Another Piece of the United States Died Today

On this date, June 25th, 2015, the Supreme Court of these United States deemed in a vote of 6-3 in favor of the country keeping the Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare. The main thrust of the complaint against the law from several states was that they had decided as states to not set up state-level exchanges and as such their citizens would not be eligible for federal subsidies like residents in states with exchanges. The complaint argued that as written, the law made it unfair for people living in non-exchanged states as they were not getting subsidies that other citizens were.

The court disagreed. This 2000-page law that no one read, that was passed without a single Republican vote, that has been illegally changed more than 20 times without votes on these revisions is again protected by an increasingly liberal Supreme Court regardless of what the Constitution says.

Antonin Scalia, the lead dissenter of the court’s opinion stated that the law should now be known as SCOTUSCare since they are the governing body doing the most to protect it. In the majority opinion, it was postulated that the court interpreted that Congress did not mean to right a bad law, that tossing it out now would do more harm than good.

So our Supreme Court—the last bastion of “Constutionality”—determined it better to rule in the best interests of societal good rather than what is legal.

In that vein, could one not argue that selective committing of crimes is better for the overall societal benefit and change, than the laws that make such an act illegal? Take this idiot Roof, for example. Could someone not argue that if, by chance, someone decided to “jack Ruby” him, that his untimely demise was not better for society than making us all go through the ordeal of a protracted trial? What if he was found innocent?

Or is it just that these judges get to decide what is best for me? It makes sense, I guess. Now all three branches of the Government have proven themselves incapable of resisting the lure of over-reach.

Political Correctness on Steroids

A lunatic, likely off his meds, but poisoned in the mind in the first place by the ideology of two failed states already in the rubbish bin of history (Rhodesia and Apartheid South Africa), went to a church in South Carolina, during a bible study meeting, and slaughtered 9 people, all black who were there to worship. Pictures of this idiot soon surfaced affirming his hatred and ideological bent. You know, the ones with the shaded glasses, and the weapon pointed “sort of” at some target of danger, eyes glossed over as if that image is supposed to enhance the seriousness of the subject and make onlookers cringe, cower, and shudder.

My first thoughts were of the obvious weakness of the individual—based purely on his target choice. He went to a church; hardly a hard target, and killed six women—hardly a physical threat. Unless you enter a mosque, you have no fear of running into an armed audience. No one carries a weapon to church unless they are an off-duty police officer. And unless these six women suddenly swarmed on him, they couldn’t have presented a threat to him. No, just like all of these other “crazy people” (John Holmes, Adam Lanza, etc.) they selected a target where they would have time to kill a lot of people with little to no interference from within the target zone or immediately outside of it. That goes a long way towards thwarting the insanity defense. You picked some low hanging fruit rather than go, say, into middle-city Baltimore and shooting up the crowd outside a quickie mart or a basketball complex. There you’d have met some resistance and probably armed resistance. That would be crazy.

In the immediate aftermath of the killing, politicians on both sides of the aisle (which more and more seems to be the same side of the aisle) jumped from the act of killing to the symbols the lunatic seemed to appreciate. First and foremost was the Confederate Flag. South Carolina Governor Haley quickly stated it was time to remove the flag from the capital grounds. As if removing the flag now is going to stop the next idiot from turning the barrel of his gun as whatever target that fits the profile of his demon.

Other politicians raced to one-up Governor Haley. Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky stated that a statue of General Robert E. Lee in his state that had been defaced should be removed and placed in a museum. I guess putting it in a museum means far fewer people will see it. And he is probably correct. No one goes to museums anymore. They are too enraptured with what the Kardashians are doing. They can get an abbreviated version of whatever is displayed in a museum on their smartphone from the discomfort of their toilet. Never mind that the blurb accompanying the smart phone version has been politically edited to fit some radical liberal’s agenda and reflects very little of historical accuracy or relevance.

Tennessee politicians clamored that a bust of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest be removed from the State House. He was an early Ku Klux Klan leader, you see. Never mind that he was a hugely successful Soldier in the Civil War, rising from an enlisted man to three-star Cavalry General. His thoughts and practices of mobile warfare are the basis for today’s mobile warfare—getting there first, with the most. But never mind his contribution to history. He traded slaves. All memory of him must be expunged.

Governor Terry McCauliffe banned the symbol of the Confederate Flag from appearing on the Virginia license plates. Other states are vowing to follow suit.

Amazon, Walmart, Ebay, and Sears stopped selling Confederate Flags. There are even calls for book covers that have the symbol to be removed and reworked. The Kentucky State Senate calls for the removal of a statue of Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States and fellow Kentuckian.

It has grown into an epidemic of cultural cleansing all in the name of racial sensitivity. What about the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC? It honors President Thomas Jefferson, who was a slave owner, even knocking one of his teenaged slaves up. Never mind that he authored the Constitution and was a founding father of our country. Those contributions and accomplishments mean nothing compared to the horror of his having owned slaves.

Strom Thurmond was a Senator in the United States. He once ran for President as a Segregationist. Should we strike any mention of him from history? Shall we revoke any law he signed on to, sponsored, or promoted? Never mind the function and positivity any of those laws created. He was in favor of separating the races! Everything he did pales in comparison.

We cannot erase the past of this country by removing all relics that remain to remind us of it. But really, the groups doing most of this complaining are not doing it for anything as righteous as righting a historical wrong. They are doing their little “useful idiot” part towards fundamentally changing this country. These cretins simply believe that the United States was born, founded, built and continues on a history of lies, theft, murder, and corruption. These stupid cultural alterations are not their goal. It is the annihilation of the entirety of our culture they seek. And with a complicit and unchallenging media, they will get it.

I’m just glad I’m 54 years old. I’ll be dead before the country completely collapses. My kid? He’ll have to deal with it. I hope he is arming himself.

Tough Times to Be a Cop (part two)

Corporal Eric Casebolt became the latest victim of police brutality—the kind the targets the police. Casebolt was an officer responding to a melee in a suburb about 100 miles northeast of Dallas, Texas, in a town called McKinney. The semi-affluent neighborhood was having a pool party. Residents could invite two guests. The mix of attendees was diverse. But soon enough, news of the party went out on Twitter (no, I do not have an account) and the place was ransacked by people (of all races) that did not belong there. Faced with a mob crowd, the HOA and residents called the police to restore order back to their neighborhood. Enter Corporal Casebolt.

He is widely seen on a You Tube video forcing a black, female, bikini-clad teenager’s face into the grass. He is seen moving quickly from individual to individual loudly ordering them to get down on the ground—to comply. Many, this teenaged female included refused. In the video older youths can be seen actually encouraging people to defy the police orders. In one instant, while trying to force the female to comply, two grown youths are seen approaching the officer from what would have been his blind side. One of them seems to jump from one spot to another closer to Casebolt in what looked to be a taunting, challenging stance. Casebolt seeing this in his peripheral vision rose, and drew his sidearm. As soon as he sprang up the two immediately fled. (At least one of them was apprehended and charged.)

The community, fed by an all-too-willing media has gone into a viral reaction demanding the officer’s job. He complied, resigning after about ten years on the force and following years in the military police. He is accepting blame and expresses regret for allowing the moment to control his actions.

In my opinion, he is apologizing for having the natural instincts to defend himself. Had he ignored the two grown “attackers” would they simply have stopped taunting him? Do you think they would have left him to continue to subdue the female? Do you suppose they would have seen the futility of their interference and maybe decided to go to a bible study? Or would they maybe have taken other steps to goad him into the response they sought?

So… are there bad cops who go too far? Absolutely. Was Casebolt one of them? I think not. I do not believe he got up that morning scheming of ways to violate some spoiled bitch’s civil rights. He reacted as he was trained in a fight or flight scenario.

Now, did the agitators know what they were doing? Absolutely. Did they see a chance to “get on TV” and “piss off a cop”? You bet. Did they really have the stones to stand up to the police? Nope. You see that as they scamper away like the pussies they really are. They are just typical thugs who “bow up” against authority until authority turns its full attention to them. These are the same people who complain against the heavy-handed tactics of the police whenever police force them to do something they don’t want to do.

Do they know what they are doing? Absolutely. They see ALL police as the enemy, as though ALL police are trying to keep them down–through force preferably. They speak out against the police force as not reflecting the diversity of the community while black cops get killed in New York City or Chicago. The Police Commissioner in New York just spoke out that he is ham-strung trying to hire black men to be police officers as so many of them have criminal records. No just a misdemeanor offense, but felony arrests with jail time served. These “candidates” are automatically disqualified. And rightfully so. Who wants a cop on the force who used to sell drugs, or killed his neighbor in a fit of jealousy? The other lesson here? Just make enough noise, scream about discrimination and it won’t matter if you were wrong, the public will side against the cop. He’ll be made to be a villain and you’ll be sainted.

These people will tell you it is the overt racism of the police that targeted these men in their youth and deliberately had them arrested—framing them if necessary—in order to lock them up to control them. The police are targeting them. Those complaining seem to crave the anarchy that would follow if the police simply said “Screw it” and stopped responding to calls in their neighborhoods. Let them police themselves, maybe. We can’t be too far from that anymore.

This is what happens when a culture, willingly separate from the traditions of this country only thirty years ago, hampered by broken families with single parent leadership, idolizing such criminals a Tupac, Snoop Dog, Pe-Diddy, Suge—with the gun toting, drug selling (and using), women dominating lifestyle they promote, takes control. Anything goes. Do anything you want. Punish those who disrespect you. Take anything you want by force. You are OWED it. Disrespect anyone who tries to tell you what to do. You want to rape that woman? Go ahead. She wants it anyway, right? Especially if she is white. Add to that a media empire that shills for the grievance and victim industry and you have all the ingredients you need for a disaster cake.

And these are the same people that will be begging for police protection in a few months when the residents already living among them, encouraged by the lack of anyone strong enough to tell them “no” step up and take the reins. They’ll be blaming the white cops for deliberately staying out of black communities, forcing them to fend for themselves.

These are tough times to be a cop. I wouldn’t want to do it.