Call it what it is

Each newscast is different.  The names, labels, brands used, they always change.  But the basic premise is the same regardless of what it is called.  Abortion.

a·bor·tion  /[uh-bawr-shuh                         n]


1. Also called voluntary abortion. the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy.

2. any of various surgical methods for terminating a pregnancy, especially during the first six months.

The sides used to be called “pro-life” and “pro-choice”.  Those were probably the simplest, the most clear.  One side was in favor of life, the other in favor of choice.

But the second side, the choice side began to think their label didn’t sound as good so they got the media and image groups to come up with new names–for both sides.  Even though only 24% of voters did not identify themselves with one side or the other, that does not matter to the left.  They look for ways to make changes in favor of the smallest minority.

“Pro-choice” just didn’t define the complexity of the issue.  It isn’t complex.  It is simple.

One side, the pro-life side, has a belief and value system that on this issue results in the birth of a baby, the continuation of human life.

The other side, the pro-choice side, believes that a women has the right to choose to make decisions to end the life of a baby, to snuff out a human life, at any time during the gestation period.

If there is a label change to be made, indeed it is with the pro-choice side.  They should go with “pro-death”.

It is ironic.  The left espouses, supports, and yearns for a cradle to grave mentality in as much as the government hand out programs continue.  The bitch, it seems is just getting to the cradle.

Obama versus Putin

If you’ve ever played Risk you recognize the difficulty that comes from trying to conquer, then maintain “Russia” (the greenish colored countries).  Five countries (Ural, Afghanistan, Middle East, Siam, and Kamchatka) are the gateways into Russia, defending against attacks from Alaska, Ukraine, Egypt, East Africa, and Indonesia.  Twelve countries make up the “continent” and owning it is rewarded by an extra 7 armies per turn.  North America, by contrast is only comprised of 9 countries and has to defend 3 ways in.  Owning it is worth an extra 5 armies per turn.

So, why the Parker Brothers geopolitical lesson?  The game parallels today’s current events.   When someone finally makes their play to control that continent, anyone owning those countries in Africa, Europe, America, and Australia have no choice but to attack.  To sit back and wait is to allow that player to consolidate power until they possess such overwhelming force to blast a path through all adjoining continents.  Letting someone control all of Russia is to cower and hope to be eaten last.

It is where we are today.  It is difficult to maintain control of a large continent like Russia.  But, Putin is doing it.  He took Crimea and the world basically yawned.  Obama scolded and John Kerry (Did you know he served in Vietnam?) wagged a finger at him and said “you don’t do that in the 21st century.”  They both told our fledgling allies that Russian is naked and alone.   But just as in high school, the football jocks with the huge package aren’t at all embarrassed by being seen naked in the locker room.  They may even perversely enjoy it.  Now, he is parked on the eastern edge of the Ukraine with 100,000 troops and armor.  Europe is decidedly not going to be eaten last.

Putin is a bully and a thug.  He is a former KGB Colonel.  He recognizes power and preys on opportunity and weakness.  The world and especially Obama have given him plenty of both.  The only thing he respects (or fears) is someone stronger than him with the demonstrated resolve to use that strength.

I’m not advocating for war.  We’ve had enough of that for a while.  Plus, we don’t have any military-minded or experienced people in positions of decision making where it comes to the use and training of our military.  It is an art and a science.  You don’t enlist at the rank of Sergeant or Colonel.  But we have to do something.  Doing nothing is simply asking to be eaten last.  We’ve been the world’s policeman for so long, it IS our job now.  No one else is going to do it, or could even if we asked them to.

But we could stop him—and without firing a shot (unless he said screw it and attacked.)  K.T. McFarland wrote this great article about how it could be done.

Will we do it?  I doubt it.  After all, Obama just canceled the two missile programs that won us our last three conflicts.  Yes, the Tomahawk and Hellfire missile programs were quietly defunded this week.  Putin probably cannot believe his good fortune.

Ripple effect of forcing a minimum wage hike


Okay, say I’m a small business owner with 20 employees.  5 of them have been with me since the start up and are making, say, $14.00 hourly.  Not a lot of money to be sure, but nothing to sneeze at.  Another 5 have been with me for 3 years are in the $11 range.  The rest are new, less than a year and make either minimum wage or just above it.  The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour though many states have minimums higher than that.  Here is where the math starts so if you are not careful, your eyes will glaze over.  But here is also where the liberal mindset of a “living wage” starts to impede on small business–the engine of our country’s economy.

Minimum wage times 40 hours is $290. Times 10 employees is $2900 a week.  That is just the newer, lower half of my labor force.  The long timers earn $560 per week.  Five of them:  $2800.  The middle earners, using $11 as a benchmark earn $440 each per week, or $2200.  So, my business has to earn $7900 weekly just to make payroll.  That is almost $95,000 annually in sales just to make payroll.

I’m not really a business owner so I don’t know all of the intricacies of paying the bills for one.  I have a friend who owned a book store.  His roughly 1200 square foot place ran him perhaps $2000 a month in rent.  Ching!  Another $24,000 in sales just to break even.  Now I’m at $119,000.  Add in utilities, and internet (since all businesses have to be able to go online), estimate $375 a month.  Another $4500 a year, and we’re at $123,500.

I could go on and on.  So let’s just say I need $140,000 in sales just to get to the starting line.  No profits are calculated to reinvest/grow the business and no salary for me, the business owner.

However, if you take out the people who are in the food service industry (they earn tips of which they claim only a portion of) and retail (some of whom make commissions), there are really only 1.5% of the labor force that earns the minimum wage.  Most of these people are below the age of 24 and are usually students or in a trainee position.  People learning a job should not expect $60K a year.

Now, the government wants to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.  It is required if you have a government contract, but that is their target for everyone.  It presents quite a dilemma for the owner.  I have 5 people who have worked for me for three years and have earned their way up from minimum wage (which was probably lower when they started).  Now, by mandate, I have to pay the newest 10 people almost as much as they make.  The 5 middle earners are going to want a raise too.  The top 5 wage earners are going to take notice too.

My choices:

  1. Absorb the added costs.
  2. Raise prices to my customers
  3. Lay off workers to compensate for the added wage costs from the new minimum
  4. Reduce hours for my staff to reduce my labor costs.
  5. Close the business and lay off 20 people
  6. Sell the business and let someone else deal with this

Absorb the costs.  No serious business owner is going to do this for long.  Let’s examine this realistically.  Once $10.10 is approved, they’ll go for $12.00 an hour, then $14.

Raise prices.  This is the simplest way but also the most dangerous.  I may raise prices beyond the acceptable threshold of my customer base and lose business.

Lay off workers to compensate.  This is one of the ways many business owners are fighting wage battles as well as Obamacare budget crunches.  The raise to $10.10 from the current minimum of $7.25 is $2.85 per hour.  Times 40 per week is $114.  Time 10 employees is $1140.  Times twelve months of the year is $13680 annually more I have to pay in labor costs—the easiest controllable expense to manage.  One minimum wage worker makes $15080 annually.  So, if I layoff one worker I almost break even—except for the added cost I’ll have to endure to give everyone a similar wage increase.

Reduce hours across the board.  In this age of shared sacrifice, reducing everyone’s hours is what many in the government would say is most fair.  It’s a stupid and invalid argument.  Why should my best and longest serving workers have to work less time, make less money so that the lowest earning among them make more?  The government says I’m liberating the worker from having to work a full 40-hour week.  Yes, liberating them to go find another job at 40 hours per week so that I lose their experience and drain the brain pool.

Close the business.  If I’m underwater, this could be a viable option.  Shut it down and liberate my team to go find other work.

Sell the business.  Also a viable option.  The government is so rabidly anti small business, one would be crazy to try to do a start up.

Liberals in Washington just see the first stage when they propose legislation like this.  They only see that they think they are helping the working man by providing them with higher wages.  They do not see the ripple effect in the rest of the pond from the pebble they dropped in.  Or if they do see it, they do not care.

Maybe we should treat them all as a small business.  They have to pay their staff out of their own salary budget.  Every time a federal wage increase happens or they want to hire a new page, they have to figure out how to pay for it from their own salary base.  Ah, but that would be too much like making them live in a world of reality.

Here we go…again.

Another day of the week near the end of the month, another delay in implementing the mandate on individual coverage for citizen’s to buy insurance under Obamacare.

Just two weeks ago, the government stated they had “no statutory authority” to extend the deadline to sign up.  Paraphrase:  It would be illegal for them to extend it.  There is no basis in law.  No legal precedence.  HHS Secretary Sebelius even said, “Once that 2014 open enrollment period has been set, they are set permanently.”

So, they are admittedly breaking the law.  Again.

Harry Reid blames not the poor planning and implementation of the law.  He blames the low educated, the stupid masses.  See, they do not know how to use the Internet so they can’t sign up.

So it is either stupid people or liars to Harry.  They need their grandkids to sign them up and they need to swear on a Bible if they are going to talk to anyone about the ordeal it was in order to sign up.

I have a great idea.  Why not, when the grandkids sign up the old, stupid, let them enter their own credit card number in to pay the premiums!  Granny is probably on a fixed income.  Besides, the money borrowed to pay for the program belongs to the grandkids anyway.

These idiots talk about wage fairness and income redistribution all the time.  They won’t admit that the real redistribution is from their generation to ours–not from the rich to the poor.

It is time to scrap this mistake and replace it with something that works.

Troops in Uganda. Wait, what?

The White House confirmed Monday that they were sending “about” four CV-22 Osprey aircraft and up to 150 special operations air force personnel to Uganda.  The Osprey is the tilt rotor aircraft that flies like a plane but takes off and lands as a helicopter.  The plane only costs about $70 million per plane.  Their mission:  assist local forces in fighting the Lord’s Resistance Army.

I didn’t recall us having troops in Uganda.  I was wrong.

We first sent 100 special-forces to Uganda in October, 2011.  Obama announced the movement in a letter to Speaker Boehner.  In the letter, Obama stated that even though the troops “are combat equipped, they will only be providing information, advice, and assistance to partner nation forces.”  Obama stated that deploying these troops “furthers US national security interests and foreign policy and will be a significant contribution to ward counter-LRA efforts in Central Africa.”

It seems our own Congress voted on and passed the Lord’s Army Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act in 2010.

The LRA leader, a Joseph Kony likes to forcibly induct young boys into this army.  They rape, pillage, and burn, committing atrocities where ever they go.  The mission then:  “remove from the battlefield, Joseph Kony.”  (That means capture or kill.)  Now, we are sending another 150 troops and $280 million worth in planes.

Anyone else see the mission creep that just happened?  First, we were to assist local forces in fighting the LRA (leading from behind).  Now we are to remove this guy from the battle field.  We are not assisting anymore.

This, sports fans, is how we get involved in foreign lands doing more than we can, with less than we should, without a clear mission or mandate from the host.  This is how our Soldiers get killed and our resources spent without any return on investment.

Can someone explain to me any serious strategic interest we have in Uganda?  Sure they make coffee, cork, and export some precious metals.  They are landlocked, so there is no port of use.  Theirs is a fertile land and properly cultivated could solve many of Africa’s starvation problems.  I’m not so shallow to believe that this is the underlying mission as set forth from this administration.  I think he was looking for some low-hanging fruit and we’ve just learned that this crop has spoiled on the vine.  We have to dig deeper into the tree to find freshness.  Barry is all too happy to do that—with someone else’s hide on the line.

Spanish speakers, all things being equal, should be pissed.

Look at any retailer—the signs in the store, any ad, most closed-captioned TV shows, hell, most items in the grocery.  Everything these days is bilingual—English and Spanish.  Why is that?  Are Hispanics the only other ethnic group here?  Hardly.

In fact, the largest ethnic group in the United States is called—White American,  Whites are the majority in 49 of the 50 states, with Hawaii being the lone exception.  The District of Columbia (which is not a state) has a non-white majority.  (The money is doled out from here, so surprise cannot be a real factor.)  Non-Hispanic whites are the majority in all states except California, Texas, New Mexico, and Hawaii.  I’ll give everyone just one guess what country borders all three of the continental states where whites are not the majority.  The Non-Hispanic white majority decreases every year.  (Imagine that.)

Let’s look at how census takers self-identified.  Most said they were German-American, followed by Irish-American.  From central Europe, the largest group identified themselves as Polish, and the largest group from eastern Europe said they were Russian.  Only 47 million of the 2008 census population identified themselves as Hispanic.

Why are the signs we see daily not in German?  Why not Polish or Russian?  Only about 12% of the population identifies as Hispanic, so why do we print everything in their native language?

Now, I know that when someone goes to vote or to the DMV, they can request an interpreter in just about any language or documents to be printed in their native tongue.  But my hotel (I’m on a business trip right now.) greeting book is in English and Spanish.  The signs in stores (Target, Wal-Mart, Lowes, Home Depot) are all in English with Spanish beneath.

We cater to the Spanish speaker.  Why is that?

I have neighbors in many ethnicities.  Until recently, I had two neighbors from South Africa.  The primary language there is Afrikaans.  They learned English just to come here.  I had neighbors from Russian.  Obviously, Russian is their native tongue.  They learned English to immigrate to here.  In Mexico, the official language is Spanish.  They don’t have to learn shit to come here.

We enable them to come here and continue in their own subculture.  We make every other ethnicity learn English but allow the Spanish speaker to continue blissfully along.  When we went on vacation to Italy, the entire menu was not in English.  There may have been a portion of it that was.  But we had to figure a large part of it out.  When we went to Germany, the language in many cities was not English.  I had to rely on my knowledge from eighth and ninth grade German classes.  We had to adapt.  Spanish speakers here do not.  We must think they are too stupid to learn English so we adapt ourselves to their language.

Wouldn’t that piss you off?

Welfare and drug testing.

With ever increasing regularity, lawmakers are beginning to wonder if there should not be some stipulations attached to receiving government assistance.  You think?  I’ve been saying this for over two decades.  It really chaps my ass when I see someone in line at the grocery buying “staples” (milk, bread, cheese, eggs, meat, etc.) with food stamps.  Then they buy the cigarettes and booze with a wad of twenties thick enough to choke a horse.  Then they have the groceries walked out to their car and loaded into the rear of a new Lexus or Escalade.  Oh, and while the food is being rung up they are on a new Galaxy S37 while I reboot my two year old RAZR.

If you drive a luxury car and/or talk on the latest whiz toy, you probably do not need food stamps and are bilking the system.  Doing it in front of me only adds a slap to the face.

Often times, the situation is more dire.  Food stamps or the electronic funds card is sold for hard currency in order to buy drugs.  Some in Congress wants to mandate that you are drug tested before being given “your” monthly allotment.  Naturally, the feeble among the legal minded sideliners cry out against a Fourth and Fifth Amendment violation.  Taking bodily fluids without consent violates the Fourth.  Making them doing so knowing that they are “hot” self incriminates which violates the Fifth.

What these cretins get wrong is the assumption that the taking and testing of fluids to check for drug use will then be passed off to law enforcement for prosecution.  I have not heard a single advocate for drug testing say this was their plan.  They simply want to test for the use of drugs before the person taking government assistance gets paid to do it some more.  Trust me, if they are stupid enough to do drugs, they’ll get caught on their own without a separate government agency “setting them up.”  So their argument is invalid.

This argument is just as stupid as the one the left makes about voter ID laws.  It is somehow disenfranchising minority voters by making them prove citizenship before allowing them to punch chad holes into a ballot.  Huh?  They can’t afford it, the left says.  You are singling them out, the left says.

These are the same people who, no doubt, have to show ID in order to pick up their government food stamps and other welfare payments.  If they fly anywhere, they have to show ID.  If they cash a check or make a payment by check, they have to show ID.  In many stores and bars, they have to show ID in order to buy liquor or cigarettes.  At theaters, people are often carded to prove age.  When I go to my doctor, I have to show both my Kaiser card as well as my ID.  When I use my credit card, many vendors want to see an ID to make sure I am the person whose name is embossed on the card.

Last year, Attorney General of the United States, Eric “lower the drug conviction penalties” Holder held a conference on the inconveniences minorities experienced in the voting process.  In order to gain entrance, attendees had to what?  Yes, show ID.  People have to show ID for any multitude of daily activities.  Showing ID to vote only enhances the purity of the process.  And THAT, boys and girls, is where their problem really lies.

See, minorities who are receiving hundreds to thousands per month in subsidies they didn’t earn, paid to them by people whose money it is not, tend to vote for those people paying them.  Why upset the applecart?  Lyndon Johnson is credited (wrong word?) with the quote, “I’ll have those n****** voting Democrat for the next 200 years.” His method?  Lock them into a dependency on government payouts.  And it has worked.

The shroud of Osama

Bin Laden has been dead for almost three years.  There floats around on the internet a picture of his death mask, almost certainly a fake.  I have a copy on my phone, certainly.  I hope it is real.  I hope it is what he looked like at his death because it looked like he was in a lot of pain.

Now comes along another theory as to why we won’t release actual photos.  Those dirty, nasty, criminal, psychopath SEALS fired endless magazines of ammunition into his body.  The turned him into some sort of Swiss cheese burping out 55 grain slugs like some strange exhaust.

Of course they did.  See, it is standard procedure to keep shooting at a supine figure long after the weapon is removed from their hands and it is clear he is no longer sucking in air.  At least for the SEALS, it must be.  These are the best trained, most capable, highest disciplined tool in our kit.  And to a man on this raid, they are all going to pump 30 rounds in to him and then keep their mouths shut.

See, it’s the PTSD.  Once you “catch it” you can’t stop yourself.

Author of the article, Jack Murphy, himself a veteran and according to his bio and Ranger qualified, sniper SF operator, diminishes the tip of our spear, their accomplishments and his own by opining such rubbish.  Stick to your fiction, Jack.

Opulence and misplaced ceremony

I watched some footage today of Vladamir Putin signing some decree.  It was in the midst of this Crimea thing, but it could have been file footage from anything.  There he was sitting at his desk.  No crowd of onlookers, no little boy who needs health care, no speaker of the house looking like a grinning ghoul with a face so stretched it might burst.  Just Vlad sitting at his desk and using a single pen signing the document.

Look at anything Obama signs into law but particularly signature pieces of legislation.  For the farce that has become and still is Obamacare, he used 22 pens, one for each letter of his name.  It took him a minute and a half to sign his damn name.  And the pens?  The run about $140 each.  So $3080 tax payer dollars spent so that he can feel even better about himself by giving the pens away.

Does the pen that made the “O” have more value than the other letters?  Pretty soon, I bet you’ll find plenty of them on Ebay.

If you look at pictures of the signing you’ll also see that the box housing the pens is exactly the right size for all 22 pens.  Now 22 is an odd number.  Pens do not come in that quantity; usually 12 or 6.  So the ornate, polished, and felt lined box had to be custom made as well.  More money down the toilet.

The thing is, everything is a ceremony for this guy.  He invokes himself into everything.  Moochelle does too.  I was watching the premier showing of Cosmos on Fox (Fox!) the other day.  Great show full of computer graphics and theories about the start of the universe.  There’s Barry introducing the show.  How many times has he been on the View?  Who watches that show, anyway?

Moochelle had to have an episode of The Biggest Loser.  Barry injects himself into all sorts of legal issues from Trayvon Martin (“if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”) to the Henry Louis Gates fiasco where he said the “Cambridge police acted stupidly.” before any serious facts of the case were established.  Oh, and in that scenario, when the officer, Gates, Obama and Biden got together for a backyard beer?  Who helped the elderly Gates down the steps?  Yes, Officer James Crowley.  Biden and Barry are walking ahead oblivious to the struggles of the elderly Gates on his cane.

Obama thinks the world is his stage and everyone on the planet are members of his personal audience.  We’re supposed to watch in awe as he makes decisions and clap in amazement whenever he mounts those steps at a measured trot.

Got news for you, buddy.  The world has figured out that you are far more actor than leader.  You are out of your depth and do not have the resolve, stomach, back bone (pick your example) for making tough, sound, strategic decisions.  More sanctions are expected against ole’ Vlad by Barry.  Of course, Putin will be in Kiev before Obama finishes signing the document.

Karzai can go to hell

Afghan president Hamid Karzai says that Afghanistan does not need US troops to stay beyond the currently agreed upon departure date at the end of 2014.  He stated that his country’s forces are fully trained to be able to repel any foreign invaders.  He included any Special Forces operators in this unequivocal renouncement of any dependence on the US.  He also reiterated again that he will not sign a pact already negotiated and agreed upon between our country and his country’s ruling tribal leaders.  This pact would have allowed for a token force of human targe… er… Soldiers to train his military and operators to hunt and kill Al Qaeda and Taliban.  If we want to bring peace to Afghanistan, we should attack Pakistan, he says.

I say, give him what he wants.  He wants us out, let us leave.  We do not have to wait until the end of the year.  He will not be in power by then and will certainly blame the fall of his country on either his successor or the US (likely both).  If we left now, we could be gone before their elections and he could preside over the demise of his backward country.  He’ll likely use the attacks that will come as a catalyst to return to power against their own constitution.  But hell, he has learned from our own leaders that the Constitution is but a mere tool to gain and retain power.  We can use the parts we like and trounce on the parts we do not.

Does anyone really think he is going to simply move out of the presidential palace and go back to his mud hut in the Karz region of Kandahar?  No, he is going to take the billions of US tax payer dollars he has siphoned from our military and economic support and retire to a villa in France or some other posh resort where people overlook his rancid traits because he pays them well.

Nope, I say expedite his wishes.  Let’s get the fuck out of there using a scorched earth process.  The first thing scorched?  The poppy fields which produce the ingredients needed for the production of heroin–their chief export.  We leave nothing we built intact and erect.  No vehicles, no trainers, no spare parts, no caches of ammunition, weapons or food.  And the last thing we take?  Our aid.  Not a damn dime.  The first thing we deny? Technology.

The previously unknown deposits — including huge veins of    iron, copper,  cobalt, gold and critical industrial metals like lithium — are so big and include so     many minerals that are essential to modern industry that Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world, the United States officials believe.”

The deposits were discovered in 2010 by a team Pentagon officials and American geologists.  Not Afghan officials or goat farmers from local villages.  Americans.  There are wide veins of gold, copper, iron ore, oil, lithium, and coal.  Estimates of their value range from one to three trillion dollars and could easily propel Afghanistan away from a country producing heroin to one rich in industry and high paying employment.  But they are not going get that shit out of the ground with their farming hoes and sheep switches.  No, you need drills and other heavy moving equipment–shit we have a lot of and build more of.

We went there and saved his ass and his country’s.  And this is gratitude?  Fuck him.  And anyone like him.