And our president is behind it.
As far back as April, 2011, our border patrol agents were ordered to not arrest illegals crossing the border. (
The Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) stopped prosecuting illegals, even releasing them outright in March of 2014. Hundreds of thousands of deportable illegals were released instead of being deported. 722,000 encounters with deportable aliens with only 195,000 charges (not convictions). 68,000 of these 195,000 or 35% were released. (
Today, illegals are even being shipped at tax payer expense for collection centers in the border states to other states. Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, Arizona are all seeing the federal government load illegals up into buses and drive them to another city and let the go. (
Now we have a humanitarian crisis of law enforcement proportions on the southern border–tens or hundreds of thousands of illegals streaming across the border. Malaria, Dengue, Leprosy, Scabies, Chagas Disease, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis A through E all are being detected in these illegals once they are screened.
The United States enjoyed one of the lowest rates of TB in the world. Mexico has a rate 10 times ours. Now a new drug resistant form of TB has mutated and is coming across, Highly contagious, it costs $250K to treat still with a 50% mortality rate.
Malaria was eradicated in the USA in the 1950’s (no thanks to the EPA outlawing DEET in favor of harder bird egg shells). California, NYC, and Houston all report new cases. Dengue was unknown in the US until recently. States with rampant illegals entering are reporting cases. Leprosy== since 1962 to 2002 there were only 900 cases reported in the US. 9000 since 2002, and most were illegals. Chagas Disease was also unknown in the US until recently. Between 100 and 500K are believed infected–mostly illegals. (
All of this is going on at our southern border. Border Patrol agents are being infected with diseases they were never inoculated against because there had never been cases of it in our country or the disease had been wiped out.
B. Hussein stated he was going to fundamentally change the country. He is. He is denying us the ability to secure our border while simultaneously infecting those that could were they permitted. Since these disease are coming north unabated, it is only a matter of time before we experience a national pandemic.
It is biological warfare being perpetrated on the American people by their own government. And B. Hussein has the stones to look the camera (at least his teleprompters) in the eye and tell us that Republicans are to blame. The House of Representatives (Republican controlled) did not take up the Senate version (Democrat controlled) of the amnesty bill they created. So he is going to take executive action–again. (
Live it up while you can, while you are still healthy. Your emperor has seen fit to crumble the castle walls from the inside.