, Coates asked if it’s possible to live in a moral society that includes billionaires.

“No, it’s not,” she responded. “I’m not saying that Bill Gates or Warren Buffet are immoral, but a system that allows billionaires to exist when there are parts of Alabama where people are still getting ringworm because they don’t have access to public health is wrong.”

Okay, first, let’s deal with her view that it is immoral for Billionaires to exist.  To be fair, the speaker asked about morality.  AOC said simply that their existence is “wrong”.  It’s a fine hair to be sure, but she split it.  But even f it is wrong, how does she propose to make it right?  Should we round up all domestic billionaires and corral them into internment camps like the Japanese were?  DO we infect them with ringworm just so they can feel the plight of the poor Alabamian children?

No she proposes a seizure of their wealth.  She wants to tax the wealthy at a rate of 70 or more percent.  In this way she can “just pay” for the free stuff she intends to give to those less affluent.  Yes, more of the take from those who would work, and give to those who would not.  It was Jefferson who said this action would lead to a cessation of the Democracy.  But since AOC is an admitted Socialist, she gives a damn about our democratic republic.  And wouldn’t you know, that our form of government with its embedded rights allows her to espouse these un-American political views, use our political system against use, and sleep under the very blanket of protection she wants to take away from you.

Now, let’s look at the ailment she uses as though it is a fate certain to death.  Ringworm.

From the cited article:

Also called tinea corporis, ringworm of the body is closely related to athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris) and ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis). Ringworm often spreads by direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or animal.

Mild ringworm often responds to antifungal medications that you apply to your skin. For more-severe infections, you may need to take antifungal pills for several weeks.

So, Ringworm isn’t a rare disease, exotic or deadly.  It is similar to fungal infections everyday people get on their feet, and athletes get in their crotch. A ten-second Google search showed no fewer than 4 possible cream applications under $10.  Oh, but Dear Editor, what if it persists for those several weeks?  Another ten-second search revealed a pill, available online (no doctor required so health care can’t be denied) called Valacyclovir.  30-tablets for $18.

Ringworm isn’t hard to contract, either.  It can be spread human to human, animal to human, object to human, even soil to human.  So, no human contact, don’t pet you dog or cat, and stay away from farm animals.  Destroy objects that make be infected.  And for God’s sake (even though she doesn’t believe in God), make sure you don’t walk outside or toil in the garden barefoot.

The woman is an idiot, likely a product of Common Core educating.  But she is entertaining.  It is the embodiment of people getting the government they deserve.  New York?  YOU elected her.

I give you AOC: