Sarcastic Sentry Volume 10.1, Issue 1

I used to listen to a LOT of AM talk radio.  Limbaugh, Hannity, Laura, O’Reilley, you name it.  Ole’ Bill has gone silent (largely) these days, another victim of the #MeToo debacle.  (another blog coming soon.)  I still like Laura because she mixes it up with varied guests.  Rush is pretty much an entertainer now, though still a reliable lightening rod for triggering the left.  Hannity, is largely just a whiny bitch, repeating the same 6 or 8 things the left has done to provide cover for anything the right decides to.

Hannity is also, like clockwork, a few months before each election cycle to start spouting that “this election is the most important of our lifetime.”  Every two years, for about 3 or 4 months prior, you hear the daily calendar countdown with the ominous warning about how everything, literally everything, hinges on the outcome of this election.

Historically, the incumbent party loses a ton of seats in both houses of Congress in their first mid-term election (assuming the incumbent runs and wins a second term.)  Thus, the media has been predicting this massive “blue wave” coming in November that will swing both houses back to liberal control.  While I scoff at Hannity’s “sky is falling” war cry, I have given it a lot of thought.  It may not be the most important election ever, but there ARE things we, as Conservatives have to prepare ourselves to lose, if the blue wave crashes over our sand castle.  Here is what you can expect the Left to take away from you if you give them back the reigns of power in a scant 27 days.

“Stable” Government.  I use quotes there as the left is anything but stable and their governing style reflects it.  One just needs look at the scorched earth method used against an impeccable judicial candidate to see that this side of the political spectrum will do, say, endorse ANYTHING in order to regain power.  If the left takes over the House of Representatives, they WILL bring charges of impeachment against the President.  Evidence and truth mean nothing to them.  The allegation is enough to convict, even if, in terms of impeaching a sitting President, the charges are squat.  They will bend words and definitions such that his insulting Jim Acosta is beneath the office and an impeachable offense.  And if they win also the Senate, Trump will be impeached.  They care not that Mike Pence would become President.  The Left doesn’t play chess.  They play checkers. They’ll focus on him next.  After Kavanaugh, of course.  If the left wins in November, he’d better keep the moving boxes close at hand.

Trump tax cuts.  Stuttering, twitching, dementia-addled Pelosi called the savings crumbs, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want them.  If the left wins in November, they WILL repeal the Trump tax cuts.  Not only that, but the wealthy can expect taxes to rise to the level seen during the Carter years.  The impact on the economy would be disastrous, but they don’t care.  They’ll blame Trump for the house of cards they’ll say he built.  The left can’t bring America to its knees without your money.  They mean to have it, and will enact laws to get it.  This is a party that will willingly, eyes open, do grievous harm to the country so long as it rolls back whatever Trump did.

Defense.  You also can’t destroy the country while they have a military strong enough and well equipped enough to defend it.  The left will slash the defense budget to insanely low levels.  The left either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care that we’ve never been invaded purely because we’ve always had a technological, equipment, personnel, or financial edge against our adversaries.  We’ve been attacked before, but never invaded (think: Red Dawn).  The left seems to have the mind set that a peace time military is free and needs no sustained budget, let alone increases.  With the budget they’ll provide, the military will have enough to pay the troops, but not enough to train or equip them.  But in their minds, training is unnecessary since we have no realistic enemy—so long as the enemies are blinded by the thinness of our paper tiger.

Healthcare.  Obamacare will come to fruition, totally.  We will have a single-payer system.  It will be one that decides who gets treated and who does not.  And how long do you think it will be before one’s general worth to the collective is considered before precious medical dollars are spent?  How long can the patient be expected to live? Does the expense of the procedure outweigh the value of the patient?  Are they a loyal subject to the crown?

The Wall.  Goodbye.  The left wants open borders.  Period.  The more people they can let in, the better.  Because most of those people, once inside and on the government dole, will vote Democrat in order to keep their personal slush fund alive.  Hell, the left has IN ITS ENTIRETY co-sponsored Feinstein’s “Keep Families Together” Act.  That’s right.  EVERY single Democratic Senator has signed on to this bill.  Basically, it says that since separating parents from children who illegally cross the border is bad, and we can’t incarcerate the child with the parent in federal jails, we’ll just release EVERY adult who arrives with a child into the general population.  So, all an illegal alien need do is arrive with a child, be it theirs or not.  They’ll be released into the general population to apply for federal benefits and their Democrat voter registration card. 

Guns.  Even the left realizes that dropping the Second Amendment is a bridge too far.  But they will reenact the ridiculous “assault weapons ban” (whatever an assault weapon is).  Look also for insane increases in the fees involved for applying to buy an additional gun, keeping the guns you have, apply for a concealed carry permit, and perhaps even restrictions on owning or buying “military” calibers of ammunition.  Look also for increases in prices or taxes related to buying ammunition of any kind.  They may not be able to stop you from buying the gun, but they can impact your ability to being able to afford to shoot it.  After all, a disarmed populace is an obedient one.

So, boys and girls, there are 6 reasons to motivate you to get out and vote Republican.  It’s up to us.  Franklin said that it’s our Republic if we can keep it.  The left means to destroy it by whatever means necessary.  For no other reason than to do it.