Sarcastic Sentry Volume 8.4, Issue 1

In the aftermath of twin shootings ( I won’t call them mass shootings or killings) a former assistant director of counterintelligence for the FBI, goes on MSNBC and forwards a theory that the President of the United States is actually sending signals to the neo-Nazi groups in America,

This cretin is claiming that the dates of lowering the flag in honor of the fallen is actually a “bow” of sorts to white nationalist groups. Raising the flag on August 8th is truly a sympathetic nod to Nazi groups?!?

8/8 means Heil Hitler? Does 1/1 means Always Adolf? Does 6/6 mean Forever Fuehrer?

This guy was an assistant director of counterintelligence for the FBI. Who vetted this guy then, or has he hit his head since?

This is the Kool-Aid the left is drinking. ANYTHING this President does is racist, anti-Islamic, anti-immigrant, and game for them to deride and ridicule. And they will get a free pass form the mainstream media. Any errors and subsequent retractions are irrelevant.

They hate him because of who he is. They hate his policy of making America a strong, vibrant country. They welcome the yoke of totalitarianism that will follow from our downfall, be it from without or within. They believe that they will be “in control” of the transformation, and thus will be able to shepherd the conservative flock towards the slaughter houses. They actually think the conquerors will allow the to remain in charge after the purge.

Rise up! Fight! Your very lives depend on it.