B. Hussein and Geraldo; matching asshole bookends.

Geraldo Rivera is feeling rather glib these days and he doesn’t mind rubbing a few GOP noses in the dirt. To listen to his remarks, B. Hussein’s illegal thrashing of the Constitution is long overdue and the Republicans had it coming.

His remarks: “The GOP has zero intention to do anything on immigration except build higher fences and hire more border guards. They’ve been busy falsely blaming Latino immigrants for everything from ISIS to Ebola.”

How positively helpful! Geraldo knows what every GOP official thinks! We should elect him as the Republican National Chairman since he knows us all so well. Unmentioned in his tirade is the FACT that B. Hussein’s Senate’s bill DOUBLES the number of border agents. Yes, the bill that Harry Reid and friends passed that the House did not take up would have funded the doubling of border agents. Of course, they probably would not be used to actually protect the border. They’d be used to babysit the coming hordes of illegals that will soon swarm to the border regions hoping for protection under B. Hussein’s amnesty program.

I did a quick search on Google for headlines where anyone, ANYONE in the GOP blames Ebola or ISIS on illegal immigrants or Latinos in general. Nothing. The first listing was a reprint of Geraldo accusation. The next 15 hits were all where Democrat leaders were blaming the GOP for Ebola. I’ll wait. Read that again.

Democrats were blaming the GOP for Ebola.

He follows with: “President Obama has the constitutional authority to order those working for him to lay off the law-abiding.”

Another pause such that his idiocy can sink in.  B. Hussein has the Constitutional authority to order those working for him to lay off the law-abiding. Excuse me, but their very presence in this country is evidence that they are anything but law-abiding. Their first act—entering this country—was an illegal one. So, no, this president does not have the authority you so desperately wish he had.

And now, for my personal opinion on this asshole…I remember him getting the boot out of Iraq in 2003 when he was embedded with the 101st Airborne. On live TV he had his cameraman film him while he drew a map in the sand of Iraq and depicted where he (the 101st) was and where they were going. As if the Iraqis did not have cable and didn’t watch Fox News.  Soldier safety, or headlines?  We saw where Soldiers landed in that survey.

Geraldo reminds me of a Latino version of Louis Farrakhan. Louis sees all whites and non-Muslims as the enemy. Geraldo sees all Republicans as the enemy. There is no chance for redemption without total capitulation.  I shake my head when ever O’Reilley has him on.  Such a waste of time.

And now, for the other asshole.

One comment I heard from a pundit that B. Hussein’s actions open the door for the next conservative president (if there ever is one) to respond in kind with their own executive order to prosecute any doctor who performs abortions. Such is not possible.

Hussein’s action in essence is an order to not prosecute the criminal. What the pundit was suggesting was for that (hopeful) conservative President to prosecute that which is not criminal. There are already laws on the books (settled law—Roe v. Wade–regardless how I feel about it) that makes abortion legal. Doctors are federally allowed to perform abortions. States have the option to have or not have clinics to accommodate them.

Now what the actions of this current idiot CAN provide for if a conservative President is elected is to not prosecute those who say, actively, persistently block the doors to an abortion clinic to prevent a woman from entering. That action is illegal. But we now have precedence to not prosecute that which is criminal. A strongly pro-life President could order those blockading abortion clinics to not be prosecuted.

This logic can be extended to any criminal activity that is diametrically opposed by the two parties regardless of who is in office. It could be waived that a felon votes or owns a weapon. See how dangerous the spin off, the unintended consequences of this amnesty order can be? But then, maybe the consequences ARE intended.

So, does B. Hussein really give shit about these illegals? Does he really feel such compassion for them as he spoke with cracking voice, pleading eyes, and trembling lips yesterday? Of course not. The 5 million he is now protecting are just props for him—like so many umbrella holding Marines. Legacy? He doesn’t care. Public opinion?  He doesn’t care.  Dissent and disagreement?  He doesn’t care.

B. Hussein is going to be Jimmy Carter on steroids when he leaves office. He will mouth off and second guess every decision of all of the follow on Presidents—especially Republicans—because he is smarter than anyone else the country can produce. No, B. Hussein is only continuing his promise to fundamentally change the country. By destroying its culture, its demographics, and its ability to defend itself.

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