Sarcastic Sentry, Volume 2.11 Issue 2

Electoral Endangered Species List

Members of the Electoral College in several states have gathered in armed posses and are actively hunting down and killing protesters in their states who are demanding that they change their December 19th vote to Hillary Clinton.  The Electors have all made purchases of evil, scary, black assault rifles with multiple “clips”, finding affordable bargains through private sales and gun shows where sales records are sketchiest. The Electors hope that they can reduce the numbers of protesters to more manageable sizes so that the mental health systems in their states can better handle the influx of patients (and injured).

In reality, many of the average citizens who make up the Electoral College are being continually and aggressively hounded by Hillary supporters.  They are being called hundreds of times and emailed repeatedly.  These liberals want the Electors, some of whom are in states that do not legally bind them to vote as their state’s popular vote went, to change their vote to Hillary so that they can overturn the election outcome.  As many as 4.5 million of these sore losers have signed a petition to do away with the Electoral College altogether and rely solely on a popular voting system.  They can accept their loss and are threatening bodily harm to the Electors and/or members of their families, even threatening to kill them.

Let us pause and analyze that.  These people who come from the party of inclusiveness, diversity, and tolerance are threatening to kill others because their ideology is different from theirs.  I guess the inclusiveness, tolerance and diversity only exist if you think the same way they do.

Who else does that?  Oh, yes.  Muslim Islamic Radical Terrorist do.  They convert you to Islam or kill you.  Either way they go to heaven.

What an interesting parallel.

Obama refuses to go away quietly

B. Hussein says that he intends to speak up against Trump and his policies if they go against “our ideals”. Bullshit. He means HIS ideals.  That means he’ll pipe of all the time.  He can’t help but talk about himself.  Examples:

In a speech nominating Hillary:  119 times.

12-minute speech in Oregon about shootings:  28

40 minute speech about using executive actions:  199

Speech about the Dallas cop killings:  45

He is a perfect narcissist.

George W Bush kept his mouth shut about how B. Hussein governed and ole’ Barry thanked him for it.  But he is not going to practice the tie honored tradition of not criticizing a sitting president.

I expect we’ll hear from him soon and frequently.  After all, the media are all on his side.  They will be asking him daily for his insight on this decision, that nomination, or that policy/law.  B. Hussein made no bones about bashing Trump during the campaign and wasn’t especially kind on his final world apology tour.

The election may be over, but the whining over the outcome has just begun.


These spoiled kids

Many of the millennial crowd are outraged and despondent at Trump’s election.  Apparently they wanted to criminal to win over the sexist.

There are signs at all of the protests saying “#Not my President”.  Apparently having the twitter hashtag in front of your political position makes it more important and proves your seriousness about the issue.

My first question to them is, “Then, who IS your president?”  This usually gets rolled eyes and a puff of exhaled air, but rarely a name.  “No really.  Who?  Hugo Chavez?  Che’ Guevara? Did you even vote?  If you didn’t, shut the fuck up.”

Theirs is a losing argument but you can’t argue logic and facts on a petulant child in full temper tantrum mode.

See, in this country, we’ve used the Electoral College to elect our president and vice president.  It was established in Article 2 of the Constitution.  The twelfth amendment spells out that the electors case votes for president and vice president.  All states but Nebraska and Maine are “winner take all”.  The number of electors is based on the number of representatives and senators for each state plus 3 for the District of Columbia.  They typically pledge their vote for the candidate that wins the popular vote in their state though they are not legally bound to.

So, if you want to eliminate the Electoral College, it require one of two things:

  1. A Constitutional Amendment nullifying that portion of the 12th Amendment.
  2. A revolution whereby we rid the country of the entire Constitution.


Which one of these do these idiots want?

It has already come out that of those arrested for the violent protests in Oregon, most were not even registered to vote in Oregon and of those that were many did not vote anyway.  So, see my comment above about what to do if you didn’t vote.  These intellectual children are fine with the voting system in place as long as their candidate wins.  If they don’t I’m going to stamp my feet and pout until I get my way.  Else I’m going to riot and burn things down.  And as expected, shortly after the demonstrations started it was no longer about Trump and devolved into an anti-police riot.

This election was for many of them, their first exposure to real world losing.  Their first taste of adult reality.  All their lives they’ve been sheltered from harm, criticism, and losing by helicopter parents.  Everybody got a participation ribbon.  No one got winners trophies.  Wins and losses were not counted.  Now, they are on their own and finding out that other people have a say in what happens on the world stage.  And they are not equipped to handle it.

The voting class of this election is aging.  Eventually this generation will figure it out.  It’s the future of the country.  I’m glad I’m 5/8 dead.  I won’t have long to deal with it.

Congressman Keeps His Blinders On.

Illinois Congressman Danny Davis experienced first hand the violence that is the norm in Chicago.  His 14 year old grandson was murdered in his home by two other teens (17 and 15) in a dispute of gym shoes.

The 11-term (that’s 22 damn years) Democrat stated, “I grieve for my family and I grieve for the family of the young man who pulled the trigger.”

The boy was shot in the head.

The incident, rather than anger the Congressman and fuel his motivation to crack down on the unfettered crime in the city, reaffirmed his stance that the fault lies with the gun, the education system, and the criminal justice system, rather than the animal who killed his own blood kin.  Davis blames the poor quality in education, the lack of after school programs for the youth and that the current judicial system is not an effective deterrent.

He may actually have something in that last piece.  It is too lax.  Convicted criminals stay alive far too long after being rightfully proven guilty in a court of law.  Yes, kill the criminal quicker and you’ll find fewer people wanting to go to prison for murder.  Instead we let the create their own hierarchical ladder in prison where it pays to be more violent.

If the loss of his own grandson does not shine the light onto the real problem, it is a willing choice of his to remain stumbling in the dark.  The only way he’ll see the light is likely to be when the muzzle flash from a criminal’s gun flashes in his own eyes.  Being in Chicago, that is entirely possible.