Sarcastic Sentry Volume 4.4, Issue 1

Spartacus panders

All of these leftist candidates are spending the waking moments of their think tank workers coming up with plans to “out-left” all of the others. Pochohantas Warren wants to wipe out student debt for all previous college students (based on income of course). Rich people needn’t apply. Skank whore Kamala Harris states she will do executive orders to ban our boom sticks in an effort to get the David Hoggs of the country to vote for her. (All 6 of them.) Corey Booker, the Spartacus Moment idiot of New Jersey unveiled his latest pandering ploy to prospective votes (of colored persuasion). He will create a commission to study the feasibility of reparations to blacks for the evils of slavery—from over 150 years ago.


So, just a few questions in the manner of common sense. Since I know these won’t be asked during the course of his commission.

  1. How many slaves from the Civil War era and before are still alive to pay?
  2. Since there aren’t any, how seriously affected would their follow on relatives have been?
  3. How many slave owners are still alive from that era?
  4. Since there aren’t any, how will you determine the level of guilt each slave owner’s descendant’s are culpable of?
  5. Assuming you need to prove ancestry to a Civil War era slave, how closely related do you have to be? Will it be like the proportionality of Indian blood used for tribal affiliation?
  6. How will you decide how much money someone gets? How much would a direct descendent get versus someone whose bloodline is diluted?
  7. What if a slave relative is born of a white mixing into the blood line? Do they get more or less?
  8. Who pays for this reparation fund? Is it just taxpayer funded, thereby making the slave relatives pay a portion of their own reparation?
  9. Will non-white segments of the population be exempt from paying into the slush fund? I mean, Hispanics probably had very little to do with enslaving blacks.
  10. Do you realize that the Irish were also indentured servants as well? While not considered slaves by history, they were forced to work for others to earn eventual freedom. Will their relatives be eligible for reparations too? Will you sue only the English who enslaved them?


It’s all a pointless pandering attempt to garner votes for his fledgling campaign. Just like his pledge to make his running mate a woman. Bit of advice for you, Corey. Don’t pick Hillary as your running mate. You know what I’m saying.