Sarcastic Sentry Volume 6.5, Issue 1

I’ve deliberately delayed writing these next two blogs as I wanted the scenario to more fully develop. This first one revolves around the ever increasing rate and depth of Trump Derangement Syndrome exhibited by Democratic politicians, activists, and other social elites. These people are so rabidly anti-Trump that they will do or say literally anything. They no longer disguise their intent. They know you will not remember what they did or said in about 48 to 72 hours anyway. By then, someone else will have “trumped” them (see what I did there?) and they’ll have to do or say something even more outrageous. For examples:

A writer for Bloomberg (yes, THAT one) and former campaign manager for the embarrassingly short former candidate (and his short-lived candidacy), came under fire for using a picture of the President from earlier in the week to attempt to bash Trump by saying he went golfing on Memorial Day. He posted side-by-side photos of Trump and the mentally unstable Joe Biden who was laying a wreath at a war memorial.

Memorial Day is observed on Monday. It was Biden’s first public appearance is probably weeks as he had to learn how to walk with Depends on and how to not bump into things with a mask on. Trump’s picture was from the day earlier, Sunday—not Monday. On Memorial Day, Trump was both at Arlington National Cemetery as well as at Fort McHenry in Baltimore honoring our fallen.

Tim Obrien, the putz, proves yet again that leftists will do or say anything to advance their political ideology. Obrien was immediately caught and slammed for his dishonesty. As of this writing Obrien is still employed despite his egregious attempt at mass media deception.

A “journalist” for the The Nation stated that taking back the White House is so important that she would vote for Joe Biden even if he boiled babies and ate them.

Katha Pollitt, a matronly looking woman with a bad hatchet haircut job stated that even if the recent sexual assault accusation of Tara Reid against Biden were true, she would still vote for Biden.

Biden wasn’t her first choice in the Democrat race (probably Sanders) but even though her dog lost, she wants Trump out of office so bad that she can forgive her candidate of both infanticide and cannibalism.

While she is a follower of the #BelieveInWomen movement, Pollitt states that political necessity outweighs social or criminal justice.

One can only imagine the likes Pollitt got on her Twitter feed from all six of her ardent followers.

Journalist Says She Would Vote Biden Even ‘If He Boiled Babies and Ate Them’



In a sort of tie-in to the next blog, Maxine Watters, the decades long Leftist Representative with the permanent scowl on her perpetually angry face laid the blame for George Floyd’s murder (and it was murder), indeed all black lives taken by cops at the feet of President Trump. She stated emphatically that the officer Derek Chauvin enjoyed killing Floyd; that he often got up each morning thinking that today was the day he was going to get one.

So Watters is a mind reader now? Or does she have a hidden camera in Chauvin’s home to hear him muse his secret insatiable desire to kill a black person with each dawning of the sun? She also generalized that Trump’s speeches, indeed his tweets and everyday language act as a dog whistle to the murder happy in the country and by his language, Trump condones it.

Again, another example of TDS. There is nothing Trump could do that would satisfy this bitch. Trump could put on a Kente cloth like the other leading leftists did. He could march in a BLM protests and mug to the camera like Romney did. Hell, he could pay for the paint and street signs in DC stating that BLACK LIVES MATTER and paint the letters on the street himself, and none of it would satisfy Watters.

You could hang her with a new rope and she would complain. And no, I’m not advocating for her lynching. But I’m sure some leftist out there will take me out of context. Go ahead. It’s an old phrase my Grandma used to use about people that are never happy.


The examples are many more, but I want to get this onto the page so I can start the next one—on the protests, and the BLM movement spreading like a cancer.