More Muslims Men Try To Attack the U.S.

Three men, two of them Uzebeki, and one Kazakistani were arrested in New York as they started to complete plans to join ISIS and kill Americans—particularly policemen and then FBI agents.

Akhror Saidakhmetov, 19, was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, where he was attempting to board a flight to Istanbul. Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev, 24, had a plane ticket to travel to Turkey sometime next month. He was arrested in Brooklyn, according to the feds. Abror Habibov, 30, a third man, is accused of helping fund Saidakhmetov’s efforts, authorities said. He was arrested in Florida.

Hmmm… Saidakhmetov…Juraboev….Habibov…fine Irish names all, yes?

I don’t know when the media and most of all, the administration, will admit what is as obvious as the nose on my face. The greater majority of all of these terror wannabees ARE MUSLIMS. None of these guys are named Seamus, or Patrick. None of them are named Steve or Michael. They are all Arabic.

None of them are Irish. None of them are Catholic. None of them are Jewish or even (shudder) Republican. They are all Muslim men, aged 17-40 years old.

These guys had a plan. Kill a cop and steal his gun, ammo and bullet proof vest. Then kill a couple more. Then move on to FBI agents. Get an automatic weapon and spray them all. One even said he would shoot Obama if ordered. While his lofty plans may have merit, his tactics and skill are lacking. Hopefully the judge does not sympathize with the poverty they lived in and give them a lenient sentence. But that is up in the air.

But the fact remains, we in the free Judeo-Christian world are under attack by Muslims. It is a religious war. Plain and simple. They intend to kill us all or subjugate us. They no longer have any interest in protecting us so long as we “pay a tax”. They don’t even like all Muslims.

Until we understand and admit it, as tasteless as it is, we are doomed to losing.  And losing involves them cutting off our head.

Kanye West–asshole

First things first. I do not watch awards programs. I do not watch the Grammy’s the Oscars, Golden Globe, Kennedy Honors, any of them. They are all just a love fest where the rich and famous shower more riches and fame onto the rich and famous. There is no valuable news emanating from these events.

They do, however, spill over into real news organizations. Such as last night.

Once again, Kanye West decided to take to the stage and declare the winner of Best Album to be false and an affront to all “true” artists. Beck did not invite Kanye to the stage to speak for him. Kanye, like he did several years ago to Taylor Swift simply stormed the stage and took over the microphone and, for a time, the spotlight. In both cases, he espoused that Beyonce’ had been robbed of a title rightly hers, at least in his exalted opinion.

That he got the press and attention he did was precisely his point. In reality, he insulted all performers regardless of their skill level, awards attendance or even eligibility.

I’m nowhere near as talented as to merit a Grammy. But were I to be on that stage and he intruded my time and space as he has now done twice, there would have been words exchanged followed probably by punches and kicks. That no one does this to him when he throws these tantrums only encourages him to keep doing so.

I’ll say here what no one in Hollywood or where ever the music industry describes as base will.

Kanye, you are an ass. You are a pathetic excuse for an entertainer. You are spoiled and childish. You are likely also a racist as they only people you have done this to are white. I’ve never listened to anything you’ve released and I never will. In the world of music you do not exist for me. You need to be told “no” by someone with the will and resolve to back it up with force. I think you’d cave if someone stood up to you. Come find me in Denver and I’ll show you what that is like. Dickhead.