Sarcastic Sentry Volume 7.4 Issue 4

US Women’s soccer star Megan Rapinoe recently stated (even before the women’s team dominated the tournament and won) that she would decline an invitation to the White House.  Because, well, Trump.  My first reaction was, “Bitch, you haven’t been invited yet.”
She followed this hearty news with the fact that she’d happily meet with “Chuck You” Schumer, and Nancy “Facelift” Pelosi, even with Algernon Octagon Comanchero.  So, her politics are now quite clear.  How thoughtful of her to cloak her sport both in her homosexuality and leftist ideology.
The news cycle is ever churning.  Within days, LA Dodgers coach Dave Roberts echoes Rapinoe saying he’d turn down an invitation to the White House if the Dodgers win the World Series.  Mind you that he said this the week BEFORE the All-Star Game, the halfway point in the season.  Newsflash, Dickhead.  A lot can happen in the next 81 games.  Your victory is far from certain.  But we need to be told NOW that you’d be an ungracious champion?  Classic leftist dick move.
I wonder just when it became an automatic that major sport champions were invited to the White House.  Used to be they’d sometimes get a call in the locker room.  Now they’re all expecting some state dinner treatment.  That they then decline to attend so as to show up the President they don’t like.  Also, why are stories like this even news?  In both of these cases, the “star” hadn’t achieved greatness when they made their revelation.  It’s because they are anti-Orange Man, that’s why.
Last year, Alex Cora, manager of the Red Sox said the same thing when they won the World Series.  And I like the Red Sox.
My view?  Who cares?  In many cases, the invite isn’t even extended.  And in all of the cases, why do you think America gives a shit what you do?  Like the population will alter their lifestyles based on what sports figures and movie stars “testify” (read: preach) about in Congress.  Another newsflash.  Just because you played a part in a movie about and environmental disaster or terrorist event doesn’t make you an expert on said topic.  It all points to the fact that at a deep personal level, these cretins cannot separate their radical politics from their profession.  That makes your politics sound more like a religion.
It also shows that the media will do anything to show Trump in a bad light.  If people are invited but refuse to go, it makes national news showing how principled they are.  If they aren’t invited, it makes national news showing how trite Trump is.  If they are invited and do go, they get bashed in the news (Tiger Woods).
What all the political ideologues miss is this once-in-a-lifetime chance that 99.9% of us will never get, is some quality one-on-one time with the most powerful man walking upright on the planet.  It may only be for 3 or 4 minutes.  But I can think of a lot of ways to pare down my message and bend his ear if I had that much time.  The live press may be there, they may not, but all events are at least photographed.  Someone with a camera will be there.  POTUS is going to be at least polite.
But rather than develop your argument to present it in hopes of making change, go ahead and boycott the meeting.  Make sure you blame Trump for your foolishness.

Sarcastic Sentry Volume 7.4 Issue 3

Nike is a large company, valued at over $130B. But they have one thing in mind—becoming a $150B company. They are not interested in doing what is right, only what makes them a higher profit margin. They are not patriotic, only chasing profits.

Last week, Nike unveiled a shoe to be released over the 4th of July. It was a patriotic themed shoe with the Betsy Ross inspired American flag emblazoned on the back of the shoe. Stars, stripes, and a circle of 13 stars, of the Colonial flag.

Washed out (not up, as he was never really that good) NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick communicated with Nike stating that the flag conjured up images of white supremacy and that he was totally against the marketing of such a shoe. Nike, sensing a marketing moment agreed, and caved in to his ridiculous charges of racism and pulled the shoe even after it had been shipped to many retailers, and ordered it be pulled.

The shoes, originally priced at about $120 (for a pair of sneakers that wear out just as fast as my $40 New Balance pair) now go on the black market for as much as $2500. Nike, also cleaned house with about an added company value of $3B because of the controversy.

Nike rakes in $3 billion after Colin Kaepernick calls foul on shoe


I’m sorry, a flag from 200 years ago is racist? That would mean the country has ALWAYS been racist. Yet somehow, the all powerful white man has let this clown escape and make millions through complaining, the courts, and company endorsements. We certainly aren’t racist towards HIM, now are we?

Just to add a little recent historical context to this mini-controversy, one has to remember that Obama used this same flag in his second inauguration ceremony.

There were two of these on the back drop building. Also present were two 21-star flags, that were the standard about 1819. We’re still before the Civil War era.

I don’t remember hearing any complaints about using those flags from this has-been QB back then, or any of the current bitching 2020 Dem candidates.

I guess they just weren’t fully “woke” then, right? It couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that “their” President Obama was using them as convenient props.

Luckily, there are people like Joey Jones who see through the veneer of their social justice bullshit. Jones,, a double amputee, injured by an IED in Afghanistan in 2010 stated without fear that Kaepernick and his ilk “do not get to control the narrative” on symbols of patriotism and freedom. He had the Ross flag tattooed on his arm.

Good on him. And it looks good, too.

Kaepernick can suck it. Nike, too. I’ll never buy them again.



Sarcastic Sentry Issue 7.4, Volume 2

The Push for the New Twenty Dollar Bill

The SJW are hankering and squawking over another “make themselves feel good” issue. They want Andrew Jackson removed from the face of the US $20 bill and replaced with a likeness of Harriet Tubman.

Tubman, herself born into slavery, escaped and made a reported thirteen rescues saving an estimated seventy other people from the ravages of slavery. Certainly no small feat, and without question worthy of being taught as a topic during Civil War history classes. But the $20?

New York Senator “Chuck-You” Schumer demands an investigation into the slow motion the movement has bogged down into. He wants to know why it can’t happen tomorrow and if by chance, the White House (That damned Orange Man) has anything to do with the delay. Of course. Schumer’s pandering of the month topic is being front burnered by everyone else on the planet, so it has to be a conspiracy. Because, Trump.

The cause célèbre is that the United States has no women or coloreds on our paper currency. This is a crime against humanity and likely will accelerate global warming if we don’t fix it now. We have less than twelve years to put her on the bill, after all.

Let’s just take a peak around the planet.

Australia: 2 women, no coloreds. I guess none of the Aborigines is their years of existence have risen to this level of accolade.

Venezuela: Their socialist Nirvana. 1 woman, no coloreds.

Syria: No women, no coloreds.

Sweden, another “socialist haven”. 2 women, no coloreds.

Cuba: No women, no coloreds. But Che Guevara is on one bill. That may be their main hold out. He was such a saint, after all.

China, Russia, even the ever-loved Euro. Nope, nada.

Let’s go to Africa, where the colored population is more prominent.

Libya: Nope, neither. No women,, no coloreds.

Algeria: Nope, neither.

Egypt: Lots of Sphinx depictions, but no women, no coloreds.

South Africa: Nope, not even after Apartheid. I guess Suffrage hasn’t taken hold yet.

Botswana and Kenya: Colored men, no women.

Sudan and Niger: Same as Botswana and Kenya.

Congo: Finally! We found one.

Zambia: Another one! Praise the Lord!

I can hear you now. But, Steve, oh wise one, We are Americans. Surely we can do better. We’re exception…. Oh, wait. We’re not exceptional. We’re just okay. Scratch that. But we just should. Because, Antifa!

Don’t know about you, but if it happens, I’ll be trading in tens and fifties. I have nothing against Ms. Tubman. I just can’t stand social justice being shoved anywhere. Be is down my throat, or up my ass.


***UPDATE***   16 July 2019

I can’t really say it any clearer than the article itself does, so here are the first two paragraphs, in their entirety, lifted from the link:

“After Democrat lawmakers and commentators spent months hammering the Trump administration for supposedly delaying the release of a $20 bill featuring abolitionist Harriet Tubman,

several officials appointed by President Barack Obama have reportedly admitted that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has followed the Obama timeline for producing the new currency.  (Emphasis added.)

The Obama administration said 2016 that it wanted to remove Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill and replace him with Tubman, who helped free slaves through the Underground Railroad, and that the bills would be ready in 2020. But a current “high-ranking government official” appointed by Obama, as well as a former official, confirmed to The Washington Post that the Tubman bill had “had “always been scheduled for release toward the end of the next decade.”

This revelation was not enough for talking heads on the left.  MSNBC cretin Jason Johnson saying that with the deliberate “slow roll” of the change in currency that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was a racist and “basically” hates black people.  He also called Ben Carson (yes, the black Neurosurgeon Housing and Urban Development Secretary) a sexist.

Others were just as strident.  By strident, I mean ridiculously over the top, nearly maniacal in their overt hatred of Trump and all things Republican (and/or white).

“The white supremacists running this country are not about to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill to have y’all contemplating racism and resistance every time y’all go to the ATM,” artist Bree Newsome Bass wrote on Twitter.

Charlotte Clymer, a communications representative for the Human Rights Campaign, said in a tweet that the Trump administration was lying to “pander” to white supremacists.

“Make no mistake: the decision to cancel the unveiling of Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill is purely to pander to white supremacy. Period. Being ‘delayed until 2028’ is a goddamn lie. This is an attempt to make fragile white people comfortable.”

 A Goddamn lie.  White Supremacy. Racism.  It can’t be anything else.  There’s no way at all that it really could be that time consuming to create a new bill design with all of the absolutely necessary security devices embedded.  After all,, how many times have we redesigned the $100 to thwart North Korea from continually counterfeiting it?  These morons want you to believe it is a simple as a cut and paste on the ole’ tool and die set and Viola!  New $20 bill.

But that is how leftism works today.  They believe in their cause completely.  Utterly without remorse or recourse.  No back tracking.  As Anaconda Ovary Constipation says, facts do  not matter compared to being morally right.

I believe something.  My politics are “woke” (and yours are not).  My intent is pure.  If you disagree with me, then you must be racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, (insert your trending “ism” or “phobic” here).

And this, boys and girls, is why the country will not survive another iteration of Democratic rule.  Every tradition we have ever enjoyed, or passed down will be overturned.  All in the hopes that we “feel better about ourselves.”

Sarcastic Sentry Issue 7.4, Issue 1

“This administration has established concentration camps on the southern border of the United States for immigrants, where they are being brutalized with dehumanizing conditions and dying.”

“And for the shrieking Republicans who don’t know the difference: concentration camps are not the same as death camps. Concentration camps are considered by experts as ‘the mass detention of civilians without trial.’ And that’s exactly what this administration is doing.”

These “experts” remain anonymous and un-cited. They are experts because she calls them so and because they release data vague enough to be cherry-picked.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines “concentration camp” as “a camp where persons are confined, usually without hearings and typically under harsh conditions, often as a result of their membership in a group the government has identified as dangerous or undesirable.”

These illegal aliens (as that is what they are) are given hearings to decide the legitimacy and legality of their refugee claim. At least they are when the sheer volume of critters coming across does not overwhelm our adjudication courts. When the tidal wave is too much and the hearings do not take place within the allotted time, these illegal aliens are often loaded onto planes or buses, transported to various cities across the country and simply released. They are given a court date to reappear to justify their asylum claim. 87%, EIGHTY SEVEN PERCENT do not return for their hearing. They just disappear into the fabric of our society, stealing a job intended for a legal worker, until such time as they commit yet a third crime to illuminate themselves back onto the target board of justice. (They broke our laws simply coming here, then again by failing to appear.)

Next, harsh conditions were what the Jews endured. Yes, I’m being deliberately mild. No heat, poor, insufficient food and water. No medical treatment for injuries or illness, inadequate clothing for climate conditions, insufficient equipment for the slave labor they were forced into. The illegal aliens we detain are often treated better than hard working young Americans struggling to make it on their first real job. They get food and water. Clean, potable water, not from a toilet like AOC claims. Those jail house approved contraptions have a toilet and sink combined in one single tower, not unlike a stacked washer and dryer. Two vessels moving water, two separate water lines. No cross contamination possible unless they piss or shit in the sink.

They have hygiene products, showers, heat and cooling, ventilation. Games for kids. Nowhere near harsh.

Overall, experts described US detention facilities as being far different from those of the earliest concentration camps, or from the Nazi camps—even from the ones that weren’t death camps.

The original purpose of concentration camps was to remove the populace from areas that were controlled or congested by guerillas and thus deny the guerillas popular support. This is not the purpose of the detention facilities in the Southwest.

So, under the “original definition” of a concentration camp, under this original intent, MEXICO would be detaining these people in order to sequester them from the insurgents such as the cartels and coyotes.

What we’re doing is just not the same as what the Nazis or Soviets did, and it’s a disservice to people suffering under dictatorship around the world to act like it is. We’re not rounding up legal citizens or going after specific minority groups and holding them indefinitely to squash dissent.

What is really comes down to is that AOC simply wants open borders. Trump has asked for nearly $5 billion in emergency funding to add more detention centers and the accompanying infrastructure. AOC refuses to fund anything that Trump wants.


[fash-iz-uh m]


  1. a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doubled down on her argument that President Donald Trump is running “concentration camps” to detain migrants and that his administration is “authoritarian and fascist”.

“Never again means something … the fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the home of the free is extraordinarily disturbing,” the lawmaker said during an Instagram Live discussion, adding that the Trump presidency is “fascist.”

The bitch just likes to sling labels and names at people she doesn’t like and who don’t espouse her socialist views. If Trump were truly a Fascist, AOC would be in one of these concentration camps herself. Not the kind that truly exist along the border, rather, the kind she says is there.

A member of the Polish Parliament actually invited her to come to Poland and tour one of the preserved WW2 concentration camps to see for herself what real conditions were like. She refused. The truth doesn’t mesh with her preconceived notion of Trump’s guilt and the heinousness of all Republicans in general.

AOC was also invited to tour the facilities along the border. She stayed for a few seconds then left without gaining any contradictory truth. Instead, she brought up some arcane Facebook page disparaging her, yelled at the guards, admonishing them and claiming that she “wasn’t safe there”. She then had pictures taken of her by a fence where she could summon up fake tears as she viewed the “thousands” of children languishing in squalor. Problem is, it was fake. It was a parking lot with carefully cropped and edited shots eliminating the cars parked there.

It is astonishing to think about. She knows she didn’t see what she purported to see and experience. Yet, she espouses it to be true. I’m not a psychologist, but try to analyze the psyche of a person so deliberately dishonest, who concocts utter lies of such magnitude and repeats them with a straight face and a Twitter account. How hollow must be her soul, how lost, utterly bereft of conscious, hollering her echoing falsehoods within the twisted prison of her dishonest, hate-filled mind.

I pity the bitch. I really do.