Fast & Furious–a ridiculous scheme to allow guns to flow from the US across the border into the hands of drug cartels. Border Patrol Officer Brian Terry is killed by one of these guns.
Fast & Furious II. Attorney General lies to Congress about when he heard of the gun running scheme.
Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal targeting conservative groups against their being able to achieve tax exempt status. (Oh and those crucial documents have suddenly gone missing from a mysterious computer crash announced right at the end of the news cycle week on 6/13/13.)
Attorney General Eric Holder lies to a Congressional committee in the James Rosen connected surveillance scandal of the administration targeting the emails and calls of “conservative” journalists.
The Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is caught soliciting money from agencies her department will regulate. The appearance of a payoff is overwhelming.
The government pays a half billion taxpayer dollars to Solyndra, a shot in the dark green company to make solar panels. The money was paid even though agencies knew they had a faulty business plan and could not produce panels at a cost effective rate.
The New Black Panther Party is not investigated for voter intimidation charges despite clear cut video showing exactly that. The Attorney General Eric Holder makes that decision.
Libya was an illegal war, conducted without Congressional approval and violating the War Powers Act.
The illegal immigration flood across our borders this month and the government overt activity to transport illegals to states far from the border while also muzzling and threatening the protection agencies against speaking out.
Bowe Bergdahl for five high ranking Taliban prisoner swap. Five terrorist for one deserter and likely “Manchurian Candidate” deserter.
Yet the thing most important to B. Hussein at his recent graduation commencement address? Climate change.
Out of touch doesn’t quite cover it. Tone deaf insults people who can’t carry a tune. No, this guy is hell bent on weakening this country that we collapse from within. He promised to fundamentally change the country. He has three more years to finish us off. The media is helping him.