Sarcastic Sentry Volume 7.4 Issue 4

US Women’s soccer star Megan Rapinoe recently stated (even before the women’s team dominated the tournament and won) that she would decline an invitation to the White House.  Because, well, Trump.  My first reaction was, “Bitch, you haven’t been invited yet.”
She followed this hearty news with the fact that she’d happily meet with “Chuck You” Schumer, and Nancy “Facelift” Pelosi, even with Algernon Octagon Comanchero.  So, her politics are now quite clear.  How thoughtful of her to cloak her sport both in her homosexuality and leftist ideology.
The news cycle is ever churning.  Within days, LA Dodgers coach Dave Roberts echoes Rapinoe saying he’d turn down an invitation to the White House if the Dodgers win the World Series.  Mind you that he said this the week BEFORE the All-Star Game, the halfway point in the season.  Newsflash, Dickhead.  A lot can happen in the next 81 games.  Your victory is far from certain.  But we need to be told NOW that you’d be an ungracious champion?  Classic leftist dick move.
I wonder just when it became an automatic that major sport champions were invited to the White House.  Used to be they’d sometimes get a call in the locker room.  Now they’re all expecting some state dinner treatment.  That they then decline to attend so as to show up the President they don’t like.  Also, why are stories like this even news?  In both of these cases, the “star” hadn’t achieved greatness when they made their revelation.  It’s because they are anti-Orange Man, that’s why.
Last year, Alex Cora, manager of the Red Sox said the same thing when they won the World Series.  And I like the Red Sox.
My view?  Who cares?  In many cases, the invite isn’t even extended.  And in all of the cases, why do you think America gives a shit what you do?  Like the population will alter their lifestyles based on what sports figures and movie stars “testify” (read: preach) about in Congress.  Another newsflash.  Just because you played a part in a movie about and environmental disaster or terrorist event doesn’t make you an expert on said topic.  It all points to the fact that at a deep personal level, these cretins cannot separate their radical politics from their profession.  That makes your politics sound more like a religion.
It also shows that the media will do anything to show Trump in a bad light.  If people are invited but refuse to go, it makes national news showing how principled they are.  If they aren’t invited, it makes national news showing how trite Trump is.  If they are invited and do go, they get bashed in the news (Tiger Woods).
What all the political ideologues miss is this once-in-a-lifetime chance that 99.9% of us will never get, is some quality one-on-one time with the most powerful man walking upright on the planet.  It may only be for 3 or 4 minutes.  But I can think of a lot of ways to pare down my message and bend his ear if I had that much time.  The live press may be there, they may not, but all events are at least photographed.  Someone with a camera will be there.  POTUS is going to be at least polite.
But rather than develop your argument to present it in hopes of making change, go ahead and boycott the meeting.  Make sure you blame Trump for your foolishness.