Sarcastic Sentry Volume 6.5 Issue 2

Part two of current event blogs. The first was about how the left was completely in favor of maintaining business shut downs, social distancing, and most importantly, the slow down of Trump’s ability to campaign. Trump is a big crowd speaker. He invigorates his base while also infuriating the left. Their plan was to isolate Trump enthusiasts and voters while allowing Biden a respite from his continual and uncontrollable public gaffes. And it was working perfectly for the left.

Then two things happened. The COVID-19 curve flattened and the public wanted the choking restrictions on them eased. The left refused. States like California, Illinois, Michigan, and Pennsylvania all continued, even tightened restrictions on public gatherings, face mask removal, and more importantly, businesses reopening. These Democrat elitists and monarchs had nothing to lose by tightening the yoke even further. The public began to revolt even in the face of the government boot coming down on their throats.

Then, on May 25th, police officer Derek Chauvin, in my arrogant opinion, murdered George Floyd in an arrest attempted. Chauvin didn’t even seem to be bothered that he was videoed fatally restricting Floyd’s ability to breath. Floyd dies at the hands of the police. And all hell broke loose.

Not really covered all that much in the media was that Chauvin and Floyd knew each other. They both worked at a nightclub, probably in security. Floyd as a employee of the club, Chauvin probably doing overtime work. Cops often get security gigs at bars and clubs. It isn’t a far stretch to believe that the two had run-ins at the club. Again, in my opinion, Chauvin probably thought that eventually, one day, he’d run in to Floyd again in an official capacity. He did. And he killed him.

The outrage was immediate despite the facts describing how seldom black men are actually killed by white police. Black on black murder is far, FAR more prevalent. But, to the uniformed, to the ones too lazy to do their own research, this didn’t matter. The system was broken and corrupt and the only way to fix it was to riot and burn the system down. So they did. The leftist politicians and the media were handed and inside straight flush, Ace high and they used it.

Calls for defunding, disbanding, or dismantling the police (in its entirety one must presume) became the flavor of the day.

Here are a few examples of how they ran with the false narrative.

  1. Minneapolis city council president Lisa Bender was on CNN stating that white folks calling the police when someone breaks into their homes comes from a place of privilege. In her blinder wearing world, the police are a private security firm for white people only and that the police do not work to keep everyone safe. So, let’s chuck the whole thing and start over. That’ll work well. Said no one ever. It has been proven time and again that the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun. That would be 99% of the hired, trained, and equipped police force. Without that bulwark against criminals, only vigilantism will reign. A police precinct in Minneapolis was burned to the ground. I await to see who gets arrested.

  1. Congress led by the galactically stupid Nancy Pelosi passed a police reform bill. One of the items was to curb/limit/eliminate Qualified immunity for police officers. This feature protects officers from legal harm in the event of an accidental or unintentional act that causes damage or harm to another. Key words there. Accidental or unintentional. What Chauvin is filmed doing is neither of those.

Colorado just passed a similar law at the state level. Officers can now be liable for damages up to $25,000 in cases. So, now you will have officers hesitate or half step out of fear they will be sued. They could lose their homes, their futures. How much damage will be done to future victims born of this hesitation to decisively act during a crime? Will the left next enact the ability to sue in the event of harm from hesitation?

You will see qualified and competent officers leave the force over this. There are other items in Colorado’s knee-jerk react law that are harmful but the will be for another entry.

  1. States are now terminating the contracts that place armed resource officers in public schools. Yes, because police officers in schools are responsible for how many school massacres? Uh, zero.

Taking armed officers out of schools will have the exact opposite effect. Schools will become like the Aurora theater (and most across the nation)—gun free zones. And we all know that criminals and other psychotic people bent on achieving a high body count will heed the little stickers on the front glass saying that guns aren’t aloud on campus.

When the next Columbine happens and no armed officer is around who will the dispatch send? The guidance counselor? Perhaps the 70-year old lunch lady is packing a pistol and has the ability, training, and mindset required to face down the next Dillon Clebold. Brilliant.

  1. In Chicago, the brazen and hideous looking Mayor Lightfoot has issued a directive to have police officers work mandatory 12-hour days and forfeit time off in order to work more in the wake of the protest violence. All while cities continue to push forward measures to defund the police.

We hate cops, and don’t want then around because they kill black people as soon as breath. But until your job is eliminated, by all means, work overtime to protect my stupid ass from the criminals we empower.

“This police system in Chicago and in the country is beyond repair, and so it’s absolutely within reason for people to say that we should tear this system down and start over,” Democratic state Rep. LaShawn Ford of Chicago told reporters outside police headquarters earlier this month, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Calls to defund or disband police have reached Washington, D.C., with Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar saying the Minneapolis Police Department is “rotten to the root.” She told CNN the department is beyond reform and should be completely rebuilt because “the current infrastructure that exists as policing in our city should not exist anymore.”

You can’t have it both ways. You either have a police force that is armed and trained, or you leave the populace to fend for themselves.

  1. In another “I want my cake and eat it too moment”, a Chicago pastor came out against the gun violence in the murder capital of the world after a 3-year old boy was killed on Father’s Day. The boy’s father was the intended target. But then gang bangers don’t usually go to gun ranges to improve their proficiency. But no matter, just bust some caps.

The pastor emotionally and impassionedly stated that “a line was crossed” in this killing. “We say black lives matter, but we’re here to say black baby lives matter more.”

Really? The little girl also killed by “random” gang gunfire didn’t cross the line? The over 350 people killed in Chicago just this year has no bearing on what is acceptable?

The majority of murders in Chicago are gang related. They are also black on black. But those don’t matter. Just the killing of this one little boy.

Ohhh, I get it.

  1. Then there is CHAZ/CHOP (whatever you want to call it) and the DC Autonomous Zone. I’m not going to go into too much depth here on CHAZ because it is just ridiculous. But it was entertaining to see that one of the first things the protestors did when they took over that section of Seattle was to build a barrier wall. So I guess walls work after all.

But in DC, a reporter was doing a piece in the Autonomous Zone when a deranged adult male wearing female pink under garments rushed towards her. Security stopped the she-male from getting too close.

The reporter, in favor of defunding the police, of Black Lives Matter, and the protests to bring down historical monuments, was heard in the heat of the moment to say, “Where are the police when you need them?”

Bitch, I call that Karma.

But to her, in her enlightened and woke world, the police are bad and need to be fired. Until she needs one. Then they’d better be right there. I mean, RIGHT THERE. Protect me! I pay your salary!

It is a common misconception among the sheep in society that the police are under no legal obligation to save your life. They aren’t. The police can investigate crime, act as a deterrent, and in some cases are there in time to effect an outcome change from a criminal’s intent.

But go ahead. Get rid of the police. Personally, I think before these elitists get rid of police they should first be required to release their armed security. If we’re going to be at the mercy of the wolves, all of us should be. You’re no better than I just because you have a microphone and a film crew.

  1. Then there is Hawk Newsome, the leader of Black Lives Matter stating on TV that if the US doesn’t give us what we want we will burn the system down and start over.

And in that moment of clarity you see the basis of the movement. Our society is at its core and root corrupt and racist. If he doesn’t get his way, he isn’t just going to take his ball and bat and go home. No, he’s going to destroy the ballpark.

What happens the next time so perceived slight is committed? Do we start rioting all over again? You can’t bargain with these cretins and criminals. They see racism in everything as so as they raise their head from the pillow. And if the white people don’t bend to his will, violence is forthcoming.

  1. In the wake of all this being woke, you have companies across the commercial spectrum all began to virtue signal. They also saw racism everywhere. Mostly in an effort to not have their offices and factories targeted, but I digress.

Aunt Jemima syrup is removing the black woman from the bottle as it is racist. Uncle Ben’s Rice is taking the black man off their packages as it is racist. Eskimo Pies is taking the Eskimo off their packages as it is racist. General Mills came under attack because Rice Krispies has three white dudes on the box while Cocoa Crisps has a cartoonish money on it. See? Rice Krispies are white. Cocoa Crisps are brown.

Even LO’real is removing the phrases white/whiteness, fair/fairness from their skin cream lines to avoid being racist. Every manufacture is racing to out virtue the rest.

Why weren’t these products deemed racist when B. Hussein was president?







I would say we’re on a slippery slope. But we’re past that now. We’re halfway down that luge track now. Without anyone training in running a luge sled on board. As a society, we’ve lost our collective minds. The wolf has managed to convince the sheep that the sheep dog is the villain and must be put down. Who will protect the sheep when the wolf has them all to himself?

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 6.5, Issue 1

I’ve deliberately delayed writing these next two blogs as I wanted the scenario to more fully develop. This first one revolves around the ever increasing rate and depth of Trump Derangement Syndrome exhibited by Democratic politicians, activists, and other social elites. These people are so rabidly anti-Trump that they will do or say literally anything. They no longer disguise their intent. They know you will not remember what they did or said in about 48 to 72 hours anyway. By then, someone else will have “trumped” them (see what I did there?) and they’ll have to do or say something even more outrageous. For examples:

A writer for Bloomberg (yes, THAT one) and former campaign manager for the embarrassingly short former candidate (and his short-lived candidacy), came under fire for using a picture of the President from earlier in the week to attempt to bash Trump by saying he went golfing on Memorial Day. He posted side-by-side photos of Trump and the mentally unstable Joe Biden who was laying a wreath at a war memorial.

Memorial Day is observed on Monday. It was Biden’s first public appearance is probably weeks as he had to learn how to walk with Depends on and how to not bump into things with a mask on. Trump’s picture was from the day earlier, Sunday—not Monday. On Memorial Day, Trump was both at Arlington National Cemetery as well as at Fort McHenry in Baltimore honoring our fallen.

Tim Obrien, the putz, proves yet again that leftists will do or say anything to advance their political ideology. Obrien was immediately caught and slammed for his dishonesty. As of this writing Obrien is still employed despite his egregious attempt at mass media deception.

A “journalist” for the The Nation stated that taking back the White House is so important that she would vote for Joe Biden even if he boiled babies and ate them.

Katha Pollitt, a matronly looking woman with a bad hatchet haircut job stated that even if the recent sexual assault accusation of Tara Reid against Biden were true, she would still vote for Biden.

Biden wasn’t her first choice in the Democrat race (probably Sanders) but even though her dog lost, she wants Trump out of office so bad that she can forgive her candidate of both infanticide and cannibalism.

While she is a follower of the #BelieveInWomen movement, Pollitt states that political necessity outweighs social or criminal justice.

One can only imagine the likes Pollitt got on her Twitter feed from all six of her ardent followers.

Journalist Says She Would Vote Biden Even ‘If He Boiled Babies and Ate Them’



In a sort of tie-in to the next blog, Maxine Watters, the decades long Leftist Representative with the permanent scowl on her perpetually angry face laid the blame for George Floyd’s murder (and it was murder), indeed all black lives taken by cops at the feet of President Trump. She stated emphatically that the officer Derek Chauvin enjoyed killing Floyd; that he often got up each morning thinking that today was the day he was going to get one.

So Watters is a mind reader now? Or does she have a hidden camera in Chauvin’s home to hear him muse his secret insatiable desire to kill a black person with each dawning of the sun? She also generalized that Trump’s speeches, indeed his tweets and everyday language act as a dog whistle to the murder happy in the country and by his language, Trump condones it.

Again, another example of TDS. There is nothing Trump could do that would satisfy this bitch. Trump could put on a Kente cloth like the other leading leftists did. He could march in a BLM protests and mug to the camera like Romney did. Hell, he could pay for the paint and street signs in DC stating that BLACK LIVES MATTER and paint the letters on the street himself, and none of it would satisfy Watters.

You could hang her with a new rope and she would complain. And no, I’m not advocating for her lynching. But I’m sure some leftist out there will take me out of context. Go ahead. It’s an old phrase my Grandma used to use about people that are never happy.


The examples are many more, but I want to get this onto the page so I can start the next one—on the protests, and the BLM movement spreading like a cancer.