Hillary is just another bureaucrat


So, Hillary says that business don’t create jobs.  Who does, then?  Government?

Actually, she may have a partial point.  Government DOES create jobs.  When they siphon enough off the private sector to actually get something done.  But government does not create careers.  Only the private sector business can do that.

When the Democrats talk about “investing” in infrastructure, they are really talking about taxing all of us in order to grease the wheel of some politcial favorite in order to get a small project completed.  Even the Keystone Pipeline, so often touted by the Republicans is an example.

The work created for this project is mostly temporary–gone once the main pipeline is in.  Massive layoffs will occur.  Very few careers will be borne of it.

The same happens with every job the government “creates”.  The roads and bridges we all hear about needing renovations and repairs…these are all short-term jobs.  Once the project is done and the contract is fulfilled, most of the workers will be laid off.  Nary a career created.

But if the government would get the fuck out of the way, small businesses could again flourish and creates both jobs AND careers.

Romney, as silly and “aw shucks” as he was understood this.  Democrats only want a larger, all-encompassing government to provide for our every need.  And as we’ve still yet to realize, a government big enough to give you all you need is big enough to take away all you have.

Elect Hillary and we’ll be a step closer to finding out.

friends said the assailant recently converted to Islam

New York City police Commissioner William Bratton says the hatchet attack on four rookie officers was a terrorist act by a homegrown radical.

Bratton said Friday the suspect, Zale Thompson, was a Muslim convert who ranted online against America, but had no clear ties to international terrorism. He believes Thompson was self-radicalized.


The gunman who fatally shot a Canadian soldier and wounded three other people during a shootout inside Parliament Wednesday was reportedly a recent Muslim convert.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/10/canadas-parliament-under-attack-dozens-of-shots-fired/#XIbsK41MwYdFko4S.99

…just two examples in the last couple of days.  All the media really needs to say when reporting these murders is:

“The assailant was a recent convert to Islam.”

Religion of peace my ass.  Wake up.

nothing to see here. move along


A voting machine in Illinois changed any vote for a Republican into a vote for a Democrat.

Republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan went to vote Monday at the Schaumburg Public Library.

 “I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” Moynihan said. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”
He notified an election official at the polling place and was allowed to vote his choices on another machine.  The machine in question was removed from service and inspected.  The problem was blamed on a “calibration error.”
In any election now, just one machine per polling place doing this can be enough to make sure the Democrat is elected.  If Democrat votes were being changed to Republican, you’d hear shrieks of voter fraud and the Black Panthers Party would be out in force.
Republicans are doormats; too easy to turn the other cheek.  Like Christie said, “It’s time to start offending people.”

stand your ground, draw the line

So, I’m eating some sliders and drinking a couple of beers at an Applebee’s in Appleton, Wisconsin.  As I’m alone I sit at the bar.  I did not scan the room for idiots first.

Behind me, occupying a large clujster of tables is a group of guys and girls, probably mid-twenties, numbering over six.  I’m reminded immediately of this guy:


He stood up what he believed and it cost him.

This group has clearly drank their way to victory through the second half of the Packers game.

Tonight, I was holding my tongue.  I’m on a business trip.  I can’t do what needs to be done.  Luckily someone else did it.  A few minutes after they moved from a table to the bar, the loudest guy who is busy “Fucking this, and God-damning that” is told to knock it off by a woman behind him.  Another persons seconds the vote.

The girl with the guy says, “What?  I don’t think it is that bad.”

To which, before I can stop myself, say, “That’s because you don’t set your standards very high.”

“Fuck you!”, she says to me.

“Now that’s an honest effort towards raising those standards, but no,”

Before she could figure out that I’d insulted both her and her boyfriend, the manager escorted them to the door.

I paid my tab and went back to my room…still employed.

The enemy you see versus the one you don’t.

B. Hussein won’t use our ground forces again in Iraq/Syria to fight ISIS. He also won’t deploy our forces along the southern border to keep the massive wave of illegals out in the prelude of another amnesty—this one ordered by fiat but a lawless president. Instead, he sends members of one of our finest light Infantry Divisions to go to Africa to fight a virus.

Now, I agree with B. Hussein that we should not redeploy in Iraq, just not for the same reason. B. Hussein is a reluctant commander in chief, always craving more data before he makes a decision. It isn’t because he wants to husband forces or that he is protective of them. It is because he is afraid of the unstoppable swell of pride that would sweep the nation if they succeeded. Barry likes us in our diminutive state. He likes us off the world stage, marginalized in every way. Me, well I think the Iraqis should man up and fight for their own country for once. We fought for them for nearly ten years and for what? So they could they could run away or worse, join the ISIS fighters at the first sign of trouble. I feel like this guy:


He was probably busted to PFC simply for telling the truth.

  1. Hussein won’t deploy our forces to shore up border patrol agents on the southern border. Instead, he reassigns them to become caretakers of those that are rounded up coming north. These human petri dishes carry all manners of disease, exposing our border patrol to a soup of diseases we once thought eradicated.

I think Barry wants them to become sick and die—or worse to become sick of seeing their brothers become sick and then quit. Retraining new agents takes time. It also takes veterans away from the front lines to train the new ones. It weakens our defenses on the goal line.

Instead, B. Hussein sends almost 600 Soldiers of the vaunted 101st Airborne to Africa in order to fight Ebola. These Soldiers receive only 4 hours of virus prevention training. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/10/17/u-s-soldiers-get-just-four-hours-of-ebola-training.html#   ” The first 500 American troops in Liberia are so far living in improvised quarters in hotels and government building, according to congressional and military sources. The military is working to transition in the future to “life support areas” that will house the thousands of soldiers who eventually arrive to support the U.S. mission to combat Ebola in West Africa, according to a military spokesman. They are also utilizing local drivers and vehicles to support their movements.

“The hotels are fairly well controlled in terms of access… They have a fairly well-structured screening process going in and out,” a Senate aide briefed by the Pentagon on the military’s procedures told The Daily Beast. “It sounds like they have an adequate level of screening and protective measures in place. That being said, once they move to a self-contained quarters, that will probably be better.”

The teams of trainers can run about 50 Soldiers through the training at a time. Right now, they are living in whatever accommodations were available. We did not “kick people out of the Waldorf Astoria”. Staffed by locals, all they need is one sympathizer to allow an infected person into the building to get everyone there sick. They will not be issued hazmat suits either. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/10/101st-airborne-wont-get-full-protective-hazmat-suits-for-ebola-mission-in-west-africa/

All this mission will do is get a lot of our military killed. But given the past decisions of this president, that is almost certainly the goal.

Bush, Iraq, the left, and WMD


So, it seems that George W. Bush was right after all. It comes as no surprise to me. I was there. I know that Saddam had chemical weapons. I saw other conventional weapons as well. Like the cluster munitions that were not available until after 1995 smack dab in the middle of the United Nations-led weapons ban. I saw the newer bomb fuses that were re-packaged into older wooden crates dated pre-ban. I saw the radiological-tipped air-to-air missile that even the Pentagon did not know Saddam had. I saw the South African cluster bombs that Saddam swore he had none of. I toured the centrifuge facility south of the town of Tarmiyah that Saddam said wasn’t military.

Now it seems we were guarding a facility that housed chemical bombs and artillery shells. Then we turned it over to the Iraqis to be destroyed. And they didn’t. Now ISIS has it. Way to go, Haji.

Even more so, way to go Democrats and weak-kneed Republicans! The Dems knew all of this and still lied about it. The GOP knew they were lies and did nothing to stand up for their own or the military. But that is part and parcel to each brand. The left will say anything to get elected. The right will let the left say anything and will simply turn the other cheek hoping that the good will of man will win the day.

It only took eleven years for the truth to come out. But it always does—eventually. How much different would this world be if we hadn’t squandered the next three elections trying to shed the taint of false truths and slander.

We are going to be this screwed until one of two things happen:

  1. The right has to cultivate a truth teller; someone who will tell the unvarnished truth in a clear, concise, and biting way. Someone who will stand up to liberal (and media) lies.
  2. The left finally tells enough whoppers that the unwashed cattle (voting public) sees them for what they are and revolt against them in the ballot booth.

I don’t see the first happening in the next ten or more years. But the second has strong possibilities.

Gotta be somebody’s fault

So let’s all blame Columbus, that racist.


Seattle votes and decides to celebrate “Indigenous People’s Day” on the same day as the rest of the nation celebrates Columbus Day.

Bitch, please.

Both Dakotas join in celebrating, one keeping the same name, the other opting for “Native Americans’ Day.”

Washington, North and South Dakota.  Three states I will never live in.  Like you have nothing better to do than legislate this.  Just more liberal feel good shit.

Uncle Joe: The gift that keeps on giving.

So Biden does a little Q&A session at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. During the unfiltered, unscripted, “off the cuff” answers, where Biden is almost sure to commit a gaffe, he did not disappoint. He stated that Turkey had assisted the terrorists by allowing foreign fighters to enter Syria via their country. He continued:

“…the biggest problem is our allies” in responding to the civil war in Syria.

“The Turks…the Saudis, the Emiratis, etc. What were they doing? They were so determined to take down Assad and essentially they have a proxy Sunni-Shia war.”

“What did they do? They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who fight against Assad—except the people who were being supplied were al Nusra and al Qaeda and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.”

It seems anytime those controlling Joe let him have any slack on the leash he nips the neighborhood kids and then the administration has to walk back his remarks. This time, though, those who were “insulted” demanded that he do it himself. And he has. He threw himself onto his own sword saying he never meant to imply this, or he was taken out of context for that.

Last week, Biden “misquoted” the number of people killed in an American storm—by over 160,000 people. One hundred and sixty one people were killed, not the 161,000 he clearly stated and did not retract.

Two things at the heart of this blog. One, Joe is just one fired bullet, one heart attack, one well-equipped and well-armed fence jumper from being the President of these United States. Let that sink in real deep when people you know continue screaming for the impeachment of B. Hussein. Whatever ole’ Barry does, he has to be better than his number two.

Two: Just exactly what did he say at Cambridge that was wrong? The Turks freely admitted that foreign fighters may have entered Syria via their country. But if so, they did so as tourists—they did not come in and leave with their arms (weapons—I’m sure the Turks did not cut off their appendages). As if these fighters needed the weapons they came into Turkey with to fight against the flavor of the month. There are weapons at the local bazaar right next to falafels and legs of lamb. And the smorgasbord of little Arab countries DID arm anyone who would point a gun at Assad and his army. I mean, the Americans were not leading so these little oil kings did whatever they could to continue making petro-dollars.

The problem with Biden is that he spoke the unvarnished truth. And in world politics you can’t do that. The enemy of my enemy is my friend over there. We know it. They know it. We know they know it. They know we know it. Everybody knows. But we never speak of it in public. If you do, I won’t do what you want. I’ll make threats and pull out of whatever coalition you are trying to build. They only villains in this world are the Americans. We’ve allowed this world perception for so long nothing else can even be whispered, let alone admitted freely in public.

You’d think after Joe’s forty-one years (yes, 41 YEARS) in politics, he’d know that. Guess not.