President contradiction

A gunman, probably off his meds, but clearly off his rocker goes to a sleepy community college in Oregon and kills 9 people before sucking a bullet out of the barrel himself.  Within minutes, B. Hussein is on TV extolling us all on how barbaric we are as a nation for allowing it, how much better other “civilized nations” are than are we.

The annointed one even flew to Oregon to console the families of the lost souls despite most of them stating point-of-factly that they didn’t want him there; didn’t want the deaths of their loved ones politicized.  What they do not understand (the families) is that he does not care what they want.  He has a chance to bash a political opponent and he will not let it pass regardless of “the optics”.

Some of his remarks, and my comments:

“It is fair to say that anyone who does this has a sickness in their mind.”  This had to be a slip of the tongue.  Here, Barry is acquiescing that Mercer had mental issues.  This could be why he did what he did, not just that he loved guns, or was a Republican, or was glinging to his guns.  He “might” have been driven to do this from a mental deficiency or disorder.

“We do not have sufficient common sense laws”.  What does that mean?  So, the laws forbidding a felon from owning a gun…is that not a common sense law?  The laws already on the books that mandate a buyer to submit to a background check when buying a gun from a gun shop…those are not ommon sense laws?  Some states mandate a “waiting (cooling off) period”…those are not common sense laws?  Just the extra restrictions he wants to impose on gun show sales–the probably two percent of all gun sales–those restrictions–they are the only common sense laws.  Just the new restrictive laws he wants to foist o the law abiding–those are common sense.  Never mind that most criminals do not obtain their guns legally.  They can’t.  The laws already on the books ensure that.  They HAVE to steal them.  But to disagree with him is to embrace lunacy.

He has to ridicule to enhnce his point.  “More guns, fewer gun laws”–does anyone really believe that?  See, to disagree with what he wants is to mean that your belief is based on fallacy, lunacy, or is just plain wrong.  It can’t just be different or the opposite.  It has to be wrong.

“The polling says so…”  Governance by polling is always best, right?  Let’s not govern by laws precedence, or the Constitution.  Oh, no.  Let’s make laws based on which way the wind blows today.

“…including the majority of law-abiding gun owners…”  On what basis does he make this wild-assed assumption, that the majority of law-abiding gun owners agree with his assessment of what the nation needs?  Does that mean that the ones who disagreee with him are not law abiding?  We’ve already established that not agreeing with His Highness means that you are wrong.  Do we now assess them as being illegal too?  If that is the case, I happy to be a criminal.

“each time this happens, I am going to speak up.”  Except when it happens in Chicago, his accepted home town.  In 1992, Chicago suffered 943 murders against a populaiton of fewer than 3 million.  34 murders per 100,000 residents.  Even after following the “draconian” advice of the L.A. poice, in 2004, the rate of murders dropped to a “paltry” 15.65 per 100,000.  In 2005, 75% of murders in Chiago involved a firearm.  Illinois has some of the most strict gun laws in the nation.  76% of the victims were black.  88% of the offenders had a prior police record.  Yet they suffer one of the worst murder rates in the country.  And each time one happens, you wait to hear B. Hussein take to the pulpit and preach to the cattle.  But he doesn’t.

“This should be politicized.  It is relevant to the body politic.”  The body politic is a phrase whereby the nation is considered to be a corporate entity likened to a human body.  It considers all of the people in a particular country to of a singular group.  Yet, the recent demonization of Hillary Clinton and her email scandal–that is the Republicans playing politics.

His hypocracy would be laughable if we all weren’t choking on it.

Biden speaks out

So, I’m now convinced that the left simply cannot function without resorting to name calling or some other playground-based childish “sticks like glue” approach. The Vice President, Uncle Joe Gaffe called the GOP homophobes today. Look, douchebag, you already have the gay vote. You already have the Hispanic vote despite the amount of times Jeb Bush or Rubio go on the stump and speak their native tongue. Calling us homophobes is akin to assuming Jews are anti-Nazi.

See, Republicans still adhere and cling to some form of belief in a higher power. That power frowns on guys sucking other guys off, or girls carpet munching. You can’t prove that it is a natural behavior any more than I can prove it is learned behavior. An equal number of people think they are born gay as have been “converted” through the power of a faith-based religion.

But liberals are all progressive based; secular. Anything goes. If it feels good, do it. It’s all relative. Don’t judge me. I’m a victim. It’s somebody else’s fault cause I can’t possibly be responsible or wrong. If you don’t believe in a higher power, what else is there? The state? The gubmint? I don’t picture the state answering any prayers. But once you expand someone’s awareness beyond their own needs and existence, they begin to see that they have a purpose equal to others around them. The state and the left way of thinking wants for you to only think to the end of your own nose.

C’mon Joe, everyone wants you to enter the race. Quit being so coy saying you’re thinking about it. After all, the Comedian Stage Acting Guild has already given you their endorsement. They are absolutely positive you are going to provide an endless stream of gaffes and slips along with the occasional grope or inappropriate fondle of someone else’s wife. The Republicans especially want you to enter. What accomplishments can you point to? The only thing you have is the coattails you’ve been riding on these past 7 years. Even Donald Trump would stand a chance against you.