Sarcastic Sentry Volume 11.5 Issue 1

Election thoughts:

Well, that wasn’t what anyone thought would happen (for one side of the political spectrum) nor what anyone hoped would happen (for the other side).

The left set themselves up for this shock and disappointment by aligning themselves behind the one candidate that sucked all through their own primaries.  Biden was consistently no better than third.  Yet slowly, the left (not liberals, the left) winnowed the eligible field down from about 22 lack luster candidates to settle on Sleepy Joe.  They didn’t really have much choice, really.

Were they supposed to pick the fake Indian, Elizabeth Warren?  She didn’t even win in her own state.  Were they supposed to pick the whore KAMala Harris?  She’s not black.  She’s Jamaican and Indian, Her history on the black vote and crime punishment did her in.  Were they supposed to pick Klobuchar?  Her own lack of accomplishment is what many are now saying should have drawn Biden to pick her.  (I think Sleepy Joe got himself backed into a corner.  He committed to his running mate being a woman.  That she was also black was seen as more help.  Maybe he could have found a black female who was also a veteran, gay, and handicapped.)  That would have been the ultimate ace.

So after, the left discarded all the others, what remained was this senile, gibbering and corrupt fool.  Now, they had to find a way to make the American left believe he was the new Messiah.  So, they lied.  They made up or padded poll after poll to make the public believe Biden was so far ahead that nothing could stop him.  So effective, they were. It was going to be a landslide.  Even solid red states would flip to blue.  Biden was expected to have nearly 350 electoral votes.

So they set themselves up for the shock and disappointment they feel, and they are looking for scapegoats to blame.  The American right is guilty, of course.  We’re just too stupid and racist not to see their infinite wisdom and to choose to fall sullenly in line.

Then there is the right.  They thought they had it in the bag.  Trump would decimate him in the debates.  Except for the rules the left would impose. Sleepy Joe can’t speak in coherent sentences of longer than four words.  He rambles.  He combines and minces words together in incomprehensible “speaking in tongues” outbursts. (Obatakathcare, for one.) He bellows idiotic “shout down” phrases when he gets flustered, like “C’mon man”, or “Here’s the deal”, or “Will you shut up, man”.  His and his son’s escapades would have been enough to sink a candidate—ten years ago.  Leftists apologize for so little now that Sleepy Joe could have been caught banging his grand daughter, then slamming a wounded puppy against a tree while burning an American flag while writing a check out to BLM and the media would cover for him.

Biden was caught doing exactly what he and the rest of the left accused Trump of doing.  It was proven that Killary Clinton herself concocted the Russian election interfering ploy to smear Trump.  Hunter Biden was caught peddling influence to the Chinese—influence to his father, Sleepy Joe.  Biden was caught on video bragging and laughing about extorting the Ukrainians into firing the prosecutor looking in his son’s dealings there.

All these things, ten years ago would have sunk a candidate from either side.  A candidate out of his mind with senility, caught red handed taking and making bribes with our foremost global competitor.  And the right thought it was going to be a pushover.

What they didn’t consider, or try to counter, was not so much that the morons who voted for Biden actually preferred him over another candidate.  It was that their utter, contempt and hatred, yes HATRED for Trump would give them enough mental and moral space to rationalize every wrong thing Biden had done, even the 47 years of his doing nothing.  They didn’t vote for Biden as much as they voted against Trump.  And apparently there are over 71 million Americans willing to pay higher taxes, embolden Iran, overlook obvious pedophilia tendencies, blatant idiocy, and advanced dementia in order to defeat Trump.  And many of them in positions of influence and/or power are willing to cheat, lie, and forge to make sure Biden wins.

So, now Trump has to protest and demand recounts.  The Florida case involving Gore and Bush Junior was one thing.  We are going into the Twilight Zone now.  Trump looks like a sore loser.  Never mind that the mantra being repeated by both sides sounds familiar, it is starkly different.  Trump says we have to count every legal vote.  Biden (and the media) say we have to count every vote.  And now that the illegal and questionable votes are mixed in with the legal ones, how will they be separated?  The vote counters are blocking access to the Trump poll watchers.

Regardless of the eventual second outcome, both sides will protest and sue, and the case will again go to the Supreme Court.  The media will tell us that this is unfair as it is a 6-3 majority for “right leaning” judges.  This is a misnomer.  Chief Justice Roberts after all, gave us Obamacare.  He’s more liberal than many Democrat Senators.  So, at best, it is 5-4.

One thing is for certain.  The American public will never again put faith in our election system.  Whatever side wins, the other will protest and claim fraud. And unelected judges will have to legislate who the winner is.  The losing side will brand the “winner” as illegitimate.

Personally, I think Trump should concede.  If he is declared the winner by the court, the media and the left will again team up to savage him.  He won’t get anything major done, facing obstacles and roadblocks at every turn.  We’ll go through every waste of time again.  Here are my predictions in no real order; just how they came to me.

  1. Biden will step down.  If he holds out for two years, then this term will not count as one for Harris.  She can then run for two more terms.
  2. The left will impeach Justice Barrett.  They’ll claim her candidacy was fraudulent from the beginning.  Or they will find other moral turpitude charges to stain her.
  3. Biden will reverse our exiting the Paris Climate Accord, even though the economic results would be disastrous for the US since no one else abides by the restrictions but us.
  4. Biden will reinstate the Iran nuclear deal and loosen economic sanctions against them. He will hungrily pay the billions of dollars Iran will demand of us even as they transparently redirect that money towards their terrorism campaigns.
  5. Biden will roll back the trade sanctions against China.  He’ll likely even get Hunter a job.
  6. The left will do as Warren has threatened.  They will prosecute Trump.  At the very least, they will try him for crimes against humanity over the pandemic response.
  7. Biden will reverse the Trump tax cuts.
  8. Biden will raise taxes.  The $400K limit will somehow become 200K or 100K.
  9. Biden will reinstate the assault weapons ban.
  10. Biden will enact by executive order, a forced buy back of existing AR-platform and AK-47 style weapons.
  11. Biden will tax existing gun owners a sum on each firearm they own.
  12. Biden will raise taxes on ammunition purchases or limit how much can be purchased, even held by citizens.
  13. Biden will pack the Supreme Court.  Standing up a commission to study it was merely a wet blanket to bring the flames around this topic to a mere smoke screen.
  14. There will be a massive debt increasing stimulus plan that incorporates all the wet dreams of the left.
  15. Biden will stop building the wall, may even remove what has been built.
  16. Amnesty for all current illegals.  This will likely given the left an additional 12-15 million more, now legal votes.
  17. Single payer health care plan.  Your private insurance will be forced out of existence by not being able to compete with the government.
  18. The Fair & Balanced legislation on media will be forced on us, eliminating Fox.
  19. The Dow will see a 5-8K point correction, bringing on a new depression.
  20. If the Covid-19 pandemic isn’t brought in line, Biden will reinstitute the lock down, crushing the rest of the life out of our economy.

Trump should concede and then, bail.  God, and Country, sure.  But in jail, it’s just you, brother.  If he left his sons in charge of his business empire, he would want for nothing.  The left can’t go after them.  They’ve broken no laws. He’s in his 70’s.  Run. Go to a non-extradicition country.  Then, to accentuate the point, revoke your citizenship.  He’d be the first President to do so.  That alone would send a powerful message.

And power is all the Left sees.