Sarcastic Sentry Volume 3.9, Issue 1

I’m back.   Got bored for a time as well as busy, so some things became less so often done.  But with this most explosive in our lifetime election coming up, I decided to jump back in.  But based on the current political volatility, I must first do this:

Disclaimer:  The words and content of this blog are intended to be satire.  They are not written or published with the intent to incite riot or cause physical harm. Rather they are intended to cause reflection, raise awareness, and hurt feelings.  I further attest that I am not a foreign agent, nor do I have any affiliation with non-domestic organizations.  I am on no private payroll and receive no funding or backing from any foreign agency. I affirm that I am legally sane and suffer from no mental disorders that cause me to have these thoughts and follow on desires to make them public.  Lastly, I did not kill myself.

First up, Trump’s New York fraud lawsuit.  Bluntly, it is bullshit. The NY District Attorney, Letticia James has averred that Trump over inflated the values of certain properties that he used as collateral for loans.  This gave him more favorable interest rates, saving him money.  He may have stated Mara Lago is worth 100 million dollars when it is worth fifty million. Certainly not the $18 million the buffoon judge stated.

Trump made his case, showed how they came to those valuations and told the bank to do their own.  Given the amount he was borrowing, I’m sure they did.

Here’s a simple similar example. Let’s say I want to borrow $100 from the bank to make a purchase. The bank requires collateral.  I present a Timex watch. I say it is worth $200, even though I bought it last year for $50.  I say it has appreciated in value based on age, scarcity, and the fact that I, a world famous satirist own it.

The bank does a credit check on me and an appraisal of my watch.  If they agree that based on my age and their appraisal they loan me $100 at 5% interest.  If they disagree, they can deny the loan entirely, offer me less money for the loan, or loan me the $100 at a higher interest rate, say 10%. They give me terms to repay the now $105 loan in 6 months.

I pay the loan back in four months. The bank is thrilled.  They look for the day I want to borrow money again since I have proven myself a responsible borrower.  No one lost money. Everybody won.

New York is claiming that somehow the bank Duetsche, I think, was injured by Trump’s over valuations of his collateral.  You can’t show me how.  He borrowed the money and paid it all back with interest and on time. The bank lost nothing, in fact MADE money on the interest Trump paid during the term of the loan. DA James is claiming there is a fire here, when all that is here is a match and kindling.

The bank could have, or should have done appraisals on Trump’s collateral.  Based on that they decided he merited the loan at these specific terms.  It was a business risk on their part; loaning money always is.  They could have said no, or loaned less, asked for more collateral, or given him a higher interest rate. But it cost them nothing, they lost nothing. 

Trump committed no crime.  This should be overturned at appeal. Especially given how the judge stated before the trial even started that he believed Trump was guilty.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 11.5 Issue 1

Election thoughts:

Well, that wasn’t what anyone thought would happen (for one side of the political spectrum) nor what anyone hoped would happen (for the other side).

The left set themselves up for this shock and disappointment by aligning themselves behind the one candidate that sucked all through their own primaries.  Biden was consistently no better than third.  Yet slowly, the left (not liberals, the left) winnowed the eligible field down from about 22 lack luster candidates to settle on Sleepy Joe.  They didn’t really have much choice, really.

Were they supposed to pick the fake Indian, Elizabeth Warren?  She didn’t even win in her own state.  Were they supposed to pick the whore KAMala Harris?  She’s not black.  She’s Jamaican and Indian, Her history on the black vote and crime punishment did her in.  Were they supposed to pick Klobuchar?  Her own lack of accomplishment is what many are now saying should have drawn Biden to pick her.  (I think Sleepy Joe got himself backed into a corner.  He committed to his running mate being a woman.  That she was also black was seen as more help.  Maybe he could have found a black female who was also a veteran, gay, and handicapped.)  That would have been the ultimate ace.

So after, the left discarded all the others, what remained was this senile, gibbering and corrupt fool.  Now, they had to find a way to make the American left believe he was the new Messiah.  So, they lied.  They made up or padded poll after poll to make the public believe Biden was so far ahead that nothing could stop him.  So effective, they were. It was going to be a landslide.  Even solid red states would flip to blue.  Biden was expected to have nearly 350 electoral votes.

So they set themselves up for the shock and disappointment they feel, and they are looking for scapegoats to blame.  The American right is guilty, of course.  We’re just too stupid and racist not to see their infinite wisdom and to choose to fall sullenly in line.

Then there is the right.  They thought they had it in the bag.  Trump would decimate him in the debates.  Except for the rules the left would impose. Sleepy Joe can’t speak in coherent sentences of longer than four words.  He rambles.  He combines and minces words together in incomprehensible “speaking in tongues” outbursts. (Obatakathcare, for one.) He bellows idiotic “shout down” phrases when he gets flustered, like “C’mon man”, or “Here’s the deal”, or “Will you shut up, man”.  His and his son’s escapades would have been enough to sink a candidate—ten years ago.  Leftists apologize for so little now that Sleepy Joe could have been caught banging his grand daughter, then slamming a wounded puppy against a tree while burning an American flag while writing a check out to BLM and the media would cover for him.

Biden was caught doing exactly what he and the rest of the left accused Trump of doing.  It was proven that Killary Clinton herself concocted the Russian election interfering ploy to smear Trump.  Hunter Biden was caught peddling influence to the Chinese—influence to his father, Sleepy Joe.  Biden was caught on video bragging and laughing about extorting the Ukrainians into firing the prosecutor looking in his son’s dealings there.

All these things, ten years ago would have sunk a candidate from either side.  A candidate out of his mind with senility, caught red handed taking and making bribes with our foremost global competitor.  And the right thought it was going to be a pushover.

What they didn’t consider, or try to counter, was not so much that the morons who voted for Biden actually preferred him over another candidate.  It was that their utter, contempt and hatred, yes HATRED for Trump would give them enough mental and moral space to rationalize every wrong thing Biden had done, even the 47 years of his doing nothing.  They didn’t vote for Biden as much as they voted against Trump.  And apparently there are over 71 million Americans willing to pay higher taxes, embolden Iran, overlook obvious pedophilia tendencies, blatant idiocy, and advanced dementia in order to defeat Trump.  And many of them in positions of influence and/or power are willing to cheat, lie, and forge to make sure Biden wins.

So, now Trump has to protest and demand recounts.  The Florida case involving Gore and Bush Junior was one thing.  We are going into the Twilight Zone now.  Trump looks like a sore loser.  Never mind that the mantra being repeated by both sides sounds familiar, it is starkly different.  Trump says we have to count every legal vote.  Biden (and the media) say we have to count every vote.  And now that the illegal and questionable votes are mixed in with the legal ones, how will they be separated?  The vote counters are blocking access to the Trump poll watchers.

Regardless of the eventual second outcome, both sides will protest and sue, and the case will again go to the Supreme Court.  The media will tell us that this is unfair as it is a 6-3 majority for “right leaning” judges.  This is a misnomer.  Chief Justice Roberts after all, gave us Obamacare.  He’s more liberal than many Democrat Senators.  So, at best, it is 5-4.

One thing is for certain.  The American public will never again put faith in our election system.  Whatever side wins, the other will protest and claim fraud. And unelected judges will have to legislate who the winner is.  The losing side will brand the “winner” as illegitimate.

Personally, I think Trump should concede.  If he is declared the winner by the court, the media and the left will again team up to savage him.  He won’t get anything major done, facing obstacles and roadblocks at every turn.  We’ll go through every waste of time again.  Here are my predictions in no real order; just how they came to me.

  1. Biden will step down.  If he holds out for two years, then this term will not count as one for Harris.  She can then run for two more terms.
  2. The left will impeach Justice Barrett.  They’ll claim her candidacy was fraudulent from the beginning.  Or they will find other moral turpitude charges to stain her.
  3. Biden will reverse our exiting the Paris Climate Accord, even though the economic results would be disastrous for the US since no one else abides by the restrictions but us.
  4. Biden will reinstate the Iran nuclear deal and loosen economic sanctions against them. He will hungrily pay the billions of dollars Iran will demand of us even as they transparently redirect that money towards their terrorism campaigns.
  5. Biden will roll back the trade sanctions against China.  He’ll likely even get Hunter a job.
  6. The left will do as Warren has threatened.  They will prosecute Trump.  At the very least, they will try him for crimes against humanity over the pandemic response.
  7. Biden will reverse the Trump tax cuts.
  8. Biden will raise taxes.  The $400K limit will somehow become 200K or 100K.
  9. Biden will reinstate the assault weapons ban.
  10. Biden will enact by executive order, a forced buy back of existing AR-platform and AK-47 style weapons.
  11. Biden will tax existing gun owners a sum on each firearm they own.
  12. Biden will raise taxes on ammunition purchases or limit how much can be purchased, even held by citizens.
  13. Biden will pack the Supreme Court.  Standing up a commission to study it was merely a wet blanket to bring the flames around this topic to a mere smoke screen.
  14. There will be a massive debt increasing stimulus plan that incorporates all the wet dreams of the left.
  15. Biden will stop building the wall, may even remove what has been built.
  16. Amnesty for all current illegals.  This will likely given the left an additional 12-15 million more, now legal votes.
  17. Single payer health care plan.  Your private insurance will be forced out of existence by not being able to compete with the government.
  18. The Fair & Balanced legislation on media will be forced on us, eliminating Fox.
  19. The Dow will see a 5-8K point correction, bringing on a new depression.
  20. If the Covid-19 pandemic isn’t brought in line, Biden will reinstitute the lock down, crushing the rest of the life out of our economy.

Trump should concede and then, bail.  God, and Country, sure.  But in jail, it’s just you, brother.  If he left his sons in charge of his business empire, he would want for nothing.  The left can’t go after them.  They’ve broken no laws. He’s in his 70’s.  Run. Go to a non-extradicition country.  Then, to accentuate the point, revoke your citizenship.  He’d be the first President to do so.  That alone would send a powerful message.

And power is all the Left sees.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 6.5 Issue 2

Part two of current event blogs. The first was about how the left was completely in favor of maintaining business shut downs, social distancing, and most importantly, the slow down of Trump’s ability to campaign. Trump is a big crowd speaker. He invigorates his base while also infuriating the left. Their plan was to isolate Trump enthusiasts and voters while allowing Biden a respite from his continual and uncontrollable public gaffes. And it was working perfectly for the left.

Then two things happened. The COVID-19 curve flattened and the public wanted the choking restrictions on them eased. The left refused. States like California, Illinois, Michigan, and Pennsylvania all continued, even tightened restrictions on public gatherings, face mask removal, and more importantly, businesses reopening. These Democrat elitists and monarchs had nothing to lose by tightening the yoke even further. The public began to revolt even in the face of the government boot coming down on their throats.

Then, on May 25th, police officer Derek Chauvin, in my arrogant opinion, murdered George Floyd in an arrest attempted. Chauvin didn’t even seem to be bothered that he was videoed fatally restricting Floyd’s ability to breath. Floyd dies at the hands of the police. And all hell broke loose.

Not really covered all that much in the media was that Chauvin and Floyd knew each other. They both worked at a nightclub, probably in security. Floyd as a employee of the club, Chauvin probably doing overtime work. Cops often get security gigs at bars and clubs. It isn’t a far stretch to believe that the two had run-ins at the club. Again, in my opinion, Chauvin probably thought that eventually, one day, he’d run in to Floyd again in an official capacity. He did. And he killed him.

The outrage was immediate despite the facts describing how seldom black men are actually killed by white police. Black on black murder is far, FAR more prevalent. But, to the uniformed, to the ones too lazy to do their own research, this didn’t matter. The system was broken and corrupt and the only way to fix it was to riot and burn the system down. So they did. The leftist politicians and the media were handed and inside straight flush, Ace high and they used it.

Calls for defunding, disbanding, or dismantling the police (in its entirety one must presume) became the flavor of the day.

Here are a few examples of how they ran with the false narrative.

  1. Minneapolis city council president Lisa Bender was on CNN stating that white folks calling the police when someone breaks into their homes comes from a place of privilege. In her blinder wearing world, the police are a private security firm for white people only and that the police do not work to keep everyone safe. So, let’s chuck the whole thing and start over. That’ll work well. Said no one ever. It has been proven time and again that the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun. That would be 99% of the hired, trained, and equipped police force. Without that bulwark against criminals, only vigilantism will reign. A police precinct in Minneapolis was burned to the ground. I await to see who gets arrested.

  1. Congress led by the galactically stupid Nancy Pelosi passed a police reform bill. One of the items was to curb/limit/eliminate Qualified immunity for police officers. This feature protects officers from legal harm in the event of an accidental or unintentional act that causes damage or harm to another. Key words there. Accidental or unintentional. What Chauvin is filmed doing is neither of those.

Colorado just passed a similar law at the state level. Officers can now be liable for damages up to $25,000 in cases. So, now you will have officers hesitate or half step out of fear they will be sued. They could lose their homes, their futures. How much damage will be done to future victims born of this hesitation to decisively act during a crime? Will the left next enact the ability to sue in the event of harm from hesitation?

You will see qualified and competent officers leave the force over this. There are other items in Colorado’s knee-jerk react law that are harmful but the will be for another entry.

  1. States are now terminating the contracts that place armed resource officers in public schools. Yes, because police officers in schools are responsible for how many school massacres? Uh, zero.

Taking armed officers out of schools will have the exact opposite effect. Schools will become like the Aurora theater (and most across the nation)—gun free zones. And we all know that criminals and other psychotic people bent on achieving a high body count will heed the little stickers on the front glass saying that guns aren’t aloud on campus.

When the next Columbine happens and no armed officer is around who will the dispatch send? The guidance counselor? Perhaps the 70-year old lunch lady is packing a pistol and has the ability, training, and mindset required to face down the next Dillon Clebold. Brilliant.

  1. In Chicago, the brazen and hideous looking Mayor Lightfoot has issued a directive to have police officers work mandatory 12-hour days and forfeit time off in order to work more in the wake of the protest violence. All while cities continue to push forward measures to defund the police.

We hate cops, and don’t want then around because they kill black people as soon as breath. But until your job is eliminated, by all means, work overtime to protect my stupid ass from the criminals we empower.

“This police system in Chicago and in the country is beyond repair, and so it’s absolutely within reason for people to say that we should tear this system down and start over,” Democratic state Rep. LaShawn Ford of Chicago told reporters outside police headquarters earlier this month, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Calls to defund or disband police have reached Washington, D.C., with Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar saying the Minneapolis Police Department is “rotten to the root.” She told CNN the department is beyond reform and should be completely rebuilt because “the current infrastructure that exists as policing in our city should not exist anymore.”

You can’t have it both ways. You either have a police force that is armed and trained, or you leave the populace to fend for themselves.

  1. In another “I want my cake and eat it too moment”, a Chicago pastor came out against the gun violence in the murder capital of the world after a 3-year old boy was killed on Father’s Day. The boy’s father was the intended target. But then gang bangers don’t usually go to gun ranges to improve their proficiency. But no matter, just bust some caps.

The pastor emotionally and impassionedly stated that “a line was crossed” in this killing. “We say black lives matter, but we’re here to say black baby lives matter more.”

Really? The little girl also killed by “random” gang gunfire didn’t cross the line? The over 350 people killed in Chicago just this year has no bearing on what is acceptable?

The majority of murders in Chicago are gang related. They are also black on black. But those don’t matter. Just the killing of this one little boy.

Ohhh, I get it.

  1. Then there is CHAZ/CHOP (whatever you want to call it) and the DC Autonomous Zone. I’m not going to go into too much depth here on CHAZ because it is just ridiculous. But it was entertaining to see that one of the first things the protestors did when they took over that section of Seattle was to build a barrier wall. So I guess walls work after all.

But in DC, a reporter was doing a piece in the Autonomous Zone when a deranged adult male wearing female pink under garments rushed towards her. Security stopped the she-male from getting too close.

The reporter, in favor of defunding the police, of Black Lives Matter, and the protests to bring down historical monuments, was heard in the heat of the moment to say, “Where are the police when you need them?”

Bitch, I call that Karma.

But to her, in her enlightened and woke world, the police are bad and need to be fired. Until she needs one. Then they’d better be right there. I mean, RIGHT THERE. Protect me! I pay your salary!

It is a common misconception among the sheep in society that the police are under no legal obligation to save your life. They aren’t. The police can investigate crime, act as a deterrent, and in some cases are there in time to effect an outcome change from a criminal’s intent.

But go ahead. Get rid of the police. Personally, I think before these elitists get rid of police they should first be required to release their armed security. If we’re going to be at the mercy of the wolves, all of us should be. You’re no better than I just because you have a microphone and a film crew.

  1. Then there is Hawk Newsome, the leader of Black Lives Matter stating on TV that if the US doesn’t give us what we want we will burn the system down and start over.

And in that moment of clarity you see the basis of the movement. Our society is at its core and root corrupt and racist. If he doesn’t get his way, he isn’t just going to take his ball and bat and go home. No, he’s going to destroy the ballpark.

What happens the next time so perceived slight is committed? Do we start rioting all over again? You can’t bargain with these cretins and criminals. They see racism in everything as so as they raise their head from the pillow. And if the white people don’t bend to his will, violence is forthcoming.

  1. In the wake of all this being woke, you have companies across the commercial spectrum all began to virtue signal. They also saw racism everywhere. Mostly in an effort to not have their offices and factories targeted, but I digress.

Aunt Jemima syrup is removing the black woman from the bottle as it is racist. Uncle Ben’s Rice is taking the black man off their packages as it is racist. Eskimo Pies is taking the Eskimo off their packages as it is racist. General Mills came under attack because Rice Krispies has three white dudes on the box while Cocoa Crisps has a cartoonish money on it. See? Rice Krispies are white. Cocoa Crisps are brown.

Even LO’real is removing the phrases white/whiteness, fair/fairness from their skin cream lines to avoid being racist. Every manufacture is racing to out virtue the rest.

Why weren’t these products deemed racist when B. Hussein was president?







I would say we’re on a slippery slope. But we’re past that now. We’re halfway down that luge track now. Without anyone training in running a luge sled on board. As a society, we’ve lost our collective minds. The wolf has managed to convince the sheep that the sheep dog is the villain and must be put down. Who will protect the sheep when the wolf has them all to himself?

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 6.5, Issue 1

I’ve deliberately delayed writing these next two blogs as I wanted the scenario to more fully develop. This first one revolves around the ever increasing rate and depth of Trump Derangement Syndrome exhibited by Democratic politicians, activists, and other social elites. These people are so rabidly anti-Trump that they will do or say literally anything. They no longer disguise their intent. They know you will not remember what they did or said in about 48 to 72 hours anyway. By then, someone else will have “trumped” them (see what I did there?) and they’ll have to do or say something even more outrageous. For examples:

A writer for Bloomberg (yes, THAT one) and former campaign manager for the embarrassingly short former candidate (and his short-lived candidacy), came under fire for using a picture of the President from earlier in the week to attempt to bash Trump by saying he went golfing on Memorial Day. He posted side-by-side photos of Trump and the mentally unstable Joe Biden who was laying a wreath at a war memorial.

Memorial Day is observed on Monday. It was Biden’s first public appearance is probably weeks as he had to learn how to walk with Depends on and how to not bump into things with a mask on. Trump’s picture was from the day earlier, Sunday—not Monday. On Memorial Day, Trump was both at Arlington National Cemetery as well as at Fort McHenry in Baltimore honoring our fallen.

Tim Obrien, the putz, proves yet again that leftists will do or say anything to advance their political ideology. Obrien was immediately caught and slammed for his dishonesty. As of this writing Obrien is still employed despite his egregious attempt at mass media deception.

A “journalist” for the The Nation stated that taking back the White House is so important that she would vote for Joe Biden even if he boiled babies and ate them.

Katha Pollitt, a matronly looking woman with a bad hatchet haircut job stated that even if the recent sexual assault accusation of Tara Reid against Biden were true, she would still vote for Biden.

Biden wasn’t her first choice in the Democrat race (probably Sanders) but even though her dog lost, she wants Trump out of office so bad that she can forgive her candidate of both infanticide and cannibalism.

While she is a follower of the #BelieveInWomen movement, Pollitt states that political necessity outweighs social or criminal justice.

One can only imagine the likes Pollitt got on her Twitter feed from all six of her ardent followers.

Journalist Says She Would Vote Biden Even ‘If He Boiled Babies and Ate Them’



In a sort of tie-in to the next blog, Maxine Watters, the decades long Leftist Representative with the permanent scowl on her perpetually angry face laid the blame for George Floyd’s murder (and it was murder), indeed all black lives taken by cops at the feet of President Trump. She stated emphatically that the officer Derek Chauvin enjoyed killing Floyd; that he often got up each morning thinking that today was the day he was going to get one.

So Watters is a mind reader now? Or does she have a hidden camera in Chauvin’s home to hear him muse his secret insatiable desire to kill a black person with each dawning of the sun? She also generalized that Trump’s speeches, indeed his tweets and everyday language act as a dog whistle to the murder happy in the country and by his language, Trump condones it.

Again, another example of TDS. There is nothing Trump could do that would satisfy this bitch. Trump could put on a Kente cloth like the other leading leftists did. He could march in a BLM protests and mug to the camera like Romney did. Hell, he could pay for the paint and street signs in DC stating that BLACK LIVES MATTER and paint the letters on the street himself, and none of it would satisfy Watters.

You could hang her with a new rope and she would complain. And no, I’m not advocating for her lynching. But I’m sure some leftist out there will take me out of context. Go ahead. It’s an old phrase my Grandma used to use about people that are never happy.


The examples are many more, but I want to get this onto the page so I can start the next one—on the protests, and the BLM movement spreading like a cancer.

Sarcastic Sentry Volum 5.5, Issue 2

A Republican Governor, weary that his draconian stay-at-home orders are not being blindly followed, upgraded his arrest first, to shoot-on-sight decree if protestors continued to resist. Additionally, family members of resisters are to be locked up for reeducation. Neighbors of resisters are to be digitally monitored, forced to surrender cell phone records, computer hard drives, website histories, social media passwords and be fitted with a GPS equipped ankle bracelet.

“It is past time to take off the sissy gloves on these rebel cretins. I’ve determined the best course of action for my state’s recovery. Me. It is not up for discussion or a vote. These sheep will follow my orders or pay serious, painful penalties.”

Sounds crazy, right? Well, it is fiction. No Republican would consider that. However, let’s look at a few Democrat examples.

Washington: Governor Jay Inslee ordered that people that go out to a restaurant being tracked by name in a data base.

People going to dine in must give their name and phone number to be turned out to the government. The data will be kept for 30 days (I’m sure). The purpose is for contact tracing in case of another flare up.

Of course. That’s the only reason. It wouldn’t be to know “who’s naughty and who’s nice.”

Pennsylvania: Governor Tom Wolf threatened to withhold federal COVID-19 aid money to counties that defy his decree and open early.

See, Tom knows better than you do what with his advanced medical degrees in micro virus sciences, that staying at home and being economically stagnant is the best way to stay alive.

“I won’t sit back and watch residents who live in counties under Stay at Home orders get sick because local leaders cannot see the risks of #COVID19 and push to reopen prematurely,” he tweeted.

Local leaders just can’t see the risks of what they are doing. They just don’t see that he is the omnipotent wise one. Just do what he says and please, shut up while doing it.

“Non-compliant counties won’t be eligible for federal stimulus discretionary funds. Instead, those funds will be allocated to counties working to stop the spread of #COVID19,” he continued, adding: “Dine-in restaurants that open in counties that have not been authorized to reopen will risk receiving a citation. These citations can ultimately lead to the loss of a restaurant’s liquor license.”

My friends, the ones who do as I say, will get money. More of it, too, since I’ll give away the money from the counties that disobey me. Oh, and even though you don’t have any money since you’ve been out of work for 60 days, if you disobey me, I will fine you cash that you don’t have. I’ll also take away your liquor license so that if I ever allow you to reopen, you can’t sell booze, the primary money maker in the food and dining business,

Folks, that is extortion. Joe Biden “you’re not getting the billion dollars unless you fire the prosecutor looking into my son” kind of extortion.

Illinois: Governor JB Spitzer announced that when private leisure boating opens back up only two people may be on the boat.

Regardless of boat size, only two people can be on the boat at a time. So, a family or 4 has to pick. Two can ride, two have to stay on shore and wait their turn. What a great idea. Especially if the husband took the wife out. The two kiddies can wait by themselves on the pier and hope no one does anything to them.

Anchored boats must be ten feet apart. I guess boats are potentially more contagious than people who only have to be six feet apart. Despite the family sheltering in place together they cannot go out on a boat in the open air together.

Tying up two boats along side is also out if you were thinking of trying that in order to get around his two-to-a-boat rule.

Michigan: What more can be said about that bitch?

Meanwhile in Florida, Governor Rick DeSantis is slowly opening up and despite having such a massive elderly population shows no one near the levels of New York as they set about killing 5200 nursery home residents.

The Democrats are loving the increased power they think they have over their herd. They are in no hurry to open up, or set people back to work. That reduces their power over the masses. They also believe the longer they can keep their boot on the throat of the flock, maybe they can convince them that it is all Trump’s fault.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 5.5, Issue 1

Sorry, the hyperlinks didn’t copy over.

Michael Savage wrote a book titled, Leftism is a Mental Disorder (ISBN 1-59555-006-2). He wrote it in 2005. I doubt even he realized how bad the patient would get if left untreated. Because care wasn’t sought or applied back then, we have examples such as these:

1. Orange Man bad, no matter what

Michigan Representative Karen Whittsett (D) contracted Covid-19. Out of desperation, and in consult with her physician, she took Hydroxychloroquin. It is typically an anti-malarial drug but showed some success in treating some symptoms of Covid. It worked. For her. In her case. For that, she publicly thanked President Trump as he had some connection to the drug’s availability and public awareness. Whittsett said the drug, “saved my life.”

Because she thanked the administration she faces official party censure. Yes, showing gratitude to the Orange Man is bad. Do so at your own political and career peril. She was subsequently invited to switch parties. It remains to be seen if she will.

2. Never mind the deaths, this may hurt Trump

April 23. Nicolle Wallace, an air-head reporter for MSNBC actually stated that despite the carnage Covid-19 is wreaking on lives of people worldwide, despite the economic upheaval and devastation it is causing (mostly from political over reach of liberal governors), that she sees a silver lining because it might damage Trump in the election.

“There is something both tragic, and pathetic, and ironic about the fact that it took a, you know, color-blind, gender-blind, you know, state-line-blind virus to sort of have all of the president’s sins from his first three years catch up with him.”

“I mean, he needs those people whether he likes what they say or not and I wonder what you think about whether or not there’s some silver lining there, that some of the things that, that we’ve been talking about for three years may be finally catching up with him?”

Her guest, Ron Klain, B. Hussein’s Ebola Czar touted his dear leader’s honesty with the American people during an Ebola crisis. He failed to mention the SARS fiasco that Obama ignored until thousands were dead here.

So let me extrapolate here. If Wallace had Covid-19 herself, lying in bed, gasping on a ventilator despite the knives and swords taking in breath would feel like. If she was sweating out her life fluids on sheets that would be burned with her corpse for fear of contamination, if she was waiting for death to welcome her because it was agony to merely blink, do you suppose she would accept all that suffering because it might hurt Trump in the 2020 election cycle?

Or is it just that her Trump Derangement Syndrome is so much in control, that she finds some unholy and obscene justification to minimize the suffering of others just to further her demented ideology? She’s a craven bitch, is all.

3. Quarantine violator Chris Cuomo bashes VP Pence

April 28. CNN “anchor” Chris Cuomo (he is a cause of their ratings drop, after all) called out Vice President Mike Pence for not wearing a mask when he visited patients at the Mayo Clinic today. This is the same Chris Cuomo who after declaring that he and his wife contracted the disease, broke quarantine over Easter weekend. Rather than stay inside as his Governor brother and Covid-19 Czar Andrew Cuomo decreed for all the little people in New York, he went outside and was playing with his kids. A resident saw him and asked him if he didn’t think he should be indoors instead of in public.

“He said, ‘Who the hell are you?! I can do what I want!’ He just ranted, screaming, ‘I’ll find out who you are!’” David recalled. “I said to him, ‘Your brother is the coronavirus czar, and you’re not even following his rules — unnecessary travel.'”
David alleged, “He said, ‘This is not the end of this. You’ll deal with this later. We will meet again.’ If that’s not a threat, I don’t know what is.”
The clip shows Cuomo with that typical berating eyebrows raised, eyes opening wider for dramatic emphasis, and using Kennedyesque finger pointing to accentuate the obvious righteousness of what he says.
Trump is right about this one. Fredo fits.

4. Chuck You Schumer has too much time on his hands

Citizens across the country are receiving personal stimulus checks for (typically) $1200. I used mine to pay off the credit card I used to buy ammunition to stock pile for when my state government decides to reel me in. But Chuck You Schumer proposed legislation to halt the printing of the paper checks for a bit so that President Trump’s signature could be removed from them.

Chucky is upset claiming that Trump is using the virus and the subsequent stimulus as a PR stunt to further his name. He claimed it needlessly slowed down the payment process when people were starving and going default waiting on their measly stipend. I don’t know about you, but $1200, while nice to receive, doesn’t do a whole lot in the grand picture of my financial world. I had to wait longer because I didn’t know that by having to pay taxes last year, the check wasn’t just going to come to me. I had to direct it to my bank.

“Delaying the release of stimulus checks so his signature could be added is a waste of time and money.”

Never mind that the IRS refuted Schumer’s remarks. The Internal Revenue Service, however, insisted that the move will not result in a delay. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin later said that it was his idea, not the President’s, to include Trump’s name.

Hey Chuck! How about you get Comrade de Blasio to stop killing people with his backward and totally reversed logic remarks about social distancing, and stop splitting the hairs of a bald man?

5. New Jersey college professor says all Covid deaths are the fault of Trump supporters

A New Jersey professor (by locale almost certainly makes her Democrat) has come out and baldly stated that Trump and his supporters are responsible for every Covid-19 death.

A professor at a New Jersey university doubled down Thursday, saying she’s tenured, after blaming President Trump and his supporters for the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, claiming it’s their fault African-Americans have been dying at a disproportionate rate.

“F— each and every Trump supporter. You absolutely did this. You are to blame,” were among the comments – several of them containing profanity – posted on Twitter this week by Brittney Cooper, an associate professor in the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Rutgers University.

“I said what I meant. And I curse cuz I’m grown,” she wrote in part in a series of tweets Thursday, adding, “I have tenure. Rutgers won’t be firing me for tweets.”

Yes, that is a Rutgers professor using slang to make her point. I almost expected silly emojis. Because intellects and people wanting to be taken seriously do these things.

But seriously, she is blaming Trump and his supporters for the underlying conditions spelled out by the medical experts that plague people of her race and excessive girth.

Last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, said during an online interview that high coronavirus death rates among African-Americans were largely attributable to pre-existing health conditions that are common in the black community, such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes and asthma.

She doubled down saying, “They are literally willing to die from this clusterf—ed COVID response rather than admit absolutely anybody other than him [Trump] would have been a better president,”

I see. So, if Hillary had won the election, all black people would already be thin, calm, have regular blood sugar levels, and clean airways. Never mind that she is also white. She just isn’t Trump.

And this woman teaches your children. Granted she is teaching the one’s with no professional goals or clear abilities as she is teaching Women’s Sexual, and Gender studies. I used to work down in town. I never saw many Women’s Study firms among all the high rise buildings.

6. Reporter calls for a coup

Liberal journalist Hendrik Hertzberg courted controversy Sunday by bashing President Trump and openly questioning in a tweet: “Time for a military coup?”

Hertzberg, was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War and later served as then-President Jimmy Carter’s chief White House speechwriter.

Isn’t it grand how someone who refused to take up arms in defenseof his own nation now wants that same military to take up arms against their duly elected Commander-in-Chief?

When slammed by others, Hertzberg claimed he was being sarcastic. Of course. Sorry, dickhead. Sarcasm is here on this page. Not your weak attempt at deflection.

7. Governor Newsome releases sex offenders

Likely the most sick and disgusting act of a Democrat Governor, California’s own Gavin Newsome allowed the release 7 high level sex offenders out of jail over the pssible threat of their contracting Covid-19 while incarcerated.

The convicted had previously all tried to tamper with their GPS monitoring devices to escape detection and monitoring. Usually the intent here is to commit more crime, not because they don’t want people to know they became a born-again Christian in jail. They aren’t hiding from alimony seeking ex-wives.

Meanwhile Newsome ordered the public beaches closed and vowed to have police arrest anyone violating the closure. So, go sun bathing and you go to jail. Rape a kid, and you go free. What if the beach goers all were nude, committing a public indecency crime? Would they be allowed to go free?

As if on cue, one of the released, Rudy William Grajeda Magdaleno, 39, was arrested Thursday after allegedly exposing himself at a parole resource center and failing to charge his GPS monitor. He left jail on April 13 after serving 71 days of the 180-day minimum sentence.
Magdaleno’s criminal history includes child molestation, indecent exposure, assault, battery, criminal threats and inflicting injury on an elder adult, according to the District Attorney’s Office. Prosecutors say he had violated parole five times since 2017.

This scum gets a pass to go violate more kids and elderly. You, you have to stay home and shut up.

The Democrats are loving this disease. Russia didn’t work. Impeachment didn’t work. This is their last chance and they bet the farm on it.

Savage said that leftism is a mental disorder. Too bad it isn’t also a Covid-19 comorbidity.

Sarcastic Sentry Vol. 3.5, Issue 1.

I guess I could call this entry Social Sentry as it includes many recent observations.

Lost Opportunities. The other weekend, I watched as my neighbor worked on his son’s car. The boy is likely 17 or so. I have no idea. I don’t talk to these people. We tried, mind you, when they first moved in, but it turned out we were just different people with different tastes, hobbies, and interests. The fact that they have a stupid barking dog didn’t help either as I’m constantly telling the dog to shut the fuck up, or throwing rocks at the fence. The latter seems to be the most effective as the dog runs inside as soon as I step out onto the deck. Mission Accomplished.

At any rate, the kid and his car. This is the second vehicle for the youngster. He beat the first one to its untimely death a few weeks back. Ours did too, to his first vehicle, but that isn’t my point. The “man” of the house, I saw, was changing the brakes on the car. He probably did not want to pay for it even if the kid would have been tasked to repay the debt. And certainly, the kid can’t afford to pay someone to do it for him. So, there was dear old Dad doing it. It was a warm enough weekend, but the kid was nowhere to be seen.

What a wasted opportunity. Dad could have transferred valuable knowledge to his offspring for later in life. Not just the ability to change brakes, but the powerful gift of self-reliance—to know that he CAN do something mechanical. Nope, Dad did it himself while the kid was either smoking pot (which he was caught doing by us last summer) or busy on his Facebook.

I remember my own father fixing my first car, a 1971 Gremlin. He did the work, but he made me watch. I was mostly a tool fetcher, but I couldn’t go play with my friends or otherwise screw off. (No smart phones back in the mid 80’s). I was made to watch and learn. Lessons were passed down knowledge was learned, and life lessons were ingrained.

Small Business Entrepreneur? A little later the same day, I saw a young girl, likely 9 or 10 selling girl scout cookies. She had a small table set up and her cargo of wares in a small red wagon. And right next to her, the helicopter Mom sat doing all the math, handling all of the cash, and transferring all of the cookies from vendor to buyer. Meanwhile, the girl scout, played on her iPhone, probably three generations newer than the one my wife owns.

Now I partially get it. Kids are snacked up by psychos a lot more often these days than when I was a kid (and available for kidnapping). Kids need greater protection from the societal perverts and rapists that roam about and are protected against public knowledge (Predator Registries) by liberal politics.

But why not let the girl handle her own business? She’s the one in the Scout troop, yes? She should be there handling the money, doing the math, and transacting the exchange. How else does she learn? Lost are basic arithmetic skills, banking skills, and handling customer service tasks. The girl isn’t selling the cookies. Mom is.

Diversity versus Customer Service. I went to a Wal-Mart and asked a lady (at the beginning of the China Virus panic buying) where I might find little travel packets of Handiwipes. Her name was Doris. Not Chambukra, or something unintelligible like that. But she was utterly unable to converse with me in my native tongue. She had no idea what I was looking for, and thus, no idea where to find it. I walked away and left her to straightening boxes on a shelf. She wasn’t stocking. She was facing shelves. Wal-Mart is getting zero value out of the labor hours they spend on her.

Wal-Mart as a non-banker. While at that same Wal-Mart, I ventured into the customer service area. I wanted to break a twenty dollar bill into two ten dollar bills. The smarmy recent high school grad haughtily informed me that they don’t carry ten dollar bills at the store. Just ones, fives, and twenties.

I was stunned. “Really? It is one of the four main bills of currency that the public in general uses. Granted, the hundred sees more use now as things are more expensive. Do you carry dimes? It is one of the four main coins we make change in as a society. Or do you load up on nickels and pennies?”

With each visit to Wal-mart, I am reminded that they really are not interested in meeting my needs as a customer. They just want to separate me from my money.

There you have it. Four observations of our American culture in a steep nose dive decline. If we don’t reverse course soon, we won’t have to wait on a pandemic to end us. We’ll gladly do it ourselves.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 2.5, Issue 1

The Impeachment Hoax is finally over. The State of the Union is past us. For most of the country, it is back to normal, back to work, life as usual. The most of us would be the non-liberal among us. For them, it is another day of over reacting to nothing events, pouting, and other childishness. For example:

  1. As for the impeachment, I never knew the name, title, location, or employment of “the whistleblower” against Trump until the day after closing arguments in the Senate trial. I’d heard stories of Schiff’s involvement with him for months, but I never knew the depth and scope until Chief Justice Roberts refused to read Senator Paul’s question—and then Paul did himself.

It seems ole’ Shifty Schiff had recruited two former White House National Security Counsel employees months before the who impeachment process began. Employees who had worked for Obama and Trump. “Abigail Grace, who worked at the NSC until 2018, was hired in February, while Sean Misko, an NSC aide until 2017, joined Schiff’s committee staff in August, the same month the whistleblower submitted his complaint. The whistleblower was an NSC official who worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and who has expertise in Ukraine.”

“Schiff initially denied he knew anything about the complaint before it was filed, stating on Sep. 17: “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to.” But it later emerged that a member of his staff had spoken to the whistleblower before his complaint was submitted on Aug. 12. The Washington Post concluded that Schiff “clearly made a statement that was false.””

Grace, 36, was hired to help Schiff’s committee investigate the Trump White House, if you had any confusion as to Schiff’s motives for hiring these two.

So, here is the impeachment hoax in one new article of about 1400 words. Schiff hired two former Trump NSC people with handy axes to grind. He lied. Yes, I’ll flat out say it. Schiff LIED about knowing who they were and what they had access to. Schiff’s intent since 2016 has been to impeach the President by hook or by crook.

I think his devious and underhanded methods have taken a toll on the man’s psyche and sanity. He actually stated that unless the President was removed from office he was going to sell Alaska back to Russia for their help in the 2020 election. Perhaps Trump will make Barron the Baron of the new Russian province.

  1. Three prominent liberals needed safe spaces and furry puppies following the State of the Union speech.

Applesauce Orangutan Corkscrew called Rush Limbaugh a racist following the President awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Consider the name of the medal, first you stupid twat. The PRESIDENTIAL Medal of Freedom. It is his medal to award. It isn’t the Progressive Socialist Raper of Societies Wealth award. It isn’t the Illegal Alien’s Most Gracious Protectorate award.

AOC, who didn’t even attend the SOTU event out of protest to condoning Trump’s “criminal behavior” stated that giving it to Limbaugh puts him on the same level as say, Rosa Parks.

You just don’t like the man, you dripping gash. Either of them. If he had awarded it to Elijah Cummings you would have complained that he was just pandering to the black vote. NOTHING Trump does or will do wll ever measure up enough to earn your acceptance. It is not worth trying, and I’ll devote no more of my time or blog space to it.

Meathead also piped up.

“Only one thing to say about Rush Limbaugh getting a Presidential Medal if [sic] Freedom at The State of the Union: I loathe this fucking man,” the 72-year-old director wrote. The “All in the Family” actor rarely pulls his punches when it comes to voicing his political beliefs on social media. He’s previously likened Trump supporters to white supremacists and referred to Trump as an “ill sociopath” as well as “mentally unstable.”

Note the lack of any examples to prove his theories about either man. But to whiny spineless liberals, this is typical. They argue from emotion, not fact. Facts are irrelevant when you are tripping on the cocaine of self righteousness.

It bears nothing that Rob Reiner had done little acting of note since the 8-year All in the Family series which ended in 1978, preferring to save the rest of us from having to look at him in front of the camera.

Rashida Tlaib also had a tantrum during the State of the Union speech having to walk out when President Trump mentioned the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., indicated on Tuesday that she couldn’t handle staying in the House chamber after President Trump started praising Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his State of the Union address.

“Even the mention of Brett Kavanaugh for me is a trigger,” Tlaib told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who asked about her decision to leave.

“Just as a woman in America, the fact that he rightfully was accused and having an incredibly strong woman come for the public and the world and tell her story of sexual assault by this person who was appointed to the Supreme Court is just … I couldn’t stand still and not do anything about it and I needed to walk away from that,” she added.

Interestingly, Tlaib doesn’t have to walk away at the presence of, or mention of Bill Clinton.

Kavanaugh’s witnessed, one by one, proved themselves to be untrustworthy or flat out false. Slick Willy can’t say that. But then again, Liberals don’t need facts. She “knows” Kavanaugh did it. She probably knows Clinton did too. But then, Clinton is another Liberal. For him, it “was just sex.” Right?

3, Then there was Plastic Nancy ripping up her copy of the SOTU speech at its conclusion. She said it was “the most courteous thing she could do given the alternatives”.

What were those alternatives, Nancy? Maybe art imitating life in your home district town of San Francisco and you taking a shit on the dais in the House chambers? Shooting up some heroin in the hallways on the way to your office? Offering sanctuary to some illegal aliens?

Instead you passed on a chance to be the adult in the room. Should Trump have shaken your proffered hand? Yes. But then, he also didn’t shake Pence’s hand a second later. But he spited you so you have to strike back. Isn’t that the way your politics work? No one is ever allowed to have the last say, or commit the last act. What fucking grade are you in?

And who was the imaginary friend you were speaking to during the speech? Lord knows it wasn’t Pence. He never gave you a sideways glance. It’s a marvel you didn’t throw the torn up speech in his face.

Lastly, say, Mitt?  Bring in some moving boxes next week. You’re done.  I guess you could switch over to the Democrat side.  The media will love you for a while.  Be just as Trump will “forever” be impeached, you, you treacherous sloth, you will always be a pariah, scorned by man and beast for as long as you walk, crawl, or slither, on this face of the earth–your faith be damned.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 1.5, Issue 1

The political world was on pins and needles today after it was reported that Joe Biden had died in a flash fire on a comedy stage In Newark, New Jersey last night. The liberal elite were relieved to learn that “Walter”, the ventriloquist dummy creation of Jeff Dunham and frequently used body and intellect double of Biden was the real victim.

Walter was the only victim to succumb in the blaze. Early investigative reports revealed that like Biden, Walter had issued a push up challenge to liberal “movie” documentary “artist” Michael Moore as well as socialist mouthpiece and all around idiot AOC.

Through the mechanics of strings, hinges, pulleys, and weight-leveraging, Walter did 7 push ups before his elbow hinge blew out. AOC was unable to do a single push up before her spindly, spaghetti arms snapped like toothpicks and splintered, crashing her no-carb eating carcass but massive ego to the stage, likely weakening it. Moore was finishing his third push up when his massive girth caused him to slam onto the vintage 19th century-built stage crashing through it and sparking an electrical fire among the brittle aluminum wiring coursing beneath the stage.

But seriously.

This week alone Biden announced that some of the Dreamer kids (here illegally because their parents brought them “through no fault of their own”) are actually more American than citizen American children simply because they get better grades in school. Really.

If they are studying Common Core, I can believe it. Maybe that’s why Governor DeSantis just rolled that curriculum back in Florida. There, they are going back to the three Rs. If you don’t know what that is, then Common Core is where you belong.

Also this week, Biden stated flat out that he, if elected, would personally fire any and all ICE agents who deport any illegal alien simply because of a drunk driving arrest. No, really.


Former Vice President Joe Biden said Monday that he would not allow Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to deport illegal aliens who get caught drunk driving.

Biden said during a 2020 election forum with Vice News that if he wins the presidency he will issue an executive order that only allows ICE agents to deport individuals who have committed felonies — “and I don’t consider drunk driving a felony,” Biden clarified.

“They go off to school wondering whether their mom comes and picks them up, is she not going to be there because an ICE agent was there to arrest her,” Biden told Vice News on Monday.

“You change the culture by saying, ‘you’re gonna get fired.’ ‘You’re fired,’ if in fact you do that,” the Democratic presidential candidate explained. “You only arrest for the purpose of dealing with a felony that’s committed, and I don’t consider drunk driving as a felony.”

There are so many things to talk about here. First, let’s ask the elephant in the room question. So Mom is going to pick the kids up from school drunk? Around my house, kids are getting out of school around 3 in the afternoon. Now I like a good day drinking session as much as the next guy. But I wouldn’t do it if I had to pick little Johnny and Suzie up at school.

You’d think that after Biden repeatedly told the story of how his first wife died in a car crash that allegedly involved a drunk driver, his view would be a little more stringent. Except, it is a lie. Biden just likes to tell the store that way. The driver involved was never charged with drunk driving. Biden made it all up. No, really.

The New York Times reported the 2007 crowd at the University of Iowa grew silent as Biden gave his version of what happened that day.

“Let me tell you a little story,” The newspaper quoted Biden as saying. “I got elected when I was 29, and I got elected November the 7th. And on Dec. 18 of that year, my wife and three kids were Christmas shopping for a Christmas tree. A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly, and killed my daughter instantly, and hospitalized my two sons, with what were thought to be at the time permanent, fundamental injuries.”

Biden told a similar story when addressing an audience at the Bob Carpenter Center at the University of Delaware a few days after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

“It was an errant driver who stopped to drink instead of drive and hit a tractor-trailer, hit my children and my wife and killed them,” Biden said, according to a transcript archived on his Senate Web site.

So, maybe because he hasn’t suffered like he says he has, he has a soft spot for leniency for DUI offenders.  But if true, why wouldn’t he pursue it?  That was his wife, after all.

But is DUI a felony? In many cases the first offense is classified as a misdemeanor. Repeat offenses can become felonies. Many states have upgraded their laws concerning the level of severity making more DUI charges apply as felonies. Here’s a few instances where DUI is considered a felony.

The following types of acts may be classified under felony drunk driving laws in most states:

Drunk driving that causes death or severe injury to another      person

Vehicular manslaughter (unintentional killing of another person with the vehicle)

Assault with a deadly weapon (the car is considered the deadly weapon)

Repeat offenses- a third DUI offense is usually a felony

Driving with a restricted, revoked, or suspended license

Driving with severely elevated blood alcohol concentration (usually at 0.16%)

Having children in the vehicle while driving drunk

So, Biden’s little example about kids worrying if Mom is going to pick them up holds a lot less fire water. His example, as he told it, ACTUALLY IS a felony in most states.

But since he is all in favor of allowing illegal aliens to stay here, get drivers licenses, free college, free health care already, what difference does it make if he ignores another state or federal laws?

Joe Biden is a buffoon, an idiot. But I want him to stay in the race longer. He makes for good material

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 12.4, Issue 1

It has been a long time. Sue me. Life intrudes.

So, anyway, as I predicted in 2016, the Democrats have impeached the President for only the third time in our history. Let’s reread that. It has only happened three times, now. For those who are history challenged:

Andrew Johnson, the 17th President removed from office, Edwin Stanton, the then Secretary of War. Congress was not in session at the time. The Senate once reconvened, made almost immediate movement towards impeaching Johnson for violating the Tenure in Office Act. The law stated that the President did not have the authority to “fire” a cabinet member without the Senate confirming their removal. Johnson had vetoed the law and Congress had over-ridden his veto. The Senate voted nearly two-to-one to reinstate Stanton, and Johnson, seemingly setting himself up for a chance at the higher courts to rule the Tenure in Office Act unconstitutional, refused.

Johnson was impeached and avoided removal from office by a single vote.

The Tenure in Office Act was repealed about twenty years later for being murky and giving the Legislative branch over reaching powers over the Executive branch. Congress had too much say in who the President appointed and maintained in his own Cabinet.

So Johnson was impeached, tried in the Senate, and survived.

William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd President was impeached on two counts—lying to a federal grand jury under oath, and obstruction of justice. Let me state that second charge again; obstruction of justice.

See, while Slick Willie was president, he was having a sexual relationship (some might call it an affair, a fling, getting some strange), whatever. His target was a young intern name Monica Lewinsky. Clinton had over a dozen sexual encounters with her inside the White House. Lewinsky was later transferred to the Pentagon and began to confide to a coworker (Linda Tripp) who began to record the conversations about these encounters.

Later during the trial about Clinton’s improper behavior towards Paula Jones, he told Lewinsky to deny everything which she did. This would be the obstruction of justice charge. Under oath and on television, would Clinton bake his own potato by uttering, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”

Then it turn out that he did. That would be the lying under oath charge. Later, Special Counsel Kenneth Starr would provide 18 boxes of documents outlining 11 charges that could be filed including witness tampering and abuse of power, and perjury.

It was 228-206 in the House on the perjury count. It was 221-212 on the obstruction of justice charge. While hardly resoundingly bipartisan in the House, it was far more so than the circus against Trump. In the Senate, Clinton came nowhere near being convicted with a 55-45 vote against perjury and a 50-50 split vote on the obstruction of justice charge. So somehow, the Senate at the time interpreted Clinton’s aver under oath of not having sex with Lewinsky as being the same as having sex with Lewinsky. And at least 5 Senators while stating that Clinton did not lie under oath, engaged in obstruction of justice for trying to make Lewinsky say she didn’t have the sex that she had with Clinton. So he obstructed justice covering up a crime they say he didn’t lie about under oath.

Now, here we are. Trump was impeached in the House for abuse of power, and obstruction of Congress. Remember at the beginning when I repeated Johnson’s charge? Obstruction of justice? Clinton did it too. This time, the House is saying he obstruction Congress, not justice. He obstructed them by ordering White House officials to not submit to subpoenas and testifying.

Anyone can ignore a subpoena. The Justice Department can enforce the subpoena. The Justice Department, however is run by the President. So it is unlikely that a President, not wanting to be summoned can be forced to appear. What the President can do is invoke executive privilege thereby protecting the personnel those who received the subpoena.

It is neither an abuse of power or an obstruction of justice. Obama did it in 2012 himself.

Now in this hearing, the Democrats, first led by Adam Shifty Schiff in the Intelligence Committee, the by Jerrold “Grandpa pants” Nadler in the Justice Committee led a partisan battle whereby only they could call witnesses. Only they could question them. There were no fact witnesses. The only people “testifying” were partisans and left-leaning lawyers and those appointed (and fired) officials who relayed what they heard or what they interpreted Trump meant by their orders.

Trump call of July 25, 2019 with the Ukrainian President: “…the other thing. There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you could look into it…it sounds horrible to me.”

Nowhere in this transcript is there a threat to without military aid. No where in there an “ask”; if you do this, we’ll do that. It was simply Trump saying that a lot of people are talking about it and that Biden was even bragging about it. (Stopping an prosecution into his son and company he worked for)

Joe Biden remarks:

“…I went over the twelfth, thirteenth time and I was supposed to announce there was another billion dollar loan guarantee. And I’d gotten a commitment from Voryschenko and from Yatsenyuk (name spelling is phonetic) that they would take action against a state prosecutor but they didn’t….and I said we’re not gonna give you the billion dollars. They said, “You have no authority. You’re not the President. The President said…” And I said, “Call him.” I said, “You’re not getting the billion dollars…I’m leaving here in about 6 hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.” Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. AND they put in place someone who was…solid.”

Contrast Trump’s call with this transcript. Clearly, the (then) Vice President of the United States was extorting the leaders of another country to do something in order to be paid. If you don’t do this, you won’t get that. That, ladies in gentlemen, is a quid pro quo.  It just so happens the prosecutor Biden wanted fired was investigating his own son and the company he worked for.  Pure coincidence.

So, the Democrats are trying to impeach the President because he asked a foreign President to investigate corruption on a massive scale; that a leader in our own system of government not only admitted to doing, but bragged about it like he was in a stand-up comedy routine.

Now, even to this day, the Speaker of the House Nancy “plastic stretch” Pelosi is withholding the voted upon articles of impeachment. These articles were voted upon by purely partisan voting standards. Not a single Republican vote. In fact 2 Democrats voted against them.

Why is Pelosi doing this? She wants certain things made clear before she turns them over. They want to know how the Republicans in the Senate will conduct the trial. They want the ability to call more witnesses. In essence, they want to try him again. That’s not how it works. The House investigates and sends approved articles to the Senate. The Senate then tries the President based on the strength of the House’s case. That it is a house of cards is the fault of Schiff and Nadler. They won’t send the articles to the Senate because they want the Senate to help them rebuild their case.

SC Senator Lindsay Graham said, “This is a land — uncharted waters, constitutionally. I just know this; that this matters to the future of the country. We cannot have a system where the House impeaches the president, tells the Senate how to conduct the trial, holds the articles of impeachment over the president’s head at a time of their choosing to unleash them.”

If you look at it dispassionately, Pelosi is asking for a quid pro quo. If you promise this, we’ll do that. If you won’t do this, we won’t give you that.

Who is abusing their power, now?