Sarcastic Sentry Volume 2.2, Issue 2

In a confirmation of what anti-US environmentalists always believed, a massive stockpile of molten carbon has been located under the land mass of the United States.  This collection would have devastating results to global life and to the environment if even a fraction of it were to be released.

Estimated at 700 million metric tonnes, just a release of one percent would be the equivalent of burning 2.3 trillion barrels of oil.  That is about 9326 times the yearly world consumption.

Located largely under the reliably red states of Montana, Wyoming, and Utah, and formerly red state Colorado, Congresswomen Nancy “Plastic face” Pelosi and Maxine Waters were quick to make the connection to a Republican plot and focused in quickly on former Vice President Dick Cheney whom we all know used to be the CEO of Halliburton.  That the reservoir also extends under Washington and Oregon was attributed to the likely illegal horizontal drilling (fracking) authorized by Cheney and his puppet George W. Bush.

“What can you expect?” Waters, asked.  “He’s a scumbag just like the current administration.”

Reality check here, folks.  The “lake” of molten carbon really does exist.  It is, however, a naturally occurring thing.  Also, Maxine Waters did in fact call the current Trump Administration officials scumbags.

Yes, a sitting member of Congress called the new Cabinet Members scumbags.  So much for civility in politics.  But then, what can we expect, really?  This is from a woman who forgot where the humanitarian crisis in Syria was taking place, and also accused the Russians of recently invading Korea.

If liberals are not unhinged, they make up for it by just being damn dumb.  “Once I’ve made up my mind, do not try to confuse me with the facts.”

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 3.2, Issue 1

I want my Binky!

Angry, pouting, and unable to cope with both the outcome of the election and the backlash from their constituencies, Senators Feinstein (D, CA) and “your Senator from New York” Chuck “mug-for-any-camera” Schumer have drafted a bill to protect protesters as well as offer solace and safety.

Called the Hollywood Actors Post President Individual Emotional Rant (HAPPIER) Act, the law sets aside as much in operating funds for psychological counseling and recovery as is already spent on providing legal assistance to illegal aliens fighting deportation.

The funds, if appropriated, will go towards legal fees to counter lawsuits of defamation that the leftist elite will endure from uttering their increasing outlandish and stupid tantrum rants.  It will later be used to offset their lost wages from no longer being able to find work as well as salary recovery from the increasingly dwindling audience willing to pay to see them perform after hearing their ridiculous diatribes.

Meryl Streep, Julia Day-Dreyfus, and several other notable leftist mouths and political geniuses are eager to see it passed.  As it is basically welfare for the rich, though, passage is unlikely.

But seriously… these cretins are unbelievable.  They preach tolerance, acceptance, free speech, and diversity.  That is until what you say is not what they believe.  At that point you become a racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, Islamophobe, bigot, etc.  No, free speech and intelligent thought is reserved only for them and their ideology.  For years, the right has always just shrugged and turned away.  We voted with our feet and wallets.  Now the tables have turned.  We hold the reins of power and the left can’t stand it.

Prime examples: 

NCIS actor (can’t called females actresses anymore) Pauley Perrette went on a Twitter rant about President Trump.  She railed against those calling the Hollywood elite “out of touch” say that we don’t know her.  She’s overwhelmed with sorrow and doing as much as she can.  She lives in a shitty house and gives away most of her money.  She gave a historical recollection of every job she ever held while she climbed the ladder of her professional success.  She bragged about being cum laude in college and how she wanted to be a real FBI agent.  Her father is in the hospital, he dog is in rehab (for substance abuse most likely), and she’s lost three friends in a year.  Oh, and Donald Trump?  You’re not God!  Her God would not be building walls.  So this is not HER country or HER constitution.

I expect you’ll be moving then, Pauley?  I’ll help you pack.  As much as I enjoy watching NCIS, your quirky character is the most tiresome of the bunch followed quickly by the awkward grandfather/grandson relationship of the ME and his assistant.

That you take to Twitter to detail how much like the rest of us you are only proves my point.  You did this to gain followers and likes, not to bare your incredibly human and caring soul.  You are really as shallow a person as the character you play.

So you live in a shitty house.  We didn’t put you there.  Move!  Buy a better place.  Adequate shelter is one of the primary psychological needs. So your father is ill.  Welcome to reality.  All of our parents will fall ill and eventually pass on.  That you have to experience is just part of life.  Don’t deride me for not showering you with sympathy.  So you didn’t become an FBI agent.  Look in the mirror and your posted Twitter feeds.  You’ll see why.  You aren’t that material.  They saw it.  You were blind to it.

So, if this is no longer your country, you are free to leave.  You’ll likely find where ever you go, that once you tire of it (or they tire of you) it may not be as easy to leave there as it is here.


***Other side of the coin preemptive scoop slam***

Some may say that I’m being just as whiny by insulting her on this blog.  There is a major difference though.  My blog is closed.  I only share the very existence of it to a few select people, probably now numbering around a dozen.  Comments are not allowed.  My purpose is to clear my head, to shout via keyboard rather than out loud.  I did not take to a public, open forum, seeking approval for the rough rigors of my life and the dark pathway left before me because Killary didn’t win.  If you are reading this, it is because you chose to not because I popped up in your timeline.  I’ve been there and done that.  Else, you stumbled upon me through the billions of possible URLs out there and kept reading.  Either way, you still being here is a choice you have made.  Read on, or go away.  I’ll likely never know.

Whoppi Goldberg comparing President Trump to the Taliban.  That’s always the first and favorite place these leftist morons run to.  If you aren’t the Taliban, you are Hitler.  (See Ashley Judd’s rant for argumentative support.)  I didn’t hear Whoppi complain when the B. Hussein administration basically hacked a Fox News reporter’s laptop.  That was one way of silencing James Rosen, of silencing the press.  But that was okay, wasn’t it?

UC Berkley.  They’ve burned a portion of their own campus and damaged businesses and homes off campus.  Why?  A gay Conservative was scheduled to speak on campus.  Silly Milo.  Doesn’t he know that being gay means you HAVE to be liberal?  They wouldn’t accept you otherwise.  As they clearly demonstrated.  His event was canceled and he was removed under police protection.  That is what tolerance looks like on the left.  Free speech.  As long as it is something that I would say myself.  Else, you can’t have your forum.

Yes, you idiots are out of touch.  You’re out of power too.  Get used to it.