The Sarcastic Sentry, Volume One, Edition Four.

Social Security Recipients Deemed Too Dangerous for Weapons Possession.

The B. Hussein Administration this week announced plans to tie weapons ownership restrictions to millions of those who are receiving Social Security. The federal law is designed to prevent gun sales to felons, drug addicts, and illegal immigrants. Digging deeper, the language of the law restricts gun ownership to people unable to manage their own affairs due to marked subnormal intelligence, mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease. These descriptions apply to nearly 4.2 million Social Security recipients.

So, if you are forgetful you cannot own a gun or you cannot get Social Security. Forgetfulness is a condition. If you have cancer, you have to choose between Social Security and owning a gun. Cancer is a disease. If you take pain medications or other pills on a routine and habitual basis, you could be classified as an addict. You cannot own a gun.   If you are in independent living or have in-home care, you are the same as a felon. These people are not managing their own affairs. If you are depressed, you cannot have a gun. Depression is a mental disorder.

Meanwhile, the deranged children of otherwise sane and competent people are perfectly okay having access to weapons that are not properly secured and locked away.

Hussein knows he cannot get the Second Amendment changed. He isn’t THAT anointed. He’s tried banning certain types of ammunition and had to back off that. Each time he tries some form of restriction he causes prices to skyrocket and shelves at gun stores to empty. The rate of gun ownership has soared under his tenure—because people are afraid he is going to take away their Constitutional rights.

Now he has found another way to try to limit ownership. The man has no fewer than 50 guns around him anytime he is in the public domain. So he is okay with them protecting him. He just doesn’t want you to have them to protect yourself. Or maybe he is afraid you’ll turn yours on him.


Fifteen Dollar Minimum Wage Unintended Consequences Proven

Liberals cities across the United States are starting to see to true effect of an entitlement society. Workers in Seattle Washington, one of the first to adopt a mandatory minimum wage of $15 are seeing those workers ask their employers for fewer hours. They want to work less because the increased wage raises their income beyond the threshold allowed to keep receiving government assistance.

The $15 minimum wage is also currently a misnomer. Seattle has not mandated every worker be paid that much now. It is being forced incrementally. It has to be $11 an hour (in Seattle) by July 2015, going up a dollar or so per year each July until it hits $15 in July 2019. But wait! If the employer pays into a health care plan for the employee, then the rate of increase slows until 2021 when the $15 threshold must be met. So, Obamacare is actually slowing the rise of wage to these “slaves” who toil and tarry for the scraps from the economic table.

Now, examine, if you will, that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics that only 1.6 million workers are being paid the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Another 2 million workers are paid below the federal minimum wage, mostly waiters/waitresses. These 3.6 million workers make up only 4.7% of all hourly paid workers. So this hubbub is all for less than 5% of the hourly workers. Again and again we see legislative action being taken against the masses in order to benefit a minority “victim class”.

Most of these minimum wage workers are young, still living with their parents, and still on their parent’s health care plan. So they are not having to pay for a mortgage or health care. If they are being taught well, they are at least paying rent. These workers are in a truly entry level job where they are doing mindless tedious service-related work. But they are also being taught important life lessons—work ethic, responsibility to be somewhere on time, and the value of money. The intent is for them to develop these skills and springboard to a career where they will earn what they would call a living wage.

Fast food work simply isn’t a career unless you broaden into management, and it never was meant to be. If you have no more ambition than to move baskets of French fries, you deserve to live in your parent’s basement for all eternity.  And we should sterilize you.

In all honesty, I was under the impression that Seattle was already at the $15 minimum. I started writing this because I was going to calculate that these leeches wanted to work less because their wages increased from $9.50 to $15 per. How wrong I was! That would have been a 47% increase in wages. No, they are now seeking to work less in order to keep “their” benefits because of a 14% increase. (In many states and municipalities, the elected elite have already moved to make the evil business owners pay their slaves more. In Washington State, that wage was $9.47 per hour.)

These are people who are content living in poverty because they do not have to work in order to get paid. YOU pay them to NOT work. Now, with the mandated increases in wages, the service providers simply raise their prices to cover the costs. You are still paying more for the same hamburger. It just may not be the same sloth cooking it since he is at his parent’s home playing Play Station instead of working.


United States Begins Forced Deportations—of Americans.

In a stunning twist of logic and legal thumb-nosery, they B. Hussein administration began issuing immediate deportation orders to its own citizens. White House spokesman Josh Earnest stood before a gape-mouthed pressroom as he ready allowed several names of those seated inside the room. He stated that their stance on immigration was “against the collective” and “detrimental to the common good” as he ticked off the list of mainly Daily Mail and Fox News, and News Max reporters.

With his usual smirk and semi-Dennis The Menace hair cowlick, he then began calling on more favored reporters. ICE agents blocked the exits to prevent the reporters from slipping out. Earnest furthered by saying the belongings of the reports and others being deported would be confiscated by the state and either sold at auction to pay for more benefits to aid illegals in their daily strife, or deeded over to those on the Presidential Favored List (PFL).

The list of those being deported included several business moguls and financial magnates. Their assets were also to be seized. Businesses they owned would remain open but be run by totally inexperienced ass-kissers of the administration until such time as they had to close from a financial loss stand point. The administration expected all of the undesirables to be out of the country before the 2016 election cycle.

Simultaneously, the administration announced sweeping executive actions allowing those here illegally to register for a lottery system that would award them the houses of those being deported. Transportation costs to other cities would be covered by a special fund sliced from the Defense budget in order that the illegal aliens could reside nearby other family members.

There was an initial public outcry but ole’ Barry stood patiently behind his scrolling teleprompters and told those complaining, “I don’t give a damn.”

RAGS Gets a New Member

General Raymond Odierno was inducted into RAGS today. The group is the Retired Army Generals (Shamed), so named as their price of admittance was to speak out against the policies and directives of the Anointed One. Odierno spoke to reporters stating the rise of ISIS could have been avoided had the US left a contingency force of Soldiers behind in Iraq instead of tucking tail and running away like the Knights of the Round Table in Monty Python’s Holy Grail.

It is the policy of the B. Hussein administration that global warming gave birth to ISIL, not the craven, nearly maniacal pace in which the US acted to end George Bush’s wars.

Odierno also damned his future by stating that the current plan to reduce the US Army ranks to 450,000 would result in us not being able to defend all of our current obligations. It is the policy now that we ignore such obvious warnings to our national security and once they blow up in our faces, we blame previous Republican administrations—especially the afore mentioned Bush.

Odierno joins other Generals like Stanley McCrystal, David Petraeus, and Paul Vallely all who rolled the dice on speaking publicly.

The Sarcastic Sentry Volume One, Edition Three

ISIS wins suit over United States in the US Supreme Court.

The Islamic State this week won a landmark legal battle against the United States following a guidance/directive that Soldiers not wear their uniforms while off duty or traveling off major military installations.

The guidance memo was circulated in the aftermath of the domestic terrorism killing of four US Marines and a Sailor in Chattanooga last week. The “lone gunman” as defined by B. Hussein Obama, the Protector-In-Chief of all things Muslim, attacked a military recruitment center and then a Reserve Installation before being righteously slaughtered by law enforcement.

The military personnel were unable to do anything but duck and cover, or run and hide in the wake of an antiquated 1992 directive enacted by William Jefferson Clinton that makes all such facilities gun-free zones. Soldiers are forbidden to carry weapons unless they are military police. Instead they circle lazily inside office buildings with massive glass fronts like so many fish in a bowl.

ISIS sued because the directive, if followed, would in essence camouflage the targets…er….Soldiers making them harder to detect against the equally at risk and rewarding civilian population. Such a lack of distinction, they argued, made it more difficult for them to exact a horrific enough kill ratio which would then hinder their chances at a speedy entrance into heaven. This, they argued was a violation of their expression of religious freedom.

The Court ruled 6-3 in favor of ISIS with only Justices Alito, Thomas, and Scalia dissenting. The majority opinion sided with ISIS pointing out the flagrant violation calling it a persecution of Allah-obeying freedom fighters.

A lesser ruling calling for these Soldiers to also be tied to posts to make them easier targets was put down with the majority opinion stating that ISIS instead had to either practice their marksmanship skills, or bring more ammunition to their next atrocity killing site.



Hillary Clinton wins suit against NSA.

Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton won in a lawsuit against the NSA gaining access to the archived digital intercepts the NSA collected during her tenure as Secretary of State and in the years following her exiting government “service”.

In the presidential race, Hillary was seeing her polling numbers decrease exponentially and learned that along with the emails she had illegally deleted, she had erased all of her fake Twitter follower handles and was unable to falsely boost her favorability ratings.

The NSA was ordered to hand over the files including all email intercepts without delay and without making back up copies. Hillary was ordered to cleanse these files of “personal” emails and then hand over the remaining seven emails to Chairman Trey Gowdy, investigating the Benghazi murder of four Americans.

Gowdy filed an appeal stating that Clinton would simply erase any damning evidence against her and that he already had the seven emails she would be handing over. The Court sniffed arrogantly at Gowdy and said, “Nah nah na-nah nah” before sticking their tongues out and their thumbs in their ears.

Mrs. Clinton’s ratings are expected to recover quickly giving her more time to plan how to either buy or steal the 2016 election.


People are just plain rude these days. I, for one, do not put up with it I don’t just walk on and not say something back. Some might say that makes me rude. I say it makes me a teacher, almost a historian.

For example, at my fitness center one day, leaving the locker room area, a small girl ran beside me trying to get to the ice cream freezer where she immediately began wailing and braying like a bronco at a rodeo. As she came along side me, there wasn’t sufficient room for her to open the freezer and touch all of the ice cream bars before selecting the one she demanded. So she pushed me to the side by running into my leg. The ensuing conversation:


Steve: Pardon me all over the place.

Child’s mother: You’ll have to excuse her. She’s only five.

Steve: Actually, I don’t have to. She’s five. What better time for someone to be teaching her manners. Too bad she doesn’t have that person in her life.

Child’s mother (visually taken aback): Why never…

Steve: Never what? Had someone speak truth to your misplaced sense of entitlement? Isn’t it a bitch when reality collides with your fantasy?


Another example, I’m driving in a parking lot and I see a guy well outside the walking distance of where I’m driving in my lane. I could easily pass by him before he gets to where he would walk across the lane without even having to speed up. Instead, the guy begins trotting to close the distance. So I slow down, giving him the lane to cross before I drive through. Once he sees me do this, he stops trotting and starts walking again. He does not even give a “thank you” hand gesture. My passenger window seemed to come down all by itself…


Steve: You’re welcome, Asshole.

Guy: What did you say? Come here!


I stopped the truck and exited coming around the driver side of the truck. I was fully 4 inches taller, 30 pounds heavier, and infinitely more pissed off than he was.

Steve: Yes? Need something?

Guy: Uh… Thank you. No, that’s it.

And he walked into the pedicure salon to suck his thumb while he had his feet worked on by some Asian girl.

People have forgotten basic civility. They have turned their backs on the premise of helping each other so that we all do better. I’m not talking about communism. I’m talking about being neighborly. Coke used to have a commercial along this line where a person sees another in distress and hands them a cold, (I mean dripping cold) Coke. Just as their about to take a sip, another persons goes through some tragedy. They hand off the Coke. And so on. People helping people they don’t even know. Showing empathy. Stepping out of their comfort zone. Being human.

Instead, we walk through life with our nose glued to our iPhone, just waiting for the next government hand out. Until we return to being human, we will lose any culture battle the progressives want to throw at us.

The Sarcastic Sentry, Volume One, Edition Two.

  1. Obama admits that ISIS has gone global. How about that? The once-declared and derided “JV-team” has decided to skip its senior year of eligibility and go straight past the draft into the big leagues. In a rare visit to the House of War (Pentagon), B. Hussein, congratulated the remaining 28 people left in the armed forces for their dedication and service in uniform before declaring that our country is in a long-term conflict with ISIL.  This is truly a rare event as usually the Generals have to rent another golf cart at whatever Barry is playing in order to deliver the Daily Brief. Surrounded by his Joint Chiefs, including the hapless General Dempsey—standing there looking more like Jackie Wright (the bald sidekick from the Bennie Hill show)—Obama laid out his plans for an ultimate victory. I kept waiting for Obama to repeatedly pat Dempsey in rapid tempo on the top of his head.

The administration refrains from calling it ISIS because that would signify that the terror group has grown beyond Iraq and Syria (the Levant). Without directly saying so, the anointed one did admit that the group has its tentacles in many pies. Simply by acknowledging that ISIS is in Libya, he is contradicting his self-imposed restrictive moniker. No one in the press calls him or his “Hey, Spike!” mouthpiece in the press room.

The Apologizer in Chief warned that going it alone (without that 60-member, unnamed coalition) would be akin to playing “Whack-A-Mole” and that the group can be “pushed back.” What the “Commander” in Chief continues to fail to grasp is that no one else is going to even attempt a military solution against this group. Europe has neither the military capability or the economy to confront ISIS. The Middle East “partners” are covertly funding them. No other significant subset of world society is threatened by them (yet), so it is still our problem. We still seem to be the holder and owner of the world police beat nightstick and whistle. It is too bad we are only willing to use the whistle.

Previously, the Field Marshal of Pennsylvania Avenue had vowed to “Disrupt, Defeat, and Dismantle” the terror group. Clearly he sought a catchy sound bite rather than pronounce his resolve to rid the earth of this terror group.

Field Manual 3.09 (an artillery manual) lists these descriptions and definitions:

Deceive: No specific losses to the enemy—basically head fakes. This is in essence what we are already doing. Talking tough with no connected action.

Defeat: The enemy has permanently or temporarily lost the means and will to fight. We have never reached this peak with ISIS.

Delay: Slow the timing or arrival or capability of the enemy to project forces/capabilities. Think: Iran nuclear negotiations.

Destroy: Combat ineffective until reconstituted—30% minimum casualties.

Disrupt: Upset enemy formations/tempo causing them to commit prematurely or in a piecemeal fashion.

Divert: Go/attack someone other than where initially planned. ISIS has been quite effective at doing this tactic to us.

Neutralize: 10% combat losses.

Suppress: 3% losses; a temporary degradation of performance. Force enemy to keep their head down while in-contact forces close and destroy.

Dismantle is something you do to a Lego toy or a swing set in the back yard. It is not a military term. What does one expect, though from a community organizer?

  1. Ivar Giaever once won the Nobel Prize in 1973 for physics and was an Obama supporter. Now he faces the stripping of his prize and forfeiture/recoupment of his monetary prize for going against the anointed one on his position on climate change.


Global Cooling, which became Global Warming, which became Climate Change is the number one threat to humans that we face, according to the Scientist of All. Giaever chose to publicly disagree. At a meeting of the Lindau Nobel Laureate this month he spoke these words. “I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong.”


The Secret Service, reading a direct threat to B. Hussein by his declaration, immediately tackled Dr. Giaever and whisked him away to an undisclosed location. He has not spoken publicly since.

  1. Illegal Aliens declare open season on American Citizens. In cities across the nation more and more people are mown down as they toil through their daily lives. In San Francisco, an illegal with seven felony convictions and who had been deported five times previously managed to “find” a gun that had been issued to a government agent, and used it to kill a woman strolling along a pier in front of her father. He was roaming the streets of San Francisco because he knew it was a sanctuary city and he would not be pursued because of his status or deported if caught.

In Laredo Texas, another illegal alien, four times previously deported used a hammer to kill his wife. The assailant wrote a note apologizing for his actions to his own mother, ignoring what pain and suffering he may have caused his wife’s family. In Arizona, a six times deported illegal alien high on marijuana, ran a car into a crowd of people running over a mother and her two children. An illegal alien in Colorado was convicted of second degree murder caused while driving under the influence.

The list is a long one. Over 240 cities in the United States are classified as sanctuary cities. Sadly, these criminals do not go there and stay there. Meanwhile, the ordinary citizens in these cities can be found on Saturday nights at local school gymnasiums as they conduct lotteries to discover who will be killed this week and how.

  1. Iran accepts delivery of an American W88 nuclear warhead. In a stunning agreement largely yawned at by the world at large, the United States and Iran reached an agreement on Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Buried in the agreement was a rider that stated the “US would provide through intermediaries, a working and intact W88 warhead. Iran was forbidden to keep it longer than 30 days at which time it would be trucked to Tel Aviv for detonation. The nuclear talks had been droning on for several months failing to come to any agreement, missing deadline after deadline. The US negotiation team, led by the stalwart fecklessness of John Kerry (Did you know he served in Viet Nam?), and prodded to conclusion by Nobel Peace Prize winner B. Hussein Obama, raised their hands clasped in victory while they danced in circles. So invested in reaching an agreement—any agreement—they allowed the insertion of the weapon transfer knowing that no one would read the agreement before it was signed, that we would have to sign the agreement before we could find out what was in it, and that the general public was more concerned about Caitlyn Jenner and her troubles and that in three days it would all blow over.

The Sarcastic Sentry, Volume One

The Sarcastic Sentry: Issue one, Volume one.

I will begin a series of comments (facts and sarcasm) on various news articles that manage to headline the Internet news sites I frequent. You, the reader should be able to discern my thoughts as to why they should or should not be front page news.

  1. The Greeks voted down a referendum on July 6th that could have brought the country closer to financial stability. The lenders on the one side offered continued loans to help the fledgling country in exchange for more promises of governmental program austerity. One the other side was a black chasm of the unknown that comes along with a developed country that overtly decides to give a rigid middle finger to financial common sense as well as previous (and potential) investors. The voting turnout was typical for the island nation at around 62.5%, with 61% of them voting no. The remaining 37.5% were too busy standing in line for their daily 60 Euros and protesting for more free hand outs to vote.

Left-wing policies got them here, with their government borrowing vast amounts as soon as they joined the EU. With no reasonable means of repaying the loans, they became visual proof of Margaret Thatcher’s quote about Socialism eventually running out of other peoples’ money. Creditors who offered another bailout were demanding that Greece further reduce their expenditures on “non-producing” outlets (like military spending—sound at all familiar???) and more on places where some return on investment could be expected.

Oddly, America’s debt trend is on a similar upward trend the same as Greece’s albeit on a vastly larger scale. The left-wing politicians, as well as their gift recipients simply cannot grasp the concept of running out of free ice cream. Eventually, someone has to pay the guy behind the counter scooping sherbet into all those cones.

  1. A Sturgeon leapt from the waters of the Suwanee River striking a mother and her two kids. The mother was struck in the face, the boy suffered a broken arm and the 5-year old girl was killed. PETA immediately dispatched a team of lawyers to begin the defense of the fish saying it was clearly the result of trauma from the (probably) illegal invasion of its turf by the wicked humans. San Francisco and Denver quickly offered the fish refuge.  The Florida Fish and Game Counsel, a ridiculously named and likely useless government agency, blamed the propensity for the leap on the unusually low waters in the river. The unstated reason for this was likely global warming…or as Wackos call it now, climate change. The EPA backed PETA’s position. Hillary Clinton, the as-yet uncrowned Queen of the United States asked for donations on behalf of all aquatic atrocities.
  2. Kim Kardashian again proved that she shouldn’t be a spokesperson for any serious social cause by coming out for Hillary Clinton for President in 2016. She also stated that “she isn’t a gun person, and believes we should have more controls on guns.” Specificity is not her strong suit as she did not go into any greater detail. Just more controls, it would seem. She made these comments in San Francisco where just days before an illegal alien shot and killed a woman in front of her father.

At first the five-time deported alien, Juan Francisco, Lopez-Sanchez (a fine Irish boy), stated he had been shooting at sea lions. (One wonders if the penalty for shooting a sea lion carries a stricter punishment.) Then he said he found it on a bench wrapped in a T-shirt and it went off when he picked it up. (One has to guess it went off three times.) He then kicked it into the bay and went about his worthless existence until he was picked up by police. Apparently he was picked up on cell phone video firing the weapon.

Four months ago, Sanchez had been arrested on a drug charge but was not detained as the federal authorities had asked because San Francisco is a sanctuary city—allowing all illegals free entry without fear of being detained or deported regardless of the crimes. Sanchez with his seven felony convictions was out begging trying to raise the $20 needed to file paperwork to become the town’s mayor when the “unfortunate” mishap occurred.

The people of San Francisco were all ordered to line up at their local courthouses and be issued iron-on targets to be placed on their torso articles of clothing when walking freely about minding their own God-given freedom-loving business. The parents of the slain girl spoke out in the aftermath saying they did not want the focus to be on the criminal history of the killer or the fact that he should not have been in the United States at all (unless it was behind bars). Instead they were focused on healing, fearing the trigger puller was up all night in angst that he may have broken one of God’s Commandments. “Focusing on his past will not bring Kate back,” they said, in an apparent disregard for the next person Sanchez kills.

  1. The Hillary Clinton campaign used actual ropes to corral reporters trying to get close enough to ask the as-yet uncrowned Queen of the United States meaningless questions. Most serious reporters have long sense given up attempting to ask questions with any serious merit knowing that they have already been negatively vetted by the campaign and will never be called upon to ask questions. One reported did ask a question about what the Queen’s favorite ice cream flavor was—a question sure to include the reporter in the next round of Pulitzer Prize considerations. Queen Hillary, quick as a whit, and sharp as a tack would not be trapped by the penetrating question, dodged it saying she could not name a favorite. Clearly Hillary saw such a definitive response as a micro-aggression against those who make other flavors as well as those who like others as their favorites. The postings on FaceBook by users denouncing their previous declarations of favorite flavors briefly caused an outage of service across the nation.
  2. Bubba Watson publicly declared he is sack-less by announcing that he will paint over the Confederate flag that adorned the roof of his “General Lee” car that was made famous on The Dukes of Hazard television show of the 80’s. The uproar about the flag started in the wake of an off-his-meds lunatic in South Carolina entering a black church and killing nine worshippers. Since then, politicians and activists of all colors and vintages have spoken out against any and all forms of Southern Heritage symbols and icons, calling for the removal of statues and other war memorials.

Watson, a professional golfer later stated that his stance was met with such division that he has also decided to drop “Bubba” from his public name as it invokes images of being “too-southern”, coveralls wearing, and moonshine drinking. As his real name is Gerry, a typically female spelling of the name, he was going to change that as well until his publicist stated that would be an affront to others using that spelling regardless of their sexual orientation. Watson released an apology to the PGA family as a whole for the sin of even contemplating something that could be remotely seen as offensive and stated he will be now go by the moniker “B-Dawg” as it includes both southern and hip-hop ideology and imagery.

In support of Southern history and as my own middle finger to those so politically correct, I post a picture of the Rebel Flag here.
