Sarcastic Sentry Volume 5.4, Issue 3

Last week, a billionaire gave the commencement speech at Morehouse College. In many such occasions, the speaker, usually successful and no societal slouch, are bestowed with an honorary Doctorate. During the speech Smith, an investment firm wizard announced hw was developing a grant that would pay off the 2019 graduating class’s student loan debt. Estimates put this gift around $40 million.

And the millennial flood gates were opened.

Shortly after this, media mogul and millionaire herself, Oprah Winfrey gave a commencement speech at a college. She handed out copies of her new book to all the students. She was immediately set upon by one millennial asking why she gave a book and didn’t pay off all those kid’s student debt.

And right there, folks, is the me generation in all of their loving socialist ways. One person, mad a $40 million move. So, the standard is now set. Everyone else has to top that. It is sort of like all of these idiot Democrat candidates. Everyday one of them pipes off with something further left than their competition. Is there a wall on the left somewhere that even they can’t go left of? I’m thinking not.

Oprah responded though only weakly. She defended her previous philanthropic work at Morehouse (she has donated $13 million for scholarships—a preemptive strike against student loan debt). She didn’t mention how arrogantly assumptive the complainer was. So, you can bet no lesson was learned.

If you give a millennial mouse a cookie, he’s gonna want a glass of milk.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 5.4, Issue 2

If you were paying attention last week you got to see a couple of stark examples of media bias, ideology norms, and behavioral differences between various segments of society. These would be the less than 1 percent who serve (based on population percentages since 9-11-2001) and the rest of the population. Between conservatives and liberals.

Granted, I don’t know the Chief personally, or his politics for certain. I do know that from my 20+ years serving, the military tends to leans right. Teeter-totter not even coming off the ground, right. It only fits with the disparity of ideology. The right and military espouse more tradition, structure, and discipline. The left does not; it is more about feelings and doing what you want to do.

The example:

Command Master Chief Jonas Carter instructed attendees to a speech to be headed by Vice President Mike Pence, to “clap like they were at a strip club.”


Philadelphia State politician Phil Sims saw two teenage girls, 13 and 15, praying outside a Planned Parenthood office. Earlier, Sims had been on a rant against an elderly women for her stance against abortion. As to the girls, Sims belittled them for the color, religion, even political ideology. I don’t know about you, but I don’t know many 13 year old activists. Sims then offered $100 to anyone who could “dox” the girls.

A quick Google search shows that to dox someone is to: “search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.”

Teenagers. And Sims wants to destroy them. Tough guy, this one. Oh, yes. Real man.

The build up:

Chief Carter was reprimanded for his choice of words. “Not keeping with the Navy standards of leadership.”


Sims was slammed by GOP critics and calls for him to resign were growing. Planned Parenthood called him a champion on pro-choice issues.

The result:

Chief Carter resigned and retired from the Navy.


Sims is still “serving” the people of Pennsylvania.

The analysis:

The Chief is more guilty to being blind to today’s hyper active sense of political correctness. Clapping like you’re in a strip club implies the objectification of women. In today’s #metoo, and #sexstrike world, the Chief had just touched the third rail. Had he said, “Clap like you just won the lottery.” All would have been fine aside from the left still complaining about him encouraging applause for a conservative, evangelical man.

Sims couldn’t care less about the optics of his actions. He chose them, in fact. He advocates for the killing of unborn babies and gives not one shit what the other side thinks or says. He never apologized, saying only that he “can do better”. He knows the entire leftist machine and their lap dog media sycophants will shelter him.

The story is already out of the media. Sort of like the Chief is out of the Navy.

Right versus left.  Military versus never served.  Stark differences.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 5.4, Issue 1

Once again, the moronic knee-jerk, idiocy spewing anti-American Ilhan Omar stirs the pot leaving her political side looking foolish, unprepared, and less attractive to thinking voters. Her fellow idiots (useful and not) will continue to vote for her. It’s easier than looking away from their smart(er than they are) phones.

“A lot of the policies that we have put in place has kind of helped lead the devastation in Venezuela,” the Minnesota lawmaker told the “Democracy Now!” news program.

“This particular bullying and the use of sanctions to eventually intervene and make regime change really does not help the people of countries like Venezuela, and it certainly does not help and is not in the interest of the United States.”

We break from our usual sarcasm to bring you about five minutes of facts brought to you through simple research. This information is open source and gleaned in about twenty minutes.

We’ll just include the last three Presidents (or dictators if one prefers).

Hugo Chavez 1999-2013

Nicolas Maduro 2013-present

Barrack Obama 2008-2016

In the 1950’s the GDP of Venezuela rivaled that of West Germany. They were the 4th wealthiest nation in the world per capita.

From the 1950s through the 1980s, Venezuela enjoyed steady economic growth, largely through oil exports (discovered in 1921). Venezuela had the highest Latin American standard of living as the 6th largest OPEC nation. Unfortunately the leaders all built the nation on not a deck of cards, but a single card—oil. The collapse of oil prices in the 1980s hit hard. Nearly 17% of Venezuela’s GDP was petroleum based, and 95% of that was oil. Oil had been $100 a barrel and went to $40.

Losing 60% of revenue was devastating. The liberal-styled economic policies of Chavez (everything was free) wreaked havoc. Inflation soared from 50-60% yearly (under Rafeal Caldera 1994-1999) to triple digits under Chavez even though he falsely reported economic figures to keep foreign investments coming in. In 2015 hyperinflation struck hitting 159%, the highest rate in Venezuelan history and the highest in the world at the time. By 2017 inflation was at 4000% annually. Today, their inflation rate is, get this, 2,295,981%. Unemployment in 2018 was 34.3%

In 2002 (Chavez) about 20,000 of their oil workforce was fired. Their main export was now largely without skilled workers. From 1998-2008, the United States paid $325 billion for oil. 500,000 barrels per day. Venezuela was our 4th largest oil importer. As far as trade goes, the United States accounted for 42% of their exports, followed by China (23%) and India (19%). On the import side, the United States again led the world with 38%, followed by China (18%) and Mexico (12%). We imported machinery, agricultural goods, medical equipment and supplies, and cars. Things every economy needs.

Chavez then nationalized thousands of private businesses. He just took ownership (and thus profits) away from owners. Imagine if the US nationalized Ford, Starbucks, Home Depot, and Amazon. Chavez rewrote their Constitution so that he could remain in power. It had been that a President served one five-year term. He could run again, but not until two more five-year terms has been served by others. Now he could be President for life. And he was. Chavez and picked his heir Maduro who has continued with these failed openly socialist policies.

The GDP of Venezuela has continued to slide under Maduro. Down 16.5% in 2016, down 14.5% in 2017, down 18% in 2018, and so far in 2019 down 8%. Meanwhile Maduro raids the gold coffers of the nation and is wealthiest beyond dreams. Socialism at its best. The elite are cared for. The country has a poverty rate of 90%.

Now, if you examine these numbers, they mostly happened under the OBAMA presidency. Trump didn’t do it, he simply has nuanced it, or enhanced it.

Back to the idiot Omar.

So, somehow it’s NOW America’s fault that Venezuela has failed in its socialist experiment. Funny, I never heard her speak out (or any of her ilk) when B. Hussein was on the throne. Just now. Because, Orange Man.

Then, when Vice President Mike Pence speaks out, saying she doesn’t know what she is talking about, she gets all butt hurt.

During the Fox News interview, Pence was asked why he spoke out against Omar.

“Well, because the congresswoman doesn’t know what she is talking about,” Pence said. “Nicolás Maduro is a socialist dictator who has taken what was once one of the most prosperous nations in this hemisphere and brought it literally to a level of deprivation and oppression and poverty that we have never seen. Nine out of 10 people in Venezuela live in poverty. Three million people have fled Venezuela. That’s not a result of U.S. policies, that’s a result of the dictatorship and socialism that has been imposed on the people of Venezuela by Nicolás Maduro.”

Ever so fast to play the victim, race and gender cards, Omar responded.

Omar took to Twitter to say that Pence’s criticism is something “women of color have heard” before.

“Instead of ‘we disagree,’ it’s ‘she doesn’t know what she’s talking about,’ ” Omar wrote. “They have to make us feel small.”

Even a former Governor of Venezuela, Diego Arria responded to Omar’s idiocy about the US policies causing the collapse of the Venezuelan economy. At first he couldn’t understand who was making the comments as they seemed so anti-American and vengeful. He then called her remarks ignorant, stating it is an absolutely false assertion that US sanctions caused the collapse.

Omar always resorts to any criticism to her blathering as an attack on women, or better, and attack on colored women. Best of all, if she says, Muslim colored women. That’s the Trifecta. Her retorts are never about the content of the criticism, but always try to redirect the argument off topic to one on classes, gender, or religion.

Like Governor Arria said, she is ignorant. What this twat doesn’t get is that ignorance is not always a bad thing. It can simply mean being unaware of the facts. One can then learn the facts and be less ignorant. Pence is not necessarily implying that Omar is stupid. No, I’m doing that.

Were the topic to be about, say, Islam apologism, incest by marriage to a sibling, or anti-Americanism, then VP Pence would be the ignorant one. Omar would be the subject matter expert.

See, it wouldn’t matter if the argument was about which apple made for the best pie. But we have to hear her even if we don’t want to listen to her. The media on both sides makes sure we do. But to watch her try to deflect the topic away from her stupid remarks, she stifles debate through implied victimhood. Hopefully she is a one-term Representative and can take her lifetime stipend back to Mogadishu. Oh wait, she can’t talk that this over there.