The Impeachment Hoax is finally over. The State of the Union is past us. For most of the country, it is back to normal, back to work, life as usual. The most of us would be the non-liberal among us. For them, it is another day of over reacting to nothing events, pouting, and other childishness. For example:
- As for the impeachment, I never knew the name, title, location, or employment of “the whistleblower” against Trump until the day after closing arguments in the Senate trial. I’d heard stories of Schiff’s involvement with him for months, but I never knew the depth and scope until Chief Justice Roberts refused to read Senator Paul’s question—and then Paul did himself.
It seems ole’ Shifty Schiff had recruited two former White House National Security Counsel employees months before the who impeachment process began. Employees who had worked for Obama and Trump. “Abigail Grace, who worked at the NSC until 2018, was hired in February, while Sean Misko, an NSC aide until 2017, joined Schiff’s committee staff in August, the same month the whistleblower submitted his complaint. The whistleblower was an NSC official who worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and who has expertise in Ukraine.”
“Schiff initially denied he knew anything about the complaint before it was filed, stating on Sep. 17: “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to.” But it later emerged that a member of his staff had spoken to the whistleblower before his complaint was submitted on Aug. 12. The Washington Post concluded that Schiff “clearly made a statement that was false.””
Grace, 36, was hired to help Schiff’s committee investigate the Trump White House, if you had any confusion as to Schiff’s motives for hiring these two.
So, here is the impeachment hoax in one new article of about 1400 words. Schiff hired two former Trump NSC people with handy axes to grind. He lied. Yes, I’ll flat out say it. Schiff LIED about knowing who they were and what they had access to. Schiff’s intent since 2016 has been to impeach the President by hook or by crook.
I think his devious and underhanded methods have taken a toll on the man’s psyche and sanity. He actually stated that unless the President was removed from office he was going to sell Alaska back to Russia for their help in the 2020 election. Perhaps Trump will make Barron the Baron of the new Russian province.
- Three prominent liberals needed safe spaces and furry puppies following the State of the Union speech.
Applesauce Orangutan Corkscrew called Rush Limbaugh a racist following the President awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Consider the name of the medal, first you stupid twat. The PRESIDENTIAL Medal of Freedom. It is his medal to award. It isn’t the Progressive Socialist Raper of Societies Wealth award. It isn’t the Illegal Alien’s Most Gracious Protectorate award.
AOC, who didn’t even attend the SOTU event out of protest to condoning Trump’s “criminal behavior” stated that giving it to Limbaugh puts him on the same level as say, Rosa Parks.
You just don’t like the man, you dripping gash. Either of them. If he had awarded it to Elijah Cummings you would have complained that he was just pandering to the black vote. NOTHING Trump does or will do wll ever measure up enough to earn your acceptance. It is not worth trying, and I’ll devote no more of my time or blog space to it.
Meathead also piped up.
“Only one thing to say about Rush Limbaugh getting a Presidential Medal if [sic] Freedom at The State of the Union: I loathe this fucking man,” the 72-year-old director wrote. The “All in the Family” actor rarely pulls his punches when it comes to voicing his political beliefs on social media. He’s previously likened Trump supporters to white supremacists and referred to Trump as an “ill sociopath” as well as “mentally unstable.”
Note the lack of any examples to prove his theories about either man. But to whiny spineless liberals, this is typical. They argue from emotion, not fact. Facts are irrelevant when you are tripping on the cocaine of self righteousness.
It bears nothing that Rob Reiner had done little acting of note since the 8-year All in the Family series which ended in 1978, preferring to save the rest of us from having to look at him in front of the camera.
Rashida Tlaib also had a tantrum during the State of the Union speech having to walk out when President Trump mentioned the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., indicated on Tuesday that she couldn’t handle staying in the House chamber after President Trump started praising Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his State of the Union address.
“Even the mention of Brett Kavanaugh for me is a trigger,” Tlaib told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who asked about her decision to leave.
“Just as a woman in America, the fact that he rightfully was accused and having an incredibly strong woman come for the public and the world and tell her story of sexual assault by this person who was appointed to the Supreme Court is just … I couldn’t stand still and not do anything about it and I needed to walk away from that,” she added.
Interestingly, Tlaib doesn’t have to walk away at the presence of, or mention of Bill Clinton.
Kavanaugh’s witnessed, one by one, proved themselves to be untrustworthy or flat out false. Slick Willy can’t say that. But then again, Liberals don’t need facts. She “knows” Kavanaugh did it. She probably knows Clinton did too. But then, Clinton is another Liberal. For him, it “was just sex.” Right?
3, Then there was Plastic Nancy ripping up her copy of the SOTU speech at its conclusion. She said it was “the most courteous thing she could do given the alternatives”.
What were those alternatives, Nancy? Maybe art imitating life in your home district town of San Francisco and you taking a shit on the dais in the House chambers? Shooting up some heroin in the hallways on the way to your office? Offering sanctuary to some illegal aliens?
Instead you passed on a chance to be the adult in the room. Should Trump have shaken your proffered hand? Yes. But then, he also didn’t shake Pence’s hand a second later. But he spited you so you have to strike back. Isn’t that the way your politics work? No one is ever allowed to have the last say, or commit the last act. What fucking grade are you in?
And who was the imaginary friend you were speaking to during the speech? Lord knows it wasn’t Pence. He never gave you a sideways glance. It’s a marvel you didn’t throw the torn up speech in his face.
Lastly, say, Mitt? Bring in some moving boxes next week. You’re done. I guess you could switch over to the Democrat side. The media will love you for a while. Be just as Trump will “forever” be impeached, you, you treacherous sloth, you will always be a pariah, scorned by man and beast for as long as you walk, crawl, or slither, on this face of the earth–your faith be damned.